D.I.E.T. - Did I Eat Today? - 6.30.2024 - Version 0.27.0 Out Now!

Currently working on version 0.23.0! If anyone has any questions on the new choices from 0.22.0 and the different scenes/outcomes there are from those choices, feel free to reach out :slight_smile:


Hello, i support and like your work. Will there be immobile scenes in the new story?

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Unlikely. Creating an immobile model in VAM either looks incredibly bad or looks like a ball with hands and feet. I’ve tried it once and it was incredibly subpar (back in version 0.10.0). On top of that, most of my content are sprite images (with a few background renders). Models this large do not really work as sprites.

Edit: About the only way I would consider doing an immobile model again would be if I commissioned someone to create a custom morph for me. But I don’t know of any VaM morph creators unfortunately who do commissions.


Thanks for the reply, I hope things will work out the way you want in the future. I don’t think Rachel (my favorite story) looks that bad in the photo, I think you did a pretty good job.


FYI - Demo has been updated to Version 0.18.0!

Each version is either an entirely new storyline or a series of mini-stories.

You can find the demo by visiting the link in the first post of this thread!


Quick update on my progress:

Story Status - 100% Complete

Coding - 100% Complete

Character Appearances - 100% Complete

Background Images/Still Renders - 90% Complete

Character Sprite Renders - 80% Complete

File Compression - 0% Complete (Starts after all steps above are complete)

Here’s my gameplan and hopeful timeline for getting the release out. Essentially, there are 1.5 stages left to work through. I was able to get 1.5 stages of sprites done tonight, and then I’ll be working on the remaining 1.5 stages tomorrow (as well as bug checking and a few background images).

That would then leave just file compression, upload, and distribution of the update which would be scheduled for Wednesday 2/28. I always forget February is a short month ha.

I have personal plans Wednesday night, so ideally I am able to get everything taken care of as to not interrupt those plans.

But barring any catastrophic issues, the release will happen before the end of the month as per usual!



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Just released version 0.23.0!

(FYI - Currently available on Windows & Mac. Steelmaker is working on the Android version currently.)

Two quick things about this update:

  • Realistic storyline (no magic again)
  • A few more “branching” choices this time around to different scenes!


Tried the demo. I confess I had my reservations about the many short stories choice; mainly dispersive plot, necessarily limited character developement, forced large jumps in time (and weight xD) and objective difficulties in detailed world building. So I do really have to compliment you on making it work with a pretty entertaining end result!
I still think it would be better to go with just a single storyline and few more fleshy (pun intended) characters, but that’s just my personal preference. The overall experience is certainly positive. After all we do have a similar style when it comes to the girls’ appearence and their… let’s call it “evolution”, though your work is certainly higher quality then mine.
So well done, sir!


Appreciate the feedback! I will say, part of the reason I do a new character every month is because I would go insane doing the same few characters over and over and over again lol

Hi I would like to play your game please

There’s a link in the first post to the free demo.

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I can’t go to the demo anymore is it a one time thing if so thank you if I can get the chance to to the latest version of the game I will be very grateful thanks again

You can get the full game on Patreon
There is a link in the first message



Check your messages

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Hi marco here I am new to this whole thing but when I read the comments and saw the pictures I think this is a great game can I please try the newest version of the game please thank you

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The newest version of D.I.E.T. is only available through Patreon.

The demo is available in the first post and is currently on version 0.17.0.
Feel free to try out the Demo! :slight_smile:

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I realized I never posted the teaser images for the next update. Whoops!

This next month is scheduled to be 3 mini-stories involving Jess, Amanda, and Darcie. This doesn’t mean that these characters will never have their own main storylines, but for now this is the plan for March. I know Darcie and Amanda were well received by many, so I who knows what the future holds!


Can the next update include Elizabeth?


To be honest, Elizabeth’s character model is extremely dated and hard to manipulate. I don’t envision that she’ll appear all that often due to those challenges, but never say never.

Edit: when i have some time i may try to update her appearance like i did Kayla

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So here’s a quick appearance update to Elizabeth (just something I whipped together). Looking for feedback on new (right) look. :slight_smile: