Big Aspirations (DLC Bundle 1) A weight gain interactive story


If you win the eating contest, you’ll receive Glizzard coupon. If you don’t give it to anyone at the office, but go to the park and come across a hot dog stand, then you can use this coupon to buy a Glizzard hot dog.
To get the ending, you need to buy Glizzard many times (1 coupon allows you to buy Glizzard infinite amount of times, but it costs 50$). And then you get the ending.

God i adore this game i really hope this game never stops uodating tbh and out of curiosity is there any way for people to pay you and maybe get a custom character added into the game? Because i would certainly pay for that

Thank you so much for creating this masterpiece

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For anyone struggling with Cici’s hunts, I’m gonna try and condense everything I know in a spoiler-laden guide for you all. It’s pretty simple when you get down to it, but if you’re stuck looking for a specific type of prey, consult this guide.

Some basics: The Spyglass you can pick up from the curio shop will show you nearly everything you need to know about a target, the rest you can pick up from just looking at the character picture. Using the Spyglass costs an additional unit of energy but you can refund it by pressing the Back button on the left and selecting a new option. I’m not going to go into what type of food belongs into which category, though if pressed I may just rip the entire foodlists from the base HTML. Also, all spelling mistakes in the original text are presented as-is. Any others are purely my own originals.

Barring Tiffany, Cici will ask for nine different types of character at random. I don’t think that sending one to her will remove them from the pool of available characters - this doesn’t seem to be the case with the random NPCs you meet, and I haven’t tried it on the Fortune Teller or Barista. The traits she can be looking for specifically are: Buxom, Pear-shaped, Chubby/Apple, wearing Glasses (shown in-image), Hourglass-shaped, Petite, Thin, and “Multicolored” hair.

This last one seems to be the one causing most trouble, as there’s only one potential target with this description. The truth is that any character with non-natural hair colour works for this - Pink, Blue, possibly Silver, etc. Anything that comes out of a bottle should work here.

Otherwise, a lot of the targets satisfy multiple categories. A character can be Buxom and Hourglass, or Pear-shaped and Chubby.

You can go hunting in four locations: There’s the commute into work, the park running path, the city walks, and the curio shop. In the following groups I’ve listed each one according to their internal/image filename order with their image filename and description as the means to identify them.

Transit Hunts (1-24)

You get a chance at one of these every day you go into work, and while fairly consistent they actually become slightly less common the further into the story you go (as Aubrey begins commenting more on her own figure). This is also the largest pool of targets, with 24 in total (though there’s two that are very similar, 2 and 5). Unlike the other hunts, these use a different format for the image filename.

Transit Hunts

Random transit 1-1

What does she drink, and where can I get some??
Body Type: Hourglass
Hair: Silver
Likes: Sweets, Chicken

Random transis 1-2 (This is the actual filename instead of Random transit 1-2)

“Maybe if I don’t make eye contact, she won’t realise I was staring at her ass!”
Body Type: Pear
Hair: Auburn
Likes: Fruit

Random transit 1-3

I can hear those shorts struggling from here!
Body Type: Hourglass
Hair: Orange
Likes: Chocolate

Random transit 2-1

“Might need to go up a size, girl.”
Body Type: Apple
Hair: Brunette
Likes: Saucy Dishes

Random transit 2-2

“Maybe if I don’t make eye contact, she won’t realise I was staring at her ass!”
Body Type: Pear
Hair: Orange
Likes: Cheese, Bread

Random transit 2-3

“Hello Mommy.”
Body Type: Buxom
Hair: White
Likes: Salad, Cookies

Random transit 3-1

“She got those hips like what, what”
Body Type: Pear
Hair: Brunette
Likes: Frozen Treats, Curry

Random transit 3-2

“Awe, she’s cute”
Body Type: Apple
Hair: Brunette
Likes: Meat

Random transit 3-3

“I’ll get a large coffee with breast milk, sorry.”
Body Type: Buxom
Hair: Black
Likes: Milk, Cream

Random transit 4-1

Stares disrespecfully
Body Type: Buxom
Hair: Pink Gold
Likes: Yogurt, Strawberry

Random transit 4-2

“Thick thighs save lives”
Body Type: Chubby, Pear
Hair: Brown
Likes: Lamb

Random transit 4-3

“This is why I should always carry a carrot on me, you never know when you might need it”
Body Type: Thin
Hair: Blonde
Likes: Chocolate

Random transit 5-1

“Gotta love the rain.”
Body Type: Thin
Hair: Brunette
Likes: Salad, Fruit

Random transit 5-2

“Underboob is truly the most underappreciated form of boob.”
Body Type: Buxom
Hair: Blue
Likes: Beef, Pork

Random transit 5-3

“How am I NOT supposed to look? I am only human.”
Body Type: Buxom, Chubby
Hair: White
Likes: Cake, Ice cream

Random transit 6-1

“Her hair is super pretty!”
Body Type: Hourglass
Hair: Multicolored
Likes: Coconut, Cream

Random transit 6-2

“Wow, someone that gives Jamie a run for her money, don’t think I could wear a bikini on the train.”
Body Type: Buxom
Hair: Silver
Likes: Curries, Smoothies

Random transit 6-3

“Wonder when she is due.”
Body Type: Chubby
Hair: Brown
Likes: Pastries

Random transit 7-1

“Oh mama.”
Body Type: Pear
Hair: Black
Likes: Mango, Banana

Random transit 7-2

“So freaking cute, what the heck.”
Body Type: Petite
Hair: Purple
Likes: Burgers, Ice cream

Random transit 7-3

“She must be on her way to work; didn’t know that we had a maid cafe in town.”
Body Type: Slim
Hair: Pink
Likes: Egg, Tomato

Random transit 8-1

A mousy, clumsy girl trips as she enters the train and falls face first into your belly/into your chest, breaking her fall.
“Never would have guessed I would be used as an air bag.”
Body Type: Petite
Hair: Green
Likes: Beef, Chicken

Random transit 8-2

“I might of been upset about being late to work, but for some reason I’m finding it easy to let it go.”
Body Type: Pear, Chubby
Hair: Blue
Likes: Chocolate

Random transit 8-3

“Looks like someone over did it today.”
Body Type: Chubby
Hair: Brown
Likes: Cake, Brownies, Ice Cream

Park Hunts (25-30)

Found on the running path in the park, and is a specific search category for Cici (when she shows you a drawing of a path between two trees, she’s looking for someone specifically from this region).

Park Hunts


“Hmm, must be training for something.”
Body Type: Fit
Hair: Red
Likes: Salad, Chicken


“Looks like a picnic for one.”
Body Type: Chubby
Hair: Brown
Likes: Bread


“Mmm, lemonade sounds like it would hit the spot right now.”
Body Type: Chubby
Hair: Auburn
Likes: Lemon
Note: You can actually buy lemonade from this character


“What a picturesque scene, some people really are just effortlessly poised, huh?”
Body Type: Petite
Hair: Green
Likes: Frozen Treats


The silver-haired beauty is in the middle of a photoshoot. “Yeah, she has the look of a model about her for sure, and a little on the plus size to boot, love to see it.”
Body Type: Hourglass
Hair: Silver
Likes: Fruit


Her dog comes bounding up to you, stands on it hind legs and places it’s front paws on your chest, almost knocking you over. You have to dodge out of the way of it’s tongue as it tries to lick you.
“Down Sebastian! I’m so sorry about him, he usually isn’t quite this friendly to strangers.”

Body Type: Chubby
Hair: Blonde
Likes: Meat

City Hunts (31-40)

Note that the Fortune Teller you can visit directly from the Walk menu is also included here, as is the Barista encounter.

City Hunts


“Wow, she looks almost ghostly with how pale she is, kind of dig the eye markings though.”
Body Type: Slim
Hair: White
Likes: Pork


You take a few minutes to admire this skater girl as she does various tricks around the area. “She’s pretty good, especially for someone with a little extra omph, wonder is she knows how to do a Christ Air?”
Body Type: Chubby
Hair: Blonde
Likes: Frozen Treats


The energy coming off of this girl as she is playing her guitar is contagious, you can’t help but shake your hips.
Body Type: Slim
Hair: Black, Blue
Likes: Fruit


“Looks like she is taking in the sights.”
Body Type: Chubby
Hair: Red
Likes: Chocolate free deserts


“Wow, what a looker! I’m guessing the salad means she is on a diet? Though I feel like a salad of that size kind of defeats the purpose.”
Body Type: Hourglass
Hair: Auburn
Likes: Salad, Cake


“Hmm, if you take your console outside with you does it still count as touching grass?”
Body Type: Petite
Hair: White
Likes: Strawberry, Banana


"I’m sure she is capable, but she definetly has “child in parents clothing” vibes.’
Body Type: Chubby
Hair: Pink
Likes: Saucy dishes


“Holy Shit, I think I know where the milk for the latte comes from.”
Body Type: Buxom
Hair: White
Likes: Dairy

hunt39 – Fortune Teller

“Hello my dear, would you like your fortune read?”
Body Type: Buxom
Hair: Lavander
Likes: Chocolate


“Remind me to stay out of her way.”
Body Type: Slim
Hair: Silver
Likes: Expensive food

Curio Hunts (41-44)

Only four here, but they are easily farmable compared to the others. By going to Shadowed Curios, you can loop browsing the shelves and returning to the main store menu without expending any energy, and giving you a chance for one of these targets to show up.

Curio Hunts


“I wish I could pull off a hairstyle like that, last time I went with short hair I looked like I was trying way too hard.”
Body Type: Chubby
Hair: Orange
Likes: Cheese, Bread


“She is looking at anti-alien spray, I would poke fun, but this place has convinced me that anything could be possible.”
Body Type: Pear
Hair: Pink
Likes: Pastries


“Hmm, she is fiddling with a puzzlebox of some kind. Here is hoping that she doesn’t open it, not looking to get cursed by locked spirits or something.”
Body Type: Petite
Hair: Brown
Likes: Lamb


“Looks like someone has been sneaking some free samples.”
Body Type: Chubby, Buxom
Hair: Black
Likes: Sweets

Anyway, that’s it. That’s pretty much everything you need to figure out what to look for and where to look for Cici’s quest.


Damn I’m not into vore but I feel like I’m missing out on meeting a bunch of characters now

Been a minute since I played this. Time for another run

I love how dense this game is and how much shit there is to do in it, but as someone who plays in bursts and forgets where I am in the game, I think this game needs more of a walkthrough, cause I’m trying to do all of the Lilly stuff and I’m trying to get to her next stage, but the fortune teller keeps telling me “The cards show nothing of note, but I can offer some useful advise, life is short, so take your time. It is admirable to work towards your goal, but forgoing time with others in persuit of it is a waste.” which I THINK means gain more weight since everywhere else it feels like I’ve hit a dead end but is such a vague hint that I really wish there was something that just says “Go here” for people who want to enjoy the game without having to remember stuff, I love this game but it can be cryptic as shit and I hope that future updates just give me a quest log at least.

This game’s development hasn’t even been completed yet, and you already want a guide? You should at least wait until 0.7 is released

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The fortune teller’s shpeel actually kind of indicates the opposite; its a waste to not take time and interact with others. I would recommend searching for the sammich guide, as there’s quite a lot of the side content that wraps up to that. What doesn’t get covered you’ll likely get a stray string to pull on for more clues.

I just noticed that if i download game and play it, the tab in web browser says “big aspirations 0.6.1”
Does that mean that downloadable version was not updated, or did author forget to change name of game to 0.6.2?
I think it may be important if 0.6.2 fixes some bugs related to Beth

Welp, hello there, i need help with my first task with cici.
I know the picture was:
A human with little size and het it to the Cici, but who is that human idk, and i been eaten by cici for a while time.

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Yeah ive been stuck on this for a bit. Ive done it before but every petite girl I see wont take any of my food.

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I think the second girl Cici wants is the one who randomly bumps into you at the train while going to work, and uses you as a “cushion” / pillow.

ohhhh I was stuck there too.

dang it, I got so far, doing all but the recipe and condiment side quests and got Lilly past the ice cream machine, I lock my phone for 1 min as someone walks in and now the game is making me start from the beginning again.

Version 0.7.0 Contains the Following:

  • Final Weight Stage for Aubrey and the main love interests
  • Unique events for each love interest depending on if you move in with them or not
  • A D&D Campaign inside Stephanie’s line
  • Fat Jamie Line
  • Fat Beth Line
  • Ending Cutscene with variable results depending on your choices
  • New Cutscenes for Aubrey throughout the game
  • A Food Truck that can be encountered in the park
  • A Mall that contains the following:
    • A clothing store
    • Food court
    • Movie Theater
    • Casino
    • Cinnamon Bun Shop
    • Book Store
    • 15 new NPC’s to encounter
    • and a picture shop (work in progress, will be part of final update)
  • Sleep Eating
  • Sorority girls with cookies
  • A gym with a health bar
  • A Maid CafĂ© with many girls to recruit and fatten
  • Random encounters with NPC’s littered throughout the world
  • More Sound Effects
  • 445000 Words
  • over 2300 pictures
  • And probably more that I am forgetting
it’s a lot

Balance and Gameplay changes:

  • You can now outgrow your clothing, you will receive a warning as you approach the threshold, if you can’t fit into your clothing then you can’t go to work. You can purchase new clothes at the clothing store located in the mall, but if you don’t have enough money you may have to take a drastic choice.
  • You can now pick and choose where you go in the park and city. There is still some RNG associated with exploring the city and using the running path, but if you want to get a hot dog, you can just choose to get a hot dog.
  • Searching for NPC’s will be much easier now as coming across them is the default result from city exploration and you now have the option to search for them in the park and at the mall
  • There is an overlap with the NPC’s now, some girls have extra storylines associated with them if they are recruited to the Maid Cafe, so be careful with who you choose to feed to Cici.
  • There is now a minimum weight tied to each weight stage, so now Aubrey won’t ever end up weighing negative pounds again.
  • The fortune teller will now offer hints for the Cici hunting questline, if you visit her while searching for someone she can help to narrow down the search.
  • The Grocery Store and Cooking Menus have been updated so that the player can select the amount that they wish to purchase. No more infinite clicks to buy what you want.
  • The Stock market now has a hard cap at $25 per stock

No way!!! The update is here!!! I haven’t been this excited for something since the release of Cyberpunk, although I expect this to go much better :wink:

Yo I can’t believe it’s here, thanks for all your hard work anvil!

Oh, also there is a discord now: Anvil and the Chuckle Fucks


its here
!!! hype !!!


Anvil, It’s been so long from last version but It’s no matter. You are super cool man, thank you from all us that not trow out this project and keep working on it. THANK YOU ANVIL!!!