This looks like it could be neat.
Oh, I have been wondering about something and maybe I can get all of your input.
How many different flavor conversations do you think would be enough for the first release of the game?
They take quite a while to make, since each conversation can have between 4 and 8 different avenues (4 personalities, and whether they are or aren’t into gaining). And that’s without any choices made by the player. Just adding a single “A or B” choice can make that number spike to 16. And each text box needs to be assigned an animation, eyes, and mouth. Because of this, the current limit is 1 conversation per in-game day. It takes a meaty chunk of time to implement a conversation. But I really want this game to feel “full”, even though the first release will still be a WIP.
So I was wondering, how many conversations do you think would be ideal for the player on the first release?
i’d say two conversations per personality would be the perfect amount for first release. i’d understand completely tho if thats too much
Oh, that’s actually much lower than I thought someone would say! Haha.
There’s no need to overdo it for a first release. If it feels barebones, more can be added later.
True. Fair point. Sometimes I forget to keep myself leveled and practical, heh.
Aye, easier to give concrete feedback once the game’s in a tester’s hands, otherwise it’s just speculation.
Good point. I’m trying to have a build ready this week.
make sure to take breaks and get good sleep. dont tire yourself out
It’s definitely hard to say how many conversations would be best for a first release. I suppose it really depends on how many ways there will be to interact with the girls. If the only intended thing is feeding them and then they talk to us, then you probably want a handful just to give people a taste of the gameplay loop. As others have said though there is nothing stopping you adding more later down the line.
Looking forward to checking out the build when you get it out, but don’t feel the need to rush one into people’s hands!
I do have an new alpha build pretty much ready to go. When I’m ready to post it, should I just post it as a reply here, or make another thread? I’ve been seeing it done both ways, so I’m not sure which method is preferred around here.
I think as reply then those who follow this post will get notified when the alpha/beta is out, but a new post when it is the whole game.
I think adding it to the first post and maybe as a reply in this thread the way to go personally, but I don’t see the harm in a new thread if that’s what you’re leaning towards.
I think the best way to avoid confusion is to post it as a reply and edit the first post.
Just do both. I think that’ll bump your thread more.
First alpha build now available to download!
Chub, Chomp, Chill by SolitaryScribbles (
Forgive the clothing clipping and the lack of audio. I hope you what’s there so far.
Hmm, I don’t think the link is working, unless something is going wrong on my end.
Link ain’t working for me either.
Whoops! Forgot to set it to public! Should be working now
Now it’s working, thanks mate