Apocalypse XL - Stuffing Focused RPG, postapocalypse college / city setting - 0.19 "Harem of Women With Unusual Stomachs"

Chapter 4: The one where Amber vores someone.
I am now spoilertagging my work, because this is the part where the game gets too good for me to want to spoil.

=Amber encounters bandits, and now has to escort an annoyed meanie using her stomachmobile. Janet seems both intrigued and terrified by these events. Amber can also use elemental techniques, and we climb a comical amount of stairs that eventually becomes annoying, then funny again, then just boring. Then we reach the fire puzzle, which means I should discuss my one issue with this game: sometimes, it’s just too RPG? I understand that @Zenthicks wants to make this game more than a vore and stuffing scene generator, but the characters are enough to make this feel like a real game with effort. Do we need all these puzzles, some of which are kind of annoying? For example, the stealth scene in the cult scenario seems impossible, since one of the shadow cultists turns so fast I can’t pass him. It’s still a good game, but even good games can annoy me.
After all this, we fight Lucifer. Fighting fire with fire proves to be ineffective, but fighting fire with ice somehow works! We then get to the League of Legends foxgirl fight, in which Janet got knocked out and I won using Amber’s struggling. This chapter ends on a downer, as not only does Amber have a new rival in Rachel(whether she wants one or not), but Rachel has scarred Amber so badly that she doesn’t want to eat her gf! Pure evil. So evil I’m skipping on their taste ranking until the total drama chapter!

BTW, I’m also posting on the discord under the name Dextan. It’s more fanon stuff then the standard reviews here, but if you want to check it out, feel free! Can’t wait for the next post so I can rant about Annie! Toodles!

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Chapter 5: Rise of The Nipple.

The hospital scenario introduces another party member, Jay. I’ll be ranking all the party members discussed today at the bottom, but know that Jay isn’t going very high up. The enemies in the hospital are the most upsetting the game gets with creature designs. You have completely normal crawling hands, a constantly bleeding humanoid, and a broom closet filled with… something. After going through the maze puzzle, which is fine for a puzzle in this game, we fight the boss. This is the first time in the game where you aren’t fighting a boss with minions, but three whole bosses. It seems tough, but hitting each boss with fire will make the fight much easier. I didn’t do that though. After all this, Amber eats the bird man, and starts to warm up to the whole “Eating living things” situation. I also like how Amber’s situation is less regret and more PTSD. However, this chapter takes a backseat to…

Sidequest Bonanza: Part one of nine if I keep dividing them into groups of four.

Yes, this game has sidequests! Three for each character(eventually), and we have the first four to discuss now. Or should I say three, because the Annie quest is just an (admittedly cute) cutscene. In terms of content, next up is Madison’s quest, which includes eating, as per usual. We then get a fight with the Hand Man, where we try out Madison, and finish him with a one hit kill that she’s definitely keeping in other battles for sure! The Summer quest reveals that Amber’s diet goes beyond food, humans, and ex-humans, as she literally eats rocks. The boss has a fun gimmick, and it’s cool to learn more about Summer! Finally, the Claire quest completes its goal of making me feel bad for Claire. However, this lesbian soap opera is interrupted by a burger with a gun. This is another “forced win” battle, but Claire’s bite attack and the new Janet weapon make it worthwhile.

I was going to cover Japantown, but I’m already running out of steam, and that’s a bigger chapter then it seems at first. Thanks to @Zenthicks , and here’s my character ranking thus far!
1: Claire. Powerful skills, and nifty status effects.
2: Madison. All three elemental skills, making her really handy.
3: Jay. He’s fine, just not very special.
4: Summer. Not a lot of variety in her skills.


Apocalypse XL 0.11.0 “Mindtrip”

Continues the main story. This is a slightly smaller update than usual, normally I’d include a sidequest with it, but with Halloween coming up I want to make sure I have time to get the next update finished before the holiday!

  • Lose your mind.
  • Find it in places you least expect.
  • Amber gets drunk and flirts with herself. It’ll make sense I promise.

Download on Itch:

Join my Patreon for perks such as early releases and HD art files:

Join the Discord server to discuss the game:

To transfer your save, open the “www” folder in your previous instillation, and copy the “save” folder into the new version’s “www” folder. Note that saves from the “demo” version aren’t compatible with the full game. (If you want to skip the section in the demo, enter 8762 in the ATM.)

Please let me know if you find any bugs :wink:


Man this was short but still way good.

The Body swap idea works because of the character like Janet not like her body and amber who is a tran Character and it add to there nice little friendship but wow this was short I did not get a boss fight at the end but I have to say I am okay with that because this do move the story a long also this gams is still so Funny and I love this world and i can not wait to see what is next.


Short but sweet. The mind swap stuff was creative, and I’ll take what I can get regarding forbidden Janet tum.


Chapter 6: Amber Chavez Vs. The Weebs.

First of all, Annie is just. The best. She’s cute, funny, squimshy, and a more realistic… I want to say “glutton”, but that sounds rude. Also she’s really into vore. The cutscenes are cute, I like Annie being influenced into evil, and we get my other favorite character, Darkblade. I just cannot read his character synopsis without laughing. He’s a chunibyou, that’s also a sword. And his handle is his dick, but that’s okay, because he’s a GAY SWORD. Anyway, we enter the main area of this chapter, the castle.
It was off to a bad start. Floor 1(Amber Chavez’s Precious Little Girlfriend) was another of my least favorite kind of puzzle, like the fire hall and fish cave, leading up to a mediocre boss fight. I will say Annie is also the best party member, and her dick removal can only be used on Kyle. Don’t miss this chance! Floor 2(Amber Chavez Vs. The Crates) was my least favorite part of the game so far. I feel a little bad dissing on @Zenthicks , but I need to be impartial, and no game is perfect. I do appreciate the skip switch though, and Trixie was pretty fun, even if she is enabling Zen’s catgirl addiction. Floor 3(Amber Chavez and the Infinite Apple Crate) wasn’t spectacular, but it did show us Amber’s second weakness. Floor 4(Amber Chaves Gets Some Grape Soda) had a really great puzzle based on the one thing every ApocXL player must do: Check the trash cans. I also love Patty and her taste in foods. Not only do I want you to bring her back, I want a personal copy of her fanfic. They don’t deserve her genius.(Except Annie, she deserves the world). Floor 5(Amber Chavez’s Finest Omelette) has the Century Egg, which stands out by being the most established mutant in the game. Despite their differences, the Anime Club all cared about Cynthia, and they wanted Amber to put her out of her misery. It reminds you that these aren’t one note sterotypes but real people. BTW the fight sucks, since when are double attacks a thing? Floor 6(Amber Chavez Takes On Her Own Insecurities) had a great setup when Sky looked directly at me and said: “Hey, remember when you saw me in the Kitsune scenario and thought I was sympathetic and relatable? WRONG, LOSER! I’m so evil I joined literally every evil faction!” The fight was a little long, but the forms were cool. I also love the fact that the main character dynamic of Janet and Amber is “Cishet girl goes through trans girl issues while trans girl vibes.” Finally we come to floor 7.(Amber Chavez Vs. The Big Mean Snake Lady.) I was promised Big Mean Snake Lady, and I received it. Annie gets strategically vored, like I would do probably, and the fight begins. A lot of people complained about this fight, but Ice Breath fucking shreds her, so maybe I just came after the patches. Finally, snek is beaten, Amber eats her girlfriend, which they both deserve, and this chapter ends. Wow, lots of crazy highs and lows. Next time, we complete the finale of Act 1, which contains more Total Drama then I expected.


Annie is now top of party member ranking, I’ll make a new one when I post next time.


Chapter 7: Complete Archipelago Suspense

This chapter is like the last one, with a lot of seperate sections. The difference is these sections are far less active. So we start off with the hardest fight in the game. Seriously, at this point, I haven’t died to anything except those seagulls. They’re way faster than you, and Amber has no support. Then we meet Chris McLean, a real character that existed. Presumably @Zenthicks was influenced by the POWER OF LEAN when they designed this character. Then we get to what I was saying. The first two challenges are different flavors of button mash. It was fun to see Madison and Cat compete for being best catgirl, even if we all know who that really is. (here’s a hint it’s Annie) Day 2 has the bottle breaking, which is literally a cutscene, and then we move on to dungeon crawling. The rotund crawler is the final boss of Act 1, and I think that’s funny. My headcanon is that it was the missing one of Someone’s generals, but They hated it so much, They just told everyone it died. Taylor and John are both good, I’ll write about them at the bottom. Day 3 starts, and we get a really nice scene with Amber and John. It’s a reminder that Amber is nice and caring, she just usually hangs out with someone she loves to torment. Next is the eating contest, and I have to break out of the spoiler tags.

PINAPPLE ON PIZZA IS NOT BAD, AS LONG AS IT’S HAWAIIAN. I don’t know how to explain it, but the ham kind of soaks up the juices. Just pineapple on pizza does sound bad though, and pineapple tortilla pizzas sound like what they serve in Jigoku(Japanese Hell, I’m a Shintoist), but I’m tired of my second favorite pizza being disgraced.(My first favorite is plain, FYI.)

I also loved Amber’s message to Rachel, which boiled down to “Hate me because you hate me, not because you hate yourself.” Then we get one final eating contest, because this is the Eating Game. Amber wins, Rachel’s villainy has slightly decreased, and Memphis dies at sea. A great ending to Act 1! Except…

Sidequest Bonanza:The second part.

All of these were at least semi-solid. The weakest had to be Bruce’s, but it had a neat boss, a funny minigame, some character development, and a chance to smell Claire’s bed. Next up is Tess’s. Why doesn’t Amber want to eat turtles? Do they contain gluten? Overall, this was a fine sidequest. Then there’s John’s quest. I rank this one highly because I play the trombone, and it was nice to see some rep. The boss is a little annoying, since the tuba is both the healer and the strongest of the three, but it’s nice that Amber wants to make John happy. Finally is the obvious highlight. Even if the snussy was a lie, this was a great dungeon with a cool boss and a Cool Hat. Plus, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I really like Annie.

Now time for the new and improved character tierlist!
1: Annie. Fun axe attacks and one of the strongest moves in the game. I feel so happy that @Zenthicks clearly loves Annie as much as I do.
2: Claire. She’s still really solid. Hopefully she gets a girlfriend in her last sidequest.
3: Tess. Her skillset is a little montonous, but it’s also really funny.
4: Madison. Not much new to say.
5: John. TP restoral is not something everyone has. John doesn’t need a power, but he does deserve one.
6: Bruce. He’s just Bruce, what else can I say.
7: Taylor. Makes sense they wouldn’t let loose on the battlefield, but their watts are unique at least.
8: Jay. He just… doesn’t do anything.
9: Summer. Reminder that this isn’t a personality tier list. Summer’s really fun and cheeky, but her power is really nonexistent.
And the moment you’ve all been waiting for: What do the yellow scarves taste like?
Rachel: A one-layer cheesecake.
Red and Sky: Their respective flavors of Jolly Rancher.
Cat: Blondies.
Lucifer: The peppers that are only spicy to people with zero spice tolerance, like me.
Hephastus: Just gravel.
Marcus: Molasses.
Memphis: I have no idea. Really, is there any food he’s associated with? This is so difficult.
Darkblade: Calamari. That’s where the ink comes from.


New update on Patreon. Celebrate Halloween the only way these knuckleheads know how: Sweaty ill-fitting cosplay, big fat mutant violence, and eating an absurd amount of candy.


So, now that I’m done with Act 1. I’d like to say two things. The first is that I’m accepting suggestions for chapter names for the act 2 synopsis, if anyone wants to do that. The second is a little more complex.

Apocalypse XL is one of the best vore games, and overall games, I’ve ever played. The characters are memorable and you love or hate them as much as you were intended to. The battle system is unique, and the removal of random encounters balanced by the weapon skills is pretty special. The comedy is exactly what you’d expect from a game developed by one person. But the most impressive part about this game… is that it’s far from over. The Halloween update is the fourth of twelve events that will make up Act 2. So we still have 8 story scenarios, whatever length Act 3 is, and 28 SIDE QUESTS left. I trust that @Zenthicks knows they can handle this much work, because this seems daunting. But I’ve seen the game up until now, and I can’t wait for more.
P.S. I never talked about the giantess scene but it’s very hot.


So, I have played this game some time ago and absolutely love it!
I want to make back to play new actualisatios, but I sadly lost my saves.
Does anyone have a save, around version 0.9.0? Last thing I remember was dealing with Amber’s father.
I would be very grateful!


Apocalypse XL v0.12.2 “Apocalypse Can’t Stop Halloween”

Continues the main story. Happy Halloween!

  • Go on a quest for candy and specifically candy corn
  • Everyone has fun Halloween costumes
  • Experience an accurate simulation of trick or treating in your 20’s
  • Meet Halloween herself
  • Eat a downright ridiculous amount of candy

Download on Itch:

Join my Patreon for perks such as early releases and HD art files:

Join the Discord server to discuss the game:

To transfer your save, open the “www” folder in your previous instillation, and copy the “save” folder into the new version’s “www” folder. Note that saves from the “demo” version aren’t compatible with the full game. (If you want to skip the section in the demo, enter 8762 in the ATM.)

Please let me know if you find any bugs :wink:


Fantastic work, as per usual. It was lovely seeing some minor characters getting a chance to shine, especially Christine taking on Halloween.


save.zip (22.4 KB)

Were your saves lost/corrupted/eaten? As is tradition I am here to help.

Simply extract this into the www file. This save is right at the start of the new content.

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The antagonist of his update, it was cool as heck! Wonder if there’d more like that, able to take on or have powers similar to Amber… WAIT Doppleganger maybe?


here is a fun idea. We get gluttony or famine as an antagonist for an update. However, I doubt that Someone would be able to get one of the deadly sins or one of the horsemen of the apocalypse as an angel or a goon. Besides Amber already playing host to one of them(or just playing host to us, the player), I’ve head cannoned that the reason for this entire deal was that heaven was closed off to everyone, meaning that everyone who dies goes to hell, with no chance of redemption. And Someone, being upset that people are going to hell, decides to make their own heaven. But they can’t catch someone’s soul without putting a claim on it(hence the virus), and they’re not exactly patient. So infect the person, mutate their body, capture the soul, and now you have people in your paradise. Because god decided that no one gets into heaven anymore.


Short and fun, I do love the little Trick and threat part where you go door to door and the Costumes it was fun to see what some of the side character were in to and put some spot light on them And the Spirit of halleween was a fun little boss also it was nice idea to have Amber Second guess if she is forcing her girlfriend to gain weight it makes her relationship more real which makes to game more better.

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Please tell me there will be some stuffy fun in the future with Madison and Cat.
We need them to fall under Amber’s bad influence

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New update on Patreon. Three new sidequests. Claire continues to be a useless lesbian. Christine has a questionable rescue mission. Vlad takes you to Paris to find and consume the Mona Lisa.


So, I hit an annoying wall.

spoilers for mid/late(?) game

It’s the cult area, where you gotta sneak past people, this one asshole is seemingly off rhythm with how he turns around, and he does it so damn fast.
I hate this part so much…

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