Apostles (Latest Update 0.11: July 2024)

Lily’s biggest problem bar none is that she hasn’t had her backstory explored enough. We’ve seen a bunch of Gretel’s and Sebastion’s, but not Lily’s. I demand justice for the pinkette!

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@theworsteverdev It’ll come! I don’t think in 0.10, but in 0.11 or 0.12 for sure!

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she deserves nothing! there is no excuse!


While I do look forward to the expanded character, I genuinely don’t think there’s any way of making me sympathize with her.
Not even the darkest back story will do anything besides solidify my thinking that she has no redemption in the cards.

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if im honest, lilys backstory would probably feel more like a villain origin story instead of that of an antihero like the other two.
from what wax has revealed about her shes basically kayle but a pervert.

(and i think thats the point. still fuck lily)

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Something to keep in mind is that Lily has mental blocks put on her mind by Sebastion. Powerful mental blocks that she is completely ignorant of. We don’t know what the limits of these blocks are, but they are clearly potent, possibly to the point of preventing her from going full psycho rapist. The fact that she does what she does to Hog may well be something that Sebastion could have changed to be more instructive, but didn’t for one reason or another. Without knowing the full details of what happened to her, we can’t judge her actions in the context of her as a person.

If you want to damn her for what she does, that’s a perfectly good response to her actions. However, you can’t damn her while giving Gretel and Sebas a pass because they are doing equally fucked up things. Gretel has Violet fucked up ten ways from Sunday again and again to let off steam. The torture is straight up called therapeutic for her, so we can’t say that she’s trying to teach Violet a lesson. Sebastion has also admitted that he’s messing with Heather for his own ends using various psychological means. What he does is arguably worse than the other Apostles because he is fully aware that his actions are bad, while Gretel is trying to not end the world and Lily doesn’t seem to understand the morality of her actions. Maybe she is that bad, but we can’t know until we find out her backstory and understand why she’s so messed up.


you’re response is really good. i agree it would be great to have lily’s backstory( and more content) but using the twist of the mental blockers would make sebastian effectively her master/care taker/watchman/jailer and a tragic villain (instead of the grey person he and the other two are) that has to juggle with two terrible evils of the world while simultaniusly making lily a discount, less potent (character wise) gretel.

if this is the case then she’s no better than a beast. and us the reader cant damn a beast for it does not know any better; like a snake devouring a mice or biting a man; but we can still feel upset for what it has done and feel pity for those it has hurt.

but i hope the mental blockers are not that. unless wax pulls it up incredibly well it could kill her character and sebastian’s.( Although wax already said she isn’t a complete monster so I don’t have to worry) as for my comment, i was just playing. i would love more apostles.

I also think you comparison with Seb and Gretel is a bit unfair (as of yet) since they both are conflicted about what they do and genuinely care about helping others. Unlike lily who as of now is just having the time of her life both being able to be a horrible sadist without a single grain of remorse while also being able to play house (and other things) with her “targets”


I’d love to see Heather and Seb team up to break Mauve outta his tiny room, and properly start his redemption/luxury imprisonment path


i picture it more like an intervention and if im honest i doubt it would work without gretels help.

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Progress Update!

I’ve hit the point of every development cycle where I realize just how much I have planned for the next update XD. Progress is being made, but there’s still LOTS left to do. We’ll see a long section from all three of the main cast, as well as catch up for a few minutes with nearly every character. I have not forgotten about leaving Heather’s red route unfinished, I will circle back to that as well!

In personal news, I spent the end of last month at my sister’s wedding, and had a good time all around!

Hope the best for everyone following the game, and will keep working hard on Apostles!


red route

oh god
oh fuck oh god please leave her alone
(yay more heather. i think she’s the weirdest character. as of yet she is the only one with routes and the only character we see having two completely different characterizations. compliant heather is still cunning and vindictive while also suffering some of the effects of the indoctrination, including stopping some of her more self destructive habits and her romantic relationship with sebastion. on the other hand, “red route” heather lets her anger and bitterness get the better of her making her worse. this souring her relationship with sebastian who in turn get his saviour complex turn to 11. her indoctrination is more vicious and violent which only makes her outlook on life and herself worse.

this disparity is great but it still feels weird how neutral the game treats both heather and sebastian. as if the good route was prioritized but still leaving room for the bad route. i wish there were more interactions that changed depending on the routes the player picks to help continuity and avoid that weird separation each interaction has. maybe more dialogue or “exclusive” events that only happen when picking certain options.)

(maybe this is just me but i finally know why i feel so bad about her. bad route heather gets more and more bitter, angrier and angrier and her relationship with the world and sebastian worse while at the same time good route heather having it better by just picking the right answer moments after telling sebastian to go fuck himself in their previous interaction.

that’s also one of the reasons i feel she doesnt deserve punishments the terrible punishments she gets sometimes. because not only do i get to know the good route heather who is genuinely trying to change but bad route heather is literally just a few clicks away intead of an actual route away. there’s no intermedium,or a more appropriate punishment or route exclusive stuff but just two very obvious linear routes that coexist in the same dialogue box)

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In full honesty, while I have not made a final decision just yet, the update for Heather Red route will likely have her transition over to blue route.

While I do like the idea of player freedom and the choose of two routes in theory, in practice Heather Red route is rather boring. With Heather Red route refusing to do any of Sebastian tests, there isn’t much I can do with her as a character.


Definitely glad I played only the blue route then XD


Same, I just want her to be happy.


The routes themselves are not the problem but rather how they both are in the same dialogue box. There’s no separation between them besides what the player wishes to think. It’s as if you tried going for artoria in fate but the option to go for Rin is there as if you never aimed for the other girl while also missing most of rin’s route if you click on it at that specific point in the story.

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Sorry I don’t understand that reference, never played fate. Could you explain what you mean by having it “in the same dialogue box”

Perhaps it could be a Heathers Wedding Update some day


Those names mean nothing. They represent “routes”. Choices the player makes to see things happen in very specific ways. As for “in the same dialogue box” what I meant is that both heather routes are literally in the same literal dialogue box presenting both options (sometimes anyways). Like a simple yes or no to sebastian. Those are two separate routes presented as options right there next to each other instead of being a yes or no in a conversation within a route.

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I discovered this game like last Friday and I’ve already finished all of the content. What a ride!

I will say that I’m a bit more squeamish when it comes to my fetishes so having the “happy” Heather X Sebastien sex scene in 0.9 was a very welcome experience for me. Also, it was hot as fuck.

And even though this update was essentially all about them, I am hoping to see more of them again. I am really hoping for a Heather redemption arc since this character has really grown, and I’d definitely rank her as one of my top favorites in this game.Though, I am a bit torn since I would also like to see her get pampered and be a pampered bitch.

As for my thoughts on the slob stuff… I personally really enjoy the burp / belching from Heather and hope we can get some more. Otherwise, I’m not too grossed out since I do enjoy binge watching shows like Hoarders.

Honestly, the thing I really want is getting more Heather: Stuffing scenes, burps / belches, and further relationship goals with Sebas. And fuck it, if you can include a vore scene (Heather as pred) and a magical way to make her taller, I will probably turn into a real life L…


Thank you very much, I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed all the content from the game! I too have Heather among my personal favorites in the cast, which is funny as in my original plans all the adventurers would have been fattened up and removed by update 4.

Either way you will see a lot more of her in the future! Though not quite in the next update, we have other characters who need some spotlight as we go to AuburnWoods proper. I have plans for Gretel and Lily, but I’ll cover how they might go in the progress report in the next few days.

Thanks for your thoughts on the slob! While we won’t see anything near the Heather slob story level of slob soon, I won’t rule out the occasional burp!

I can not confirm or deny vore for Heather, however I can pretty much guarantee every character in the game is going to get taller…because as I’ve been told by CJ the art guy, it’s REALLY hard to proportion fat characters when they are 1x1 sprites. Heather already is about 25% taller than her starting sprite, and we’ll likely see her get a bit bigger so as to fit her big butt on screen!

Thanks again for stopping to take the time to leave a comment, always helps to motivate!