There’s a zoom feature, right now.
how do I zoom out? and or how do I unlock it?
i’m in the warehouse and the character is at over 81,000lbs, when i change the camera angle to not be inside them, I’m basically face to face with them. is there a way to zoom out?
You need to scroll the mousewheel backwards or forwards to zoom in and out, if you don’t have one then I don’t know what to tell you.
you should add more key options for zoom for users who don’t have a mouse.
I agree, perhaps even add clickable zoom buttons to the main screen.
You can press A and D to zoom in and out.
This game is really fun!! I really like all the changes in 0.3. Iirc though, wasn’t there a cat mouth option in 0.2? I thought that was really cute, I’d like to see that in the new version.
Do food bonuses stop having an effect after a point? Seems to cap off at some point for me.
Yes, after a certain point the bonuses stop having any effect as all the different parts stop scaling differently from eachother.
which is odd, because according to the weight loss screen, it says it still scales
the value still changes , its just not visibly showing that its changed.
Very neat game! I have been playing since 0.1 and 0.3 is proving to be really fun and better in every way (though I kinda miss the exagerated jiggleness of 0.2 but still). Excited to see the game grow
I do however have some thoughts and suggestions so I’ll pack them in the toggle triangle thing
The toggle triangle thing
Remember that I have no idea how hard or viable these are to do, or if they are so obvious that it is already being worked on, so please don’t take them as demands
Something that I thought about that could look nicer and possibly solve some clipping is to lower the effect bones have on vertices that are far from the head/center, so larger characters’ bodies don’t move as much and create a sense of weight and maybe differentiate the “big” from the “humongous”, like making bellies just stretch slightly and not “move” at all when big enough to rest on the ground. I say that because right now some conversation poses clip straight through the ground and, particularly in the warehouse, it is a bit weird that a character THAT voluminous can shift as much of their body as a character that is still 100 wobbs away from being immobile. And it would be funny to see them plant their face on themselves doing the sad-low-shoulders pose.
About the camera, I think it would be cool if we could pan the view (don’t know if that’s what it’s called), because I mostly play with the foods window shown so 1/3 of the big characters is covered most of the time. Yeah I’m too lazy to close that window every time but it’s not a big deal.
Also, saving the camera zoom level so it doesn’t reset after moving to the clinic or buying food would be nice, since I like to keep track of changes in size by the changing distance between their belly and some straight line like the HUD or the edge of the window. That would solve the problem of entering the apartment inside them, too. Or, in that case, it could be done so that you can’t zoom inside them and that value would increase or decrease for each character as they change in size. (For the saving part, I mean just the zoom, not necessarily rotation too)
This is probably already in the dev’s mind, but taking the time to do some epic MATHS to make the pathfinding account for buffed bellies would be great to avoid more clipping. Or maybe not. I don’t know what could be done when they are immobile and still clipping
Later on I think things could be done to improve the “feels” of the game. Let me explain:
When something in the game is big, there’s no doubt that it IS big, but it doesn’t always feel that big, at least for me. Like, a few times it felt to me as if my character living in the warehouse wasn’t really as big as they should and everything was scaled down instead. Even with the fact that their head was tiny by comparison.
A few things I think would be valid in that matter is increasing the resolution of the floor in the warehouse, so it doesn’t look like the camera is just very close to the ground in a normal sized room; scaling down the boxes and barrels, because, even compared to our friend shackled to the wall in the corner, these seem a bit too big, maybe replace the boxes with containers; and perhaps make it so that the further you zoom out, the greater is the distance you have to drag the mouse to turn the camera by a certain amount. Being careful, of course, not to make it so sluggish that it appears to lower the camera sensibility to 0.05. With that, I think orbiting the character would feel… idk maybe more immersive, because it would take slightly more time/effort to do a 90 degree turn than it would if the camera was closer.
For now I think this is everything! Aside from the usual stuff like cartoon outlines doing weirdness in some edges and behind and the first encounter dialogue happening multiple times even after the fix (maybe it’s because almost all my characters were created before 0.3.2, idk).
Good work and looking forward to coming updates!
i have another error its not letting me press finish
A and D does nothing. what are you talking about? Maybe the settings on your computer substitute A and D for scrolling, but mine doesn’t. A and D is not zooming.
What version are you playing? I specifically coded it so A and D zoom for people who don’t have traditional mice.
I hope that in the future there’ll be a chatty-ness slider, cause I feel like the little conversations don’t happen that often.
But that’s my only complaint I have pretty good so far!
I do not know if I am the only one with this bug, but after a while( like 4 days) I come back to play this but my person in a apartment was gone and even if I try to make a new citizen when I press finish it just turns from yellow to white but does not continue any further into the game, yet I can still customize my citizen or change name. Is there a fix?
Is there a size cap once you move to the warehouse? I know in general once you hit the mega sizes it gets hard to tell, but even using some of the markings on the floor for reference I notice like no difference between 20-40k wobbs