Cards of Gluttony - a gay, weight gain card game [v0.4 released on 01/04/2023!]

That is actually by design! The fight with Cedric features hardcoded starting hands not only for the sake of the tutorial, but also to make sure the player is bumped up to near 20 weight by the end :slight_smile:

(Spoilers for anyone that has yet to get past what’s next)

Tom is then there to let the player try out a full scale fight. By this point it’s not expected that every player will pass. It’s not easy, but if you manage to beat Cedric without taking too much damage, play your cards well (plus some luck, it is a card game after all :wink: ), you can beat him.

(Even more spoilers!)

And if you do, then there’s Vernon.

All of this is to make sure the player ends up at the hospital by the end of the game, so that I can start the next set of tutorials on what happens when you lose a fight!


It very much is possible to beat Vernon! It is somewhat luck-based, given the innate randomness of the cards, but it’s certainly not too consistent, but I got it on my 3rd attempt or so. I aimed to be around 30 Weight by the end of Tom’s fight (I believe I was 28 on one run, which was different dialogue than if you were higher), and with the right deck, you’ll be able to squeeze out a win against Vernon.

Remember that you don’t have to have every card in your deck, and that some cards can be more obstructive than helpful; the trick is to make sure you’ll be able to draw cards/use all of your energy every turn by manipulating your deck refills and hand sizes. For reference, I didn’t have any “Feeds” in my deck, just because it took up card space that could be used for more card draw or better effects, and by the time you’re fighting Vernon, you won’t have to worry about energy that much anyways due to how fat you’ll be and the energy the weight provides you. Good luck to everyone with the fight!


Got to beat him. Thinning the deck from cards that are not cost effective or situational did help, starting with a defensive playstyle at low weight and going offensive at the end was what made me get the win. Do you intend for this part of the story be like this or its just something to be a challenge and test the difficulty and will be adjusted later on for newer updates?


Managed to finish Cedric off at 15 weight, so here goes my journey to taking down Vernon. Also, I know you said no to art help before, but I would also be willing to lend my voice for some light voice acting as well if that’s something you’d want to add to the game. (I work with my voice a bit so I have a high quality setup.)

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Similar to what I mentioned in the earlier reply, all of this is ‘soft-scripted’ to make sure the player ends up at the hospital by the end. Since you managed to beat him, you could probably tell from the dialogue :smiley:

Voice acting is not something I thought about at all, but depending on how things go, we’ll see! However for the near future there probably won’t be anything on that front.

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And for those who are curious:

No, you’re not supposed to be able to win against Vernon.

There is actually dialogue for when you beat him, so the game doesn’t just… crash. In fact, it even tracks the result, but it’s pretty clear I didn’t intend for anyone to actually get that far.

Pretty glad I covered that case now.

And here’s some neat details you might’ve missed:

  • There’s some unique dialogue sometimes when you enter locations where there’s nothing to do.
  • The “extra draw” rule you get from skipping a turn doesn’t say anything about discarding.
  • You can equip the card you get after Tom’s fight right away, before you fight Vernon.
  • There’s variations on the dialogue you get after beating Tom depending on what Weight you’re at (this is the overworld dialogue, not the battle ones).
  • You can keep skipping turns in the tutorial against Cedric to lose.
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That’s fair! Just figured I’d offer to do a few grunts or moans or breaths or something since you’ve already got some pretty solid sound effects. Offer still stands if you change your mind!

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Finally managed to defeat Vernon last night and then slept like a baby afterwards, it was a difficult fight to be sure, but I can see why it was by design. The card that you get from Vernon is really cool too, hopefully we won’t have to go through it again next update but it’s understandable if it can’t be helped.

My best advice is to keep trying and you will see which cards are more useful during the fight than others. I do wish you all luck in this, I thought it was impossible at first, and I got closer and closer till I finally achieved it.

Good luck people’s.

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I’m not too sure about spoilers myself, but I figured I would keep the mystery up for the people who haven’t gotten there yet :slight_smile:

hopefully we won’t have to go through it again next update but it’s understandable if it can’t be helped.

If you’re referring to the warning on the save screen, then unless I really screwed up, it should be fine. That note’s there more so as a heads up to cover my ass in the future :smiley:

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Ah, i ha e now since changed the message just so it doesn’t give too much away. Hopefully it’s better, :sweat_smile:.

And I was reffering to the warning, but if we have nothing to worry about, then I’m a happy man. Also, this game is really good, I love the art style and where the story is going, I can’t wait to see what is next for this game and where the story will turn.
And hopefully we will run into the drunk guy from the beginning and get some revenge. :grin:

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Alright well, after spending way too much time trying to beat Vernon, I finally gave up. I got 2 away from winning, but my luck is trash and I’m just wasting my time at this point lol. That said, I did have a lot of time to think and write down my thoughts while I was playing, so here is what I think could be improved (most are pretty nitpicky but good for polish), and what I think it really great so far.

I would love to see some visual indicators, like a gage or something, for both Weight and Energy. Maybe a scale or the outline of a body that fills up for weight, something along those lines. As it stands, visually, it’s a bit dizzying to take in all those numbers next to each other, but that’s a small thing.

The status in the menu should be present tense instead of past tense. It just feels a bit odd for it to be in past tense.

I would maybe try upping the saturation for the darker protagonist skin tones. They look pretty grey, but I know sometimes upping the saturation doesn’t look good either, so that might be something you have to play around with. The NPCs with darker skin look fine, so I’m sure the protag’s skin options were an afterthought, so it’s fine for a placeholder for now I think.

Would also be nice to have some glasses options for the protagonist. I would say outfit options, but that seems more obsolete since you grow out of them pretty easily, and it’s way more effort than glasses would be.

When you skip and there’s only one card left to be drawn, the deck goes down to 0 and doesn’t refill until the next round. I don’t know if this is on purpose or not but personally I think it should refill right away.

Some bgm would also be nice too! There’s a fair amount of royalty free stuff you can use.

And to round that out with some positives:
The bouncy/jiggly animations look great!
I love the diversity in the character designs so far. Most male weight gain games on here are furry, and on the rare chance they’re not, a lot of weight gain art in general is very white, so it’s nice to see other people as well.

The sounds effects are great! Very clear and crisp audio, it’s a nice touch. The audio quality in general is very good.

Overall, I can tell you’ve put a lot of work into this, it’s gotta be one of the best male-centered stuff on this site.

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I’d like to say that the audio design is great indeed, one of my favorite bits is the stomach growl/rumble during the intro sequence.
That said, more of these kinky audio tracks would be greatly appreciated, like more stomach sounds like the ones mentioned before, burping/belching when reaching weight thresholds (every 4 levels) or at other times, sloshing even…
But other than that its great! I’m really looking forward to the next version!! I’m hooked!


Thanks for the feedback! I’ll definitely look into some of these.

For some reason I had a real hard time deciding whether I want to write in past or present tense, a lot of lines were originally in past for some reason. The status menu was very much a last minute writing session, so I’m not at all surprised that it slipped by (originally it just had a placeholder “You’re feeling fine.” from when I was coding it :smiley: )

The skin tones are fine for what I had in mind for them, but I will definitely be adding more options at some point!

As for the glasses thing… keep an eye out for future updates :slight_smile:

The skip draw is the exact same as any other draw, so that works as intended. Admittedly the way refills work is a little unintuitive, but I quite like the unique intricacy that arises from “trying to draw”, rather than just refilling your deck when it’s empty. (And I hope the way it actually functions came across in the wording of the tutorial. I even included the specific case of empty deck but no refill because your hand being full prevents you from drawing :slight_smile: ).
What you can do is skip draw when you’re at 0 cards to call a refill that’ll occur right next turn.

Music is already being worked on! There were already some drafts done during v0.1.0, so if I manage to keep up with the plan, there should be some in the next update!

And lastly thank you for ending it on a positive note!
I’m glad the diversity is something to be noted, even by one person :smiley:

Surprisingly a lot of people have pointed out the sound design, which is great, because I didn’t expect that at all back when I was just scraping something together for the prototype. I will, however, remind everyone that none of the sounds themselves were recorded by me: it’s thanks to all the folks over at that are willing to put out their various recordings for free!


I’ve posted it on about this but I wanted to post here as well that I really like how the game has progressed. Additionally, if anyone is interested in trying their hand at a certain challenge:

I’ve written up a brief strategy guide for how I beat him. Bear in mind that this fight is still after a set of 2 fights without healing and your resources are limited, so it will be very difficult and there will be some luck involved to avoid being hit by strong combos.

Step 1: Re-run the tutorial with hint text turned off until you can clear the first fight (after the scripted one vs. the drunk) with less than 20 fat. Prioritize building muscle for defense and chip fat onto your opponent when you can. Only go full-offensive when you’re certain you can finish the job, as you’ll need all the room to grow you can get. You can go as low as 15-16 apparently, but I managed to beat V with 18.

Step 2: Build a defensive deck that can draw new cards easily. The reason for this is two-fold; first is that you want to minimize your fat gains for the V fight as you are subject to a certain card combo that will always fatten you no matter what. Second is that maximizing your hand lets you; make use of two strong cards (Keep Pumping and Drink It All Up), is efficient for your inevitably higher fat stat, and prevents you from having turns with only a few (or no) cards available.

The following deck I used was:

  • 1x Drink It All Up
  • 3x Exercise
  • 3x Feed
  • 1x Fit Feeder
  • 2x Indulgent Stuffing
  • 2x Menu for 2
  • 1x Seconds?
  • 1x This hand sucks!
  • 1x You want more?

Step 3: Fight Tom and aim to clear with <30 fat. Mid 30s is doable, but anything above 40 is going to be impossible due to the nature of your next opponent’s deck. Easier said than done, employ a similar strategy to the first fight. Build muscle and use Indulgent Stuffing to fill your hand and play from there. Try to keep your muscle above 4 in case Tom uses Bulking. Keep an eye on your deck and when you only have 3 or less cards left, try to play one of your yellow/drawing cards to trigger a refill on your next turn instead of risking sitting at 0. This prevents you from having to be stuck with a turn where you can’t play anything, which is disastrous for your survivability. It’s a war of attrition but don’t get greedy, only go in for the finisher when you can guarantee you can get those last few pounds in.

Step 4: EQUIP YOUR NEW CARD, Keep Pumping! Immediately after winning against Tom, you are put into a very brief bit of text. You can still open the menu during this time, which means you can equip the card you won from Tom. This is an extremely powerful defensive card as it lets you get up to 3 muscle for only 1 energy. Paired with your draw-heavy deck, it means that you should always be able to get at least 2 muscle when it’s in your hand. You can’t save before the next fight so get into the habit of pausing after the Tom fight or you’ll be at a strong disadvantage doing into the V fight.

Step 5: Pray for good RNG and take on the V fight. Employ a similar strategy to the Tom fight, building muscle and filling your hand. Because of your deck’s build, you should be able to regularly pull your new card for some cheap muscle gains. Try to maintain your muscle above 6 when possible, since V likes to perform a combo of Bulking → Bulking → Yes Sir! (and possibly a second Yes Sir!). Even with 6+ muscle, this combo adds 2-4 fat onto you no matter what, meaning that you can only afford to be hit by this a few times on top of everything else. V is also holding the “It’s All Muscle” card, which only gets stronger the closer he is to defeat, adding up to 10 muscle to his own defenses. Like with the last fights, play defensively first and chip away at his muscle/fat when possible. Aim to go on the full offensive only when he’s in his mid-40s and has little to no muscle, otherwise he’ll likely win against you on the next turn. Don’t be discouraged if this takes a dozen or more tries, as you’re going into this fight with only about half of your “HP” available.

If you’ve managed to do all that, give yourself a well-earned pat on the back and watch the scene. You’ll earn yourself a very good card as well, though you won’t be able to use it. I’ve recorded a victory that shows off the scene but I don’t want to spoil it if the developer wants to keep it as a treat for the dedicated.

(Speaking of, if you need any help with the writing I have a few years of experience with it and am always happy to consult).


It’s great to know that good strategy, but could you please mark it as a spoiler? Someone could not want to know it before they start the game.

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Sorry about that! I’ve edited the post.

I do wonder, if in a later update, we will face someone who has a higher threshold for weight than we do. And or, if we are able to increase our threshold one way or another. Only reason I think this is because 54 is inbetween multiples of 4, which is what the weight gain images and descriptions go up by.

So it does leave me pondering. :sweat_smile:


best game on this site hands down!! i thought this update was just gonna give u the option to fight another enemy but my expectations were BLOWN away!!!


thanks for the help! beat v on my first try with this lmao

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