All characters are 18+. Honestly, its a bit goofy on the level of explaining such, since its one of those games that written that everyone is in high school but is set in college. I may not understand how colleges in Russian work, but I doubt they would be this casual and fairly childish. A lot of English/American colleges are a lot more about the personal, individual growth, so things like “Class Presidents” don’t really come up.
I have no qualms with using AI art, but I will strongly recommend looking into downloading and using your own copy of Stable Diffusion and grabbing a model. Aside from saving money on having to prop up a NovelAI subscription, you will be able to create a more diverse collection of styles over NAI’s default “plastic, desaturated, low detail” default look. You should also look into using different poses, you have the power of AI to create such. I know it can be difficult to create consistent outlooks, but it is far from impossible and I believe your work will benefit from more dynamic poses and bust portraits.
I will also recommend bringing up this is a Kinetic Novel, not quite a Visual one. There’s no choices involved, it is simply reading through a story. If you aren’t going to have choices, you should look into ways of making it a more visually/auditorily-pleasing experience. Finding an English proofreader will be important too, given that there’s plenty of typos like “The Luna went her separate way” and “I am in a Class of 2B”, that also helps avoid people from just skimming through and mashing M1 to advance through the text for the next set of growth portraits and possible CGs.
On the note of the actual writing its…pretty mid, I’m sorry to say. You can really cut a lot of the redundant or transistionatory scenes out, it is just extra text and writing that don’t add much. Much of the dialogue is very flat and uininteresting, and characters don’t really express themselves through their speech alone. I can really only tolerate Naomi and Sam’s Mom, being the only two characters that seem to have more an emotional range and pitiable circumstances (Naomi with turning into a bimbo, Mom for dealing with her daughter’s short temper and weird hangups).
Sam isn’t really a strong protagonist, her whims just seem to shift about and she doesn’t really have problems, as the solutions fall on her lap. I do like the idea of her not liking her growth, but it seems to be sideline as soon as she has to grow for a job (which you would think would be a dealbreaker). You need to give her more drive or tougher challenges, like dealing with Valerie and her taunting, her sister’s insensitivity, or dealing with the prejudice against petite women – either fighting against it or having to capitulate to societal standards of beauty.
My final piece of advice is please get a different font. It’s a legit PAIN to read. I appreciate the drive to have your style, I respect you actually changing the default Ren’py windowskin. But FUCK, I cannot continue to exhaust myself trying to read this font! Again, I’m unsure how this works or looks in Russian, but the English font is not good.
All said, it isn’t like I’m against your project. There’s potential in here, and it seems you are quite happy/dedicated with it. Keep at it, I think you’ll be able to find your spark.
He’s Russian. What other option does he have…?