Big Aspirations (DLC Bundle 1) A weight gain interactive story

There is a fourth vial and a fourth character. The shopkeeper takes the WG vial, the Baker takes the BE vial, the buffet waitress takes the AE vial, and your coworker who loses weight takes the Hyper vial. All four give you ingredients.

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Well Tell me where is it?

When you wakeup (and you can choose to weight yourselves or go to work)there is a text to save the game in the upper part and to load the save you have to exit the browser and then enter again in the game

Whelp I swear the day i posted it I didnt see it.wonder if the webpage just didnt load it.Thanks for showing me.

Absolutely love this! Played through a majority of it.

I hope to see more, the content is at a good pace and it definitely feels like it’s neither a slog nor like it’s going way too fast. Usually I have a big critique, but for the most part this is all really good.

Considering you work in fast food marketing, it would be interesting to see if that eventually plays a part into things. Like if there’s a “side quest” of sorts in the story of doing such a good job in decision making and such at work that new cutscenes appear for bigger and bigger gals with mention of “Huh… I might be doing too good of a job” and so on. It would also be interesting for fast food style events and so on to occur. Essentially, another branch which would lead to more world building.

It would make work a little more interesting and give you more of an impact on the world which I think would be really fun! It could also be used as an additional road block to continue the story. If you want to get promoted, you need to be heavy enough AND the company needs to be profitable enough (or if one value is big enough you can override it). As a result, it gets harder to get fatter until you make the rest of the city fatter… or if you’re falling behind in weight, if you do a really good job at work then that extra cash will help you along.
As a bare bones skeleton of a system, think of it like this.
Two things you can do at work. Budget Manipulation, and Multiple Choice. Whenever you go to work you can choose to re-arrange the budget based on if you have more to work with… or perhaps you saw certain things on the way to work that day. Occasionally Multiple Choice pops up, which involves whether to use bigger girls in marketing or not, social media outrage, a new idea for combo meals, and so on that may go well and give you a lot of “Good Job” points as well as an increase in budget, or not do very well and hinder but the same choice will show up after a week or so in the future so you can make the correct choice that time around.

Overall I think it would be nice to have more control in the workspace and thus a stronger connection to the job itself… ((I know I’m already off the deep end, but just saying in terms of a possible route with the donut gal. 1. You decide to work with her donut shop in terms of marketing and she does so well all those extra customers and stress causes her grow. 2. Fast food competition does so well that she’s out of a job and starts working in fast food, leading to growth.))

Thank you for reading my ramblings. Can’t wait to see more!!!

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i don’t think I’ve ever met the 4th one is it just a random event at work?

It is kinda specific chain of things you have to do to get the opportunity.

Once you get fat enough, she’ll have a small chance to humiliate you in pre-work events for not losing weight like she did. You have to get one of the hotdog contest vouchers, slip it into her purse to tempt her to gain weight again during one of those scenes, then wait a while until she confronts you about sabotaging her. At that point you’ll have the chance to put the hyper vial into her drink.

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Version 0.4.0 contains

  • 1 new weight stage
  • A new coworker for you to fatten
  • A laboratory
  • Many new scenes
  • A couple of new endings (including one that has to do with the glizzards)
  • Cooking/Baking
  • An extension to the Fairy’s storyline
  • Over 76000 words
  • Over 450 images

There has been content added to the earlier parts of the game, so I would recommend a fresh start.

A shout out to Morte_Nera on the Weight gaming forum for aiding in writing a couple of scenes!

As always, bug reports or suggestions are welcome, I took extra time for playtesting this time so I am hoping that it won’t be as buggy as the 0.3.0 release haha.

This game was made on Windows OS and the file path uses Windows formatting. Other OS’s may have a hard time displaying images, from my understanding refreshing the page may help in those instances.


As a user of imperial measurements, I was surprised to see that weight is now in pounds, but was glad to see it. I hate to be nitpicky, but umm I was also surprised to see the starting weight is 75 lbs. Wasn’t it like 45 kg before?? I think there is another reason this girl needs to put on weight if she’s 75 lbs starting out.

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I’ll be honest, i didnt convert it straight across, I took the numbers from before and did a multiplication that would align more with the images, because with how the weight was before how Aubrey was depicted in the images was too small. The trade off is that she is now a very petite girl to start

Could you add Options so we can switch back to kilogramm as measurement?
That would be really nice.

Yeah I could do that, shouldnt be too difficult an addition

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Excellent update again man! Keep up the amazing work!

Bug: got hot dog vendor during first stage and the image is not showing up.

awesome also image breaks again this i’ll use this post track each break per stage

Stage 1:
eating hotdog
Strange Amulet

Stage: 3
Being offered an expresso when i do not own it yet!

Stage 4:

Fairy at your home image

Nice, a new update! Can’t wait to see the new weight stage :eyes:

So far I only encountered one bug, this appearing despite me only having bought the amulet (and the monkey’s paw) from Shadowed Curios:

Also, a bit of a nitpick but I think it’s a bit confusing to not get the Lilly bad end. I didn’t want to come see her before having the cheesecake, but by the time I did she already called HR and I couldn’t continue her storyline anymore. Speaking of her storyline, is the point where she asks you to find something else for her the end of her storyline? I genuinely can’t find what I’m supposed to do, so I assume it is?

By the way, can someone remind me how you get Beth’s number? I used to get it without even thinking about it but now I don’t, and it sucks because she’s my favorite of the three phone girls… I did meet her at every weight stage (I think) but never got her number.

Anyways, as always this update really delivers! This game is continuously rising to the top of the best games on this site, and as always I can’t wait to see what’s next!

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You have until stage four to not get the bad end with Lilly at that point she loses her patience with you and reports your theft. As for Beth’s number, you need to have had the event with her in stage 2 where you give her a sports drink and introduce yourself, then in stage 4 when you run into her while she is out doing her delievery job she will give you her number.

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Well that sucks seeing as I enter stage 4 on the same day she even talks to me, so now I have no idea what to do besides never talk to her I guess.

Either that or redo all the progress again which takes ages to ramp up.:v

Hmm, that is a fair point, I hadn’t considered that possibility, I will look into changing how it works in the code, perhaps set the deadline to stage 5 instead

Ok so i’ve finished my playthrough of the current update, and i certainly enjoyed it though idk if you can off another voucher to your toxic co-worker instead of a hyper potion to make her even fatter (Would be fun if you could)

shame you can’t still meet the streamer in person however but other than that it’s a brilliant update at the end of the day.

Though i want to give a few more suggestions due to her climbing weight now effecting her homes furniture now.

  • Perhaps in a later in the story have the MC contact her friends/lovers and ask if they would like to all move in together due to the fact while she is still mobile for now that might not be the case if she keeps getting fatter

  • her competitive eating contest rival has one more contest against her and if she MC wins the rival is devastated to the point of running off giving you the choice to talk to her and giving her the voucher making you friends now or leaving her be

  • Have Beth come into the MCs work place delivering items and perhaps Jamie offering her a job at your work place?