Big Aspirations (DLC Bundle 1) A weight gain interactive story

Swee~t! Thank you XD

A few questions:

  • Who is the target for the hyper and butt vials?
  • After giving the wg one to the goth girl does she have any more stages?
  • What is the purpose of the fairy dust?

Butt vial is for the waitress once she is big enough and the Hyper is for the toxic co-worker after you give her one of the vouchers you win in the eating contest

and not sure myself but i think it’s for a future update

No she doesn’t unfortunately


i love this but i got to the 250 range then for some reason my game saves no longer exsisted i am very upset by this this was like 2 weeks ago anyways bitching aside is there a downloadable version to avoid this in the future

Once it’s fully finish will they allow it to be download unfortunately so your going to be waiting for a while for the time being

thats sucks thank you though guess ill keep playing as is since its my favorite twine game so far

I played through, had fun. A bit too grindy, but not bad. The overeliance on RNG for park events was a bit frustrating, though. Also, being blocked from the magic shop at max fatness is WILD, whenever that place is so damn expensive that you can’t prioritize it early on anyway.

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When I raised this issue people said the plan was to make it accessible later. But the Fairy functionally gives you the same things but way cheaper tbh.

The main problem is that you can’t get the vials for expanding the various people after you hit that weight. Which to be fair may have always been viewed as more an end game type item anyways.


Got an error when clicking “Go back to before you fell into Gluttony” upon reaching the glizzards ending

I’ll also echo a question I found earlier in the thread : there is a “Save” function but no “Load” function ? is it a planned feature down the line ?


Love this game, one problem:
I have ceased to exist


When you weigh so little you actually break the law of conservation of mass



How do i get Lilly off my back? I can’t fix the cheesecake incident so I just don’t visit her.

From the magic shop, you should be able to buy a monkeys paw. Buy it then use it to wish for the cheesecake.

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Version 0.5.0 includes

  • A complete revamp of the streamer
  • A new cookbook and recipes as well as a more streamlined approach to the cooking
  • The clerk at the grocery store now has a narrative as well as will help you with making bulk purchases at the grocery store
  • More weight stages for Lilly
  • A stock market for you to invest into to try and make some extra cash
  • The walk event has been revamped to give the PC more control over what you do when choosing that option. This includes an explore the city option that will be further built on in later updates, this is where you will unlock the magic shop and donut shop early game, and late game where you will discover the buffet.
  • Continued the goth storyline, once completed you will be able to access their store again after getting too big to enter.
  • 1 additional weight stage for the PC
  • 3 More lab scenes
  • More scenes for the 3 main love interests
  • Some changes to how the hotdog contests play out, they are time sensitive so be sure to check in often.
  • Added a blackjack minigame that can be found late game when hanging out with one of the girls
  • Over 700 images
  • Over 100,000 words

There has been content added to the earlier parts of the game, so I would recommend a fresh start.

A shout out to Morte_Nera on the Weight gaming forum for aiding in writing a couple of scenes!

As always, bug reports or suggestions are welcome,

This game was made on Windows OS and the file path uses Windows formatting. Other OS’s may have a hard time displaying images, from my understanding refreshing the page may help in those instances.

This game was coded using the Harlowe story format, as such it does not have a built in save function. There is a save function I have added to the game, but it only retains your save date for as long as your cache retains the info.


Quick editing/bug report:

The image for this passage (in the intro) is broken, and the stand-alone sentence should read:
“You board the train with butterflies in your stomach.”

(Additionally, just for reference - that first sentence is also slightly off in grammar. That second comma should be a dash (-) or a colon (:). That’s not really a big deal, though, but since I’m suggesting edits to the passage anyways I figured I might as well be thorough.)

Additional note: Found another one. This one’s the image on “check weight” on weight stage one.

Attempting to load the image in a new tab produced the following error:

<Message>Access denied.</Message>
Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to the Google Cloud Storage object. Permission 'storage.objects.get' denied on resource (or it may not exist).

Thank you, for the report, quick fix uploaded addressing those issues.


No links are visible when trying to become the glizzard.


Same problem with talking the fountain fairy for the first time.


EDIT> Looks like this just happens if you unlock these early. Weight stage threshold may need adjustment.

thank you for the report!

edit: quick fix uploaded to address issue

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Just reporting a minor spelling error.