Big Aspirations (0.7.4) A weight gain interactive story

Regarding the Cici quest

Iā€™m at the part after having her eat Tiff where seemingly thatā€™s where the perfect sandwich comes in. And I believe I have all the ingredients: wagyu beef, leafy greens, perfect bagel, condiments, fairy dust, and now flavor enhancer. However now how to I get the option to actually make the damn thing lol

Question, where are you trying to make the sandwhich? Are you just trying to make it in the kitchen like a normal sandwhich or are you going to curious where the ritual can commence for this perfect sandwhich only magic has the ability to conjure?

where do i found this target?

I donā€™t know if this has already been encountered, but there is a bug with the point at which you cannot fit through the Shadowed Curios door, as in the fairy does not allow me to ask her for the magic (or I have already asked her for help and it didnā€™t register) so Iā€™ve just been locked out of that whole part of the game for a long while now.

Just find anyone on the running path

Just to verify, you need to have gotten the amulet, had the amulet dream, given the amulet to the goth girl at the curio shop, then got the fat vial, then give the fat vial to the goth girl. Then after you have the fairy at your place, you go through the passage where you get stuck in the doorway, then talk to the fairy about that, she asks for 10 watermelons, you give those to her and then she should give you a solution through the door. It plays out the same at first, but then the goth girl canā€™t get through the door too, so she shows you the back entrance. If you havenā€™t done something in here or used the history feature to undo a passage, something might have been missed. Dev is working on a solution for people that end up getting to a point where they get stuck without completing these flags, but who know how long that might take.

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Yes, that is why I was asking about that, since before 6.0 it worked. I will try by reloading the save before the happening and will get back if it doesnā€™t work

I wasnā€™t given an option to do so. Unless itā€™s something you can only get if you buy all the scrolls first

The stuck event can only be moved on from if prior to it you had gotten the store owner to her third weight stage, if she isnt at that point then you are out of luck unfortunately. In the next update Iā€™m going to include a way to get around this but as things are now that is the only way to do things .

This never happened to me, might be to the braised lamb bug but it just skipped the lab scenes and went on as normal afterwards

Unless you are at stage 9 you wonā€™t have the option.

Yeah, there was a bug where if you over fed Cici you could jump past stage 9 and go straight to stage 10 in version 0.6.0 that was changed in 0.6.1

such a fun game! It has a very natural flow to it and a great progression.

My j.son save files arenā€™t working in the new update

Need some kinda guide for Cici since sheā€™s not the best artist, and i canā€™t give a lot of the bus people raw ingredients despite it saying that they like them.

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None of the people you can offer food to will want raw ingredients. They will only accept dishes. If someone likes an ingredient like bananas or something, they wonā€™t accept a plain banana, but they will accept banana bread for example. The only characters that eat plain ingredients that I can think of are the fairy and non-vore cici. Donā€™t quote me on this, but I think the dev is cooking ideas for how to make the cici pics easier as well, but Iā€™m not positive.

Another thing, more as a complaint. Why do I encounter Beth more often when taking the ā€˜Wander Aroundā€™ option. you would think youā€™d encounter her more often on the running path, but no, Iā€™ve run into her back to back to back, when i just want to go to the hot dog stand.

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To be fair, wandering around suggests no care where you go. Thus you could wander towards the running path. It also looks like itā€™s around a 1/5 chance to encounter Beth jogging when you wander around, so it sounds like you are just getting unlucky. I also hope people arenā€™t using the undo button and reselecting the same option thinking that it rerolls each time you click on it. Harlowe seems to natively use prng for random number selection meaning that it is seed based and not true random. Meaning that if the game rolls a d6 and gets a 5, going back and selecting something else and then going back to that choice where it rolls a d6 while still result in the same 5. To get a different roll, you have to accept the first roll or have it roll several other numbers to reroll the first one (by letting a day pass for example)

Iā€™ve still yet to run into anything besides Beth. I think there might be something wrong with the code.

Just gave it a quick test on the browser version which should be v0.6.1, got the fountain on the third use of energy on day 1 stage 1

Just taking a quick glance at the html, you have a 1 in 5 chance of encountering Beth any time you use the ā€œwander aroundā€ option, and thereā€™s nothing in the gameā€™s logic that manipulates the chance of seeing the same event multiple times in a row. So itā€™s not out of the question youā€™d see the same event multiple times in a row, especially given a 20% chance.

Basically, I know itā€™s not what you want to hear, but it is RNG.