Bucculentus First Test File.

I’ll focus on core aspects first to avoid feature creep.
Then there’s room for more.

After some lessons i found out that unreal is a humongous task and decided to switch to unity.
It’ll “suffer” graphicly but i’ll take that over the sheer complexity and file size of unreal.
Plus cross-platform support, so no weird file sharing for local compiling. (mac users rejoice).

Also, what is the prefered repository on here?
I havent got my own website (yet) and it’s been ages since i actually uploaded something.

Oh, and i’m keeping a list of all your requests and suggestions so far.
Even if i might not like something myself, implementing something is the challenge.
But it’ll have to wait till after the proof of concept part where all the moving parts are in the place i want em to be.

Mega or Google Drive are pretty good.

I prefer human, myself, for the characters. An option to do furry or not is a good compromise, too.

Very interesting concept. Looking forward to playing. Making it furry-only would lose most of my interest. The part about changing society’s ideals sounds very nice. The clothes stuff could play with that nicely.

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I think games like this are supposed to be all about “Player choice”
So i’ll see how many fingers can be put in how many porridge when it comes to tastes.

Short update,

Still working on it.
it’s very different from the programming I’ve done in college for business!
Making progress, but nothing coherent to show yet.
New years resolution is to have something interactable in January for you guys.
(if anyone has some unity resources i can reverse engineer it’s very welcome ^^;;; )

Also, i’ve played “happy diet!” on PS1 and it’s basicly what this game is going to be but in reverse.

Have a starfox crystal thats crippled by obesity to keep you guys happy.(not my model, but it’s free to use)


Due to the passing of a close friend, project is (already) suspended.
Sorry, but atleast I tried.


Shit man, sorry this is late, but I hope you’re doing okay.


Alright, i’ve found a new tutor to help me along with this.
Gonna take it slow.
So, first there’s gonna be an experimental platformer.
So, not dead. But slow progress.
Let’s have fun!

It’s good to see you back, mate.

Figured out shape keys!
thats one step down!
Lets see if we can get some life into it with animation.


In the mean time.
Have any of you guys got an idea for an animation on when the character gets fatter/slimmer?
The sims 2 had a hiccup, Maybe there’s a more interesting way of doing it.

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So, working on a character now.
But before i start animating it, what kind of weight gain do we prefer?
One one big change of body.
Or all parts seperate?
One doesnt fully exclude the other, it’s mainly to determine workflow.

  • Full body weight gain (faster)
  • Four B’s please! (breast, body, belly, bottom)(more options)

0 voters

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Here’s a rough preview of what the soon to be available rescource looks like.

Still need to smooth out the fat shape, rig and animate. And then v0.1 will be uploaded to play with in blender for you guys.


Still working on it, trying to get the relevant parts imported and connected.
Sorry to keep everone waiting ^^;;;


(padding because 20 characters)

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Guess im better off updating with a post too, and not just editing the OP.
Here’s a little compatability/export test so i know what im doing.
It goes from skinny to chubby for now.
Actual game content is in sight.

And a discord link to keep track of future bugs and post progress in a less messy way.