I have been browsing these forums for quite some time, and I wouldn’t comment to critique this if I didn’t think much of your game, but I really like it and appreciate the male model, and how you include male encounters (it would be awesome to have more art similar to female in basement for males too) as well as female encounters. But it is very difficult to progress through the game as of now. A lot of the items that help you not die is locked to the basement, and its difficult to get them (like the one for the infection bar to go down). So I’m basically stuck in the beginning and getting my infection too filled and starting over again and again and I’ve spent a good couple hours on it so it’s a bit frustrating. But again I really like the simplicity and the 3D art, it’s really awesome stuff. very rare to find games with male wg/inf hope you keep it up!
I think you’re the first person to mention finding that encounter. It’s very rare.
Personally, I feel like my runs tend to either end after three days or after several weeks. It’s entirely possible to survive almost indefinitely, though it is difficult.
In the next release I’ll have another place to discover that makes it easier to get zithrotiva.
Thanks for following up! The new place is nice and contaminated fruit seems much more useful too
Contains slight spoilers for the next male character. I finished adding a second female character into the mix and am adding some more touches to the new male character. I learned a few tricks so I might go back and revisit one of the others.
The maximum size of the character is not shown here.
I have two more encounters I want to get integrated but it’s going slowly. I’d like to do a public release this Friday, but I still have to settle on a more permanent name and fix other issues.
New Release!
Getting ready for the public release on Friday. The page is updated and I’ve been trying to get as much in as I can. I think it’s ready for a bigger audience and while I’ve got three more encounters planned I’m not sure how much time I’ll have in the next few weeks. Thanks again to everyone for playing and giving feedback.
What’s New:
- Two new locations with special treats!
- Two new playable characters, one male and one female, bringing the total to four.
- Made Elastinup significantly more potent, possibly disrupting game balance.
- Four new items.
- “Loading” now shows on new game to prevent it from looking like a freeze.
- Added new special encounters and ways to die.
- Fixed a value that wasn’t being saved.
- Fixed a bug with the new game not actually adding the bonus starting trait, so if the game seemed to get really difficult after the last update, that was the problem.
- Made the UI bars considerably easier to read.
- Accidentally left a secret encounter’s probability set about 10x higher than it should have been. Will fix that in the next one.
We’re public! Thank you to all of you for providing feedback. I’m sure I’ll have to go back and make fixes to things as they come up, but I’m going to try and take a little while and do only my regular job. If folks who played it and enjoyed it could take the time to give it a rating that would be appreciated, but no pressure.
Things left undone:
- The Queen
- Sentient Petrol Station Slushie Slime
- The Creature in the Shelter
(Made an account for this so… first comment ever! woohoo!)
Love the game, its very rng heavy but once you got everything its pretty easy. Now for the reason I wanted to comment! What can you do with the pure virus thing? I encountered almost everything with it in my inventory and I couldn’t use anything with it.
The pure sample doesn’t have a use yet, other than maxing out your infection. It’s going to be used in an upcoming event.
One point of frustration I’ve noticed is that most of my runs end when I’m spending time in a multi-step event like searching the office and making stuff in the lab, only for the game to tell me I burst or died of starvation when I finally leave. Something that lets you see your character’s status during an event so you don’t accidentally kill yourself repeating an event too much would probably be very helpful.