Apocalypse XL - Stuffing Focused RPG, postapocalypse college / city setting - 0.17 "Alcatraz"

Being honest, this is a world where the laws of physics and fundamental rules of reality are a bit different from our world. In terms of how the physics of these things work out, we have characters producing theoretical particles and living as biological impossibilities. Realistically, the surface area of Janet’s skin isn’t enough for her to subsist off of even in ideal conditions. So basically, she has supernatural energy efficiency. Especially being able to photosynthesize indoors. And in San Francisco of all places.

Source: Not a scientist, but an engineering nerd who had to take Physics courses.

I just realized I got so caught up in Technobabbling that the point is probably lost so

tl;dr: Don’t worry about how the physics work, they just do.

Keith is an immobile blob. Does that count?

Janet’s photosynthesis can give her energy but she still needs to eat to get nutrients, she just doesn’t need as many Calories. She can’t gain weight from the sun for the same reason, it’s not giving her any actual mass. As much as it would be fun if that happened.

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Ah but plants do gain mass from photosynthesis!

Photosynthesis captures energy from the Sun using carbon dioxide harvested out of the air, and water. This releases oxygen in the process. With the help of minerals from the soil, the produced glucose is used to make other molecules so the plant can grow.

You’ve already said it’s important Janet doesn’t participate, but someone explaining this to her might be funny.

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Some plants like cactus accumulate water inside them, some times they visible inflate. You can put Jante in a hot enviorement (dessert, beach, jungle), making her drink lots of water and getting her get wg but instead of fat is water


this is dangerously tempting


Throws her into Pool



New update out on Patreon, and will be public in two weeks. What is a person, reduced to their most basic self? Who are we, our bodies or our minds? Also y’know there’s tummies. I sure do love combining conceptual weirdness and girls eating.


file1.7z (20.5 KB)

Here’s a save from just before the new content.

  1. Download and unzip
  2. Begin a game and save. This creates a save folder. Exit the game.
  3. Copy the save into that folder, replacing the save file
  4. Start the game again- if you see Amber and Janet with their mutations it worked.
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in this hounds opinion, a person is not their body for a body can ultimately be in dissonance with ones preferred identity
a person is not their mind alone either for a mind can be bereft of emotion or will as ai and digital copies can attest to
neither is a person just their soul or their heart, for a soul bereft of its other compatriots is ultimately a mindless engine of will and the other an unceasing impetus of instincts and emotions without the tempering of the mind and soul
a person is their spirit, the combination of their heart, mind, and soul in conjunction with eachother in a stable configuration with a body being a physical medium for it to interact with the physical thing we call reality
or at least as I said earlier, this is what I think

So, I played this game. It’s good, so I decided to talk about it. I’m still going through it, so right now I’m going to discuss up to the third “excursion”(The pumping station).
In the intro, we get introduced to the world’s hungriest trans lesbian, Amber, and her moral compass in the form of a bored photographer, Janet. We hear about the mutant apocalypse, and then it happens. The combat is creative, as each character has TP skills, based on their weapon, and KCal skills, based on their mutation. Amber is attack focused at this point in the game, while Janet is a support character with healing and debuffs. After fighting the oddly uncommon “common mutation”, slimes, we fight the first boss, Shredder. He uses paper, and when his health gets low he’ll get down to dig out. Yes, I made a reference to the TMNT cartoon in this blog post about a vore game. This is just who I am. After defeating Shredder and banishing him to the playground for the rest of the game, we get a timeskip to our first real excursion, which is what I’m calling the story dungeons.
This chapter doesn’t have a lot. You look around, Amber eats a little guy, and then you fight Seven-Eleven, which is I think when I realized how special this game was. Oh, and there’s a talent show. Anyway, typing this is genuinely exhausting, so I’m going to stop for now and see if this blows up, then continue. But to make up of robbing you of my opinions on the couch mimic or fish puzzles(I like them and hate them, respectively), here’s what I think every member of the main cast takes like.
Amber: Those omnipresent layered cheescakes.
Janet: Celery dipped in coffee.
Annie: Mochi ice cream.
John: Beans.
Bruce: The raddest steak.
Claire: Ice cream. The kind you eat by the tub to deal with a break up.
Taylor: Artificial grape flavoring. Not grape, artificial grape flavoring.
Summer: Curry that you eat while hiding from the cops.
Jay: Oatmeal mixed with chicken soup.
Madison: Pocky.
Vlad: Iron(In a blood way)
Tess: Iron(In a metal way)
Chutback: Pixie Sticks.
Christine: Hot sauce.
Keith: Keith.
Feel free to confirm or deny any of this, @Zenthicks !


P.S.: If someone can give me a step-by-step guide for the third catgirl box pushing puzzle, I would do anything for you.

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Every single one of those tastes is impressively accurate. I am in awe.

If you mean the box pushing puzzle in Japantown there’s a skip button hidden in the bottom right corner of the room if you can’t figure it out.


Found the skip button, completed the Japantown arc, and while I didn’t get a screenshot…
P.S. Since I can magically gain responses from @Zenthicks , what are the powers of the anime club members(Not including Bruce, Sky, Egg, and BMSL)? We probably aren’t going to see them again, so I’m just curious.
P.P.S: Madison is a wolfgirl and any evidence to the contrary is malicious conspiracy
P.P.P.S: I’ll work on talking about Walkea and the Pump Station soon, I promise.


I haven’t really decided on powers for Kyle Trixie and Patty yet, I’ve just left it open for future appearances. They will show up a few more times their designs are too cool to only use once.


Chapter 2: Amber Deserves Swedish Meatballs
Walkea is the first real dungeon in the game, and gives you real weapons. While I do miss Amber’s home runs and Janet shooting eggs at people, shout out to Frenzied Slash and Unload. Gotta be one of my favorite genders. The Ikea enemies are pretty easy, but the boss is pretty creative as you have to fight them all at once, with Ikea Supreme backing them up. My main complaint, as noted in the title, is that Amber cannot eat any of the delicious Ikea Swedish Meatballs. Is the cafeteria on the Walmart side? If so, I understand how evil Walmart is now.
Fight Club Interlude:
So before I get to the pumping dungeon, let me prove that Madison is a wolfgirl.

  1. The rule of one catgirl per faction must be followed, with no exceptions.
  2. Wolves do eat fish, according to a quick google.
  3. I thought so, and I refuse to be wrong.
  4. Seriously @Zenthicks , there are 3 catgirls in this game already(Including Trixie) will you never be satisfied?

I rest my case, which is as full of logic as Amber is full of apples.

Chapter 3: Relationship Fishues
I promise I have better titles then this. Anyway we get our first of at least 12 temporary party members, Claire. If I would rank them all, she’d be high up. She can stab enemies really good, and deals ice damage. I also like how she is introduced as “the cool girl”, and proceeds to spend her whole arc pining over the HONGRY GORL she’s hopelessly in love with. Don’t worry Claire, you’ll find someone. BTW, Puss and Boots: The Last Wish is now the best Shrek movie, but in terms of main movies, the puzzle is still accurate. We’re also introduced to puzzles where you need to avoid getting hit or you’ll be sent back to a previous area. I sure hope they never show up again! The midboss is a good hint for the real boss. As far as I’m aware, Swole Shark is the only boss in the game where you can kill it before the minions without it being a huge problem. The salmon are really just extra bodies. After completing this dungeon, you get a bonus scene. I can’t even hide what happens behind a spoiler tag and not feel like I’m ruining the fun. Eat the corn, that’s all I’ll say.
See you soon for the far more spoiler-filled review of the dream montage and excursion four, as well as a sequel to my taste headcanons for a…far more nefarious faction.
Thank you @fantaslurpee for letting me blatantly steal your review formant, and thank you @Zenthicks for making this amazing game.


I appreciate the shoutout! Reason i haven’t repsonded yet is that i made the same mistake (I have a folder on my desktop that i can’t delete because it technically doesn’t exist yet appears anyway and every time i try and delete it, I end up deleting every folder on my desktop, which includes the folder I keep WG games :skull: ) playing through the early chapters for a third time after I had already played and replayed the segments to write my original reviews is… taxing, to say the least, So the prospect of playing them for a 4th time is just… no. I’ll give it some more time, and once its been long enough to where the game isn’t still fresh in my mind i’ll give it another go and FINALLY PLAY THE 2-3 NEW UPDATES I HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO TOUCH AAAAAAAAAH

If anyone has a save file at the start of the total drama island parody chapter I’d be able to finish it sooner because Thats like, 2 hours in and I can’t handle that rn.


There are actually four catgirls and there are so many because I like catgirls. Annie Madison Cat and Trixie. There will probably be more eventually. No one can stop me.

I agree that Shrek 2 has been ousted as the best Shrek movie by Puss in Boots 2 but since ApocXL is in 2021 they will never get to sample the masterpiece. Tragic. And I didn’t include Ikea meatballs because I genuinely didn’t know they have meatballs people like. I’ve been to an Ikea exactly one time and while it was a magical enough experience to base a segment of the game around, I did not get any meatballs while there.

Claire is based on the Dave Strider archetype. Character with cool shades who puts layers of irony on top of their pain. And super gay, of course.

Thank you for your big comments I love them <3


Made a Discord server for the game. Come on down and discuss girls eating. Worship our queen Amber. Ask me whatever’s on your mind. Go wild.