2056, a game of weight gain and maybe other fetishes (maybe), idea (No longer being worked, for now anyways)

Hi, so I have had this idea for a bit now. (backstory/plot/goal) The main idea behind this game is that for some reason or another you are an AI that is brought back online. However your body is ruined and you are basically stuck in this girls desktop computer. This girl (depending on the traits you pick for her) is most likely going to be evicted from her home in 28 days. if she gets evicted it is most likely that you will never be turned on ever again. So in 2056 how does someone make money? Well with inflation and and rapidly demising worker rights a normal 9-5 is out of the question, well at least long term wise. So what does one do? Well fetishes along with streaming have blown up in popularity, meaning that anyone can make a few quick bucks, given that they play smartly.

For now I just plan on having the player able to do weight gain fetish for money, but maybe if this goes anywhere there will be more fetishes, no idea yet. You can play a test version here, its just the intro for now:
2056 Demo.zip (161.9 KB)

Let me know what you think, or if you find any bugs, I should have a real demo out soon. Also, if you want you can check out my other game Queen Sized here: QueenSized V1.10.19E now public!

05/25/2022: Got some images for the weight stage I’m working on (AI art btw):

Dev log: 001-- finished adding the average height pear shape, working on adding the average height apple and strawberry body shape descriptions (each has 6 stages), next I will be adding the kitchen area, the store and finally the ability to get paid from working, update coming soon.


got something good going here, i can see the potential. playing as the ai in the story is pretty interesting, and i could see quite a good amount of narrative potential for exactly that reason. keep going through with it i say!

I read what you wrote, lol.

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I think you need to restructure the pages of text a bit so the user never has to scroll down. Break things up a bit. I zoomed my browser out a bit and still couldn’t fit each interaction in the introduction on the screen at once. But it’s like a book with as many pages as you want, why cram as much as you can per page?


That is because I really don’t like spreading code out, it makes the game file unnecessarily large, plus it makes it a pain in the ass for me to add new code or fix it.

Yeah, I wasn’t happy with the tone of the message. I debated rewriting it to make it sound more constructive, but I didn’t have the energy. I apologize.

it not a bad game is a good game.

Fairly short, but I skipped the intro, so

Decent from what I’ve seen so far.

Great interest

Like the world building so far lil confusing having the green text be like the narrarator and ai unless the ai likes narrating stuff, Which makes sense I suppose

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Just started it, can already say that although I like seeing a little of animations, having to wait for the green text to pop all up will make me go insane and bored before even puttin my name in. I hope it will be toggleable at a later revision, cause I read way too fast and I have way too short of an attention span to stay put and wait for the game to finish narrating.
I will update this when I got further than the first screen.

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pressing spacebar will make all the text of that paragraph show up immediately


Press space bar to skip stuff, but I will look into an option for turning off the text writing.

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Would you consider making the images toggleable? I’d rather leave things to the imagination than see them as AI art personally.

You could probably just delete them and get 404’s rather than needing to add a new feature to the game.


Looks promising but, as others said, the text speed makes me want to kill myself.


The concept is so awesome! :sunny: . :sunny: Your games are always my favorite on this site! ^w^

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This is really cool so far, hope to see more!

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Late to feedback on this one as I didn’t get a chance to get around to it earlier. This is an interesting idea. The way it’s presented is interesting and it has a good tone and atmosphere. While clearly early and a WIP. I think the main thing that is an issue for me is the game’s description would indicate that the player is playing from the AI’s perspective.

But the game has multiple sets of dialogue and even the idea of picking the girls name and traits (at least in game in real time) feels like you are actually playing from the girl’s perspective. While hitting the atmosphere of two consciousness communicating through a computer screen. If you are indeed supposed to be playing from the AI’s perspective and influencing and corrupting(?) the girl npc for your own goals and survival. It would make sense to me to maybe pick these traits and a name before the game starts that way the details could “fill themselves in” as if the npc was actually typing in the created fields from the player.

There are also just some bits of dialogue that, in my opinion, confuse who the player is actually controlling and their perspective. Now to be fair this might just be a mistake, but it would seem when someone shows up at the door the AI says the line “I will be right back” as marked in green. But then there is also “You move over to the door and open it, revealing a very nice well dressed man.” Also marked in the AI’s color. While I assume the color is incorrect here and this should be the girl. There is still the indication that “you” move over to the door.

Obviously narration regardless of POV and things like inner thoughts can add to selling the perspective of a protag but both the format and well the question “do AI have internal thoughts?” Might make these practices less then ideal for the design of the game.

There has been a question of text speed or the “typing” of the two characters brought up. I think at the very least for more “immersion” the AI’s text typing speed should be near instant as well… thier an AI. I can understand the girls text being slower and more staggered and that might fix the “speed” for some people that don’t want to skip or outright lose that feel of two individuals communicating through text on a screen.

I do like what is here and the idea is pretty interesting in itself but obviously I think there are some POV issues that raise the question, at least for me, who am I playing as? I am also interested to see if the game will have choices and how that is handled. I think playing as the AI is the more interesting of the two protags so interested to see where this goes.

could be a P chan situation in which the ai is not really an ai but a different personality of the girl being painted over it or so this hound supposes
and to those wondering what I refer to look up needy streamer overdose, very interesting thing if dark

I like your style but you gotta learn about proofreading. This and your other twine I looked at are full of typos