Found Small bug, in pierre section it is possible to enter on light covered textures and barrels.
I think I found next possible bug. In Wires car section to rearrange stuff you get softlock (at least I do) - ESC key does not work, and there is no option to quit.
You’ve gotta select ten things. I’ll see if I can add a counter to make it more obvious.
Weird, because I selected 2 of each (before I reseted choice) and still had it.
Apocalypse XL v0.19 “Harem of Women With Unusual Stomachs”
Continues the main story.
- Meet a harem of women with unusual stomachs.
- Feed them in various exciting ways.
- Punish Cat for her crimes.
Download on Itch:
Join my Patreon for perks such as early releases and HD art files:
Join the Discord server to discuss the game:
To transfer your save, open the “www” folder in your previous instillation, and copy the “save” folder into the new version’s “www” folder. Note that saves from the “demo” version aren’t compatible with the full game. (If you want to skip the section in the demo, enter 8762 in the ATM.)
Please let me know if you find any bugs
Does anyone have a save file before this update? Lost mine moving computers
This was a fun update it is light on the combat but I love that you took the best parts of a Anime harem and made women with good personality that work well with each other and no one is forcing there ideas on each other as cat found out that lesson the hard.
Here you go (23.2 KB)
Feel a little bad for Cat, but also seeing her as an overinflated balloon was hot Lmao.
Let’s be honest it was gonna happen to her eventually lmfao
Curiosity made the cat fat
Imagine Clara’s reaction to a chocolate version of Nia or her post Molasses statue she made thats pure chocolate. Or would Nerds/Pro try their hardest to save Clara from her chocolate addiction knowing what happened to cat when she only had a regular belly full of the slime?
“I ever tell you about the time there was a brief argument regarding my buddy Keith and Amber about who can and can’t go to the Uranium raid thing? As if he wasn’t upset enough about that as it is, then some slime kitty named Nia convinces Amber and a few others to stick around her place and such, cat’s shenanigans probably didn’t help Kieths temper/ego, boy he decided to become unresponsive, but not before sayi-” interrupted to stop
I am still not over this
Another fun update as always! I really enjoyed this new group. They seem really nice and their relationship is very sweet and very respectful. Also nice to see them give Janet some much needed confidence and reassurance!
Boo on Cat, though. I like you, but you 100% deserved what you had coming. …I mean, I kind of get it, though. Keep in mind how long she’s been around Rachel before she even met our main crew…you hang around someone like her, some of her traits are bound to rub off on you in some way. And it’s a BAD DAY when someone gets compared with RACHEL…might call for some self-reflection at the end of the day.
Have any of you heard of the Mystery Texas Flesh Pit? It has similar vibes to the mutants here (minus the weight gain and stuffing stuff)
I love the flesh pit
A really nice update. I loved Janet’s conversations with the girls. Though I do wonder if anyone might ever successfully corrupt her. They all had fun mutations too, Nia’s in particular.
Great seeing Cat get her comeuppance.
(post deleted by author)
Apocalypse XL v0.20 “Red Head Redemption”
Continues the main story.
- What’s Rachel up to while we’re gone?
- How’s Cat doing?
- Can Amber, Janet, and Wires survive a visit to Burger King?
Download on Itch:
Join my Patreon for perks such as early releases and HD art files:
Join the Discord server to discuss the game:
To transfer your save, open the “www” folder in your previous instillation, and copy the “save” folder into the new version’s “www” folder. Note that saves from the “demo” version aren’t compatible with the full game. (If you want to skip the section in the demo, enter 8762 in the ATM.)
Please let me know if you find any bugs
More Wires tummy… The friend.