D.I.E.T. - Did I Eat Today? - 12.01.2024 - Version 0.31.0 Out Now!

Weird - I just ran through those same settings and I’m getting the same error now. I also tried it while adjusting some of the other settings to see if there’s a workaround. Appears to be an issue with muting the BGM for some reason which makes no sense. I’m running debugging mode right now and I’ve also started doing some research into the issue.

Until I can come up with a solution, the workarounds unfortunately are 1) mute from outside of the game or 2) running the game with the BGM on.

But I’ll continue to look into this and see what I can figure out.

The very first time I played I didn’t mute the BGM, just turned it down to it’s lowest volume setting. I don’t think it’s mute specifically.

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I don’t personally mute the the music. I only adjust the screen to be full-size and have still had this issue when booting it up for the first time. It could be something related to the settings. I have not tried to touch nothing other than starting the game after first downloading I did not even think of it being tied to something like that.

I think I found the issue…


I had an additional “jump” command after selecting “You don’t need to go to they gym!”. Looks like it was trying to decide whether to jump back to itself. Once I deleted the jump command I stopped getting an error in the debugging mode and it appears to load fine regardless now.

With that said, it should be corrected for the next version 0.5.0.

As for the demo… that’s a bit of a different story. I don’t actually have the demo file saved as a project anymore. In fact, I never really intended on doing a demo in the first place, but decided later on to provide version 0.1.0 as the demo. For me to try to go back and fix the demo now would mean having to copy the current game mode and delete all of the other scenes from the game, and even that wouldn’t remove the actual assets from the game.

I hate to say this, but that’s quite a bit of work for an outdated system. I can at least put a “known bugs” text file with the download, but because I never saved version 0.1.0 as it’s own individual development file there’s not really a way for me to go back to fix and update it accordingly.

Apologies :frowning:

But thank you for finding this bug! As @Krodmandoon pointed it, it’s likely been persistent since the very beginning.


That’s always a good feeling!

I’ll just quietly point over here: Version Control and the Lone Developer

For me, we’ve got a workaround, so that’s all good. There’s a good bit more content after that point, and I’d encourage anyone who thought there wasn’t to give this game another go!

However, with my trying-to-make-some-cash-on-the-side-from-game-dev cap on, it may be worth doing something, even if it’s a downgrade of your 0.2 or just making 0.2 your demo. The demo is your free sample to encourage people to buy (and no, pausing briefly to get the BOFH hat, most users won’t read “known bugs” even if they’re right there - they’ll be laser focused on that Download button). Having a demo VN that (for some users) freezes on the third choice isn’t a great and isn’t going to encourage them want to part with their cash.


Welp - went back in, copied the game files to have two of the same projects, and deleted a bunch of items that would be spoilers for the later updates. There are still some assets that carry over (certain background images) but for the most part it’s spoiler free with this updated demo.

The updated demo now includes:

  • New Title Page with Credits (former one was a bit too dark)
  • Choice options are now all in Orange rather than Gray (again was previously a bit too dark)
  • Edit: Also includes bug fixes when trying to select “CB: More to be added later!” and a fix to a snag that would occur when selecting “You don’t need to go to the gym!”.

The red choice found in Kayla’s storyline still takes you to her side story. There shouldn’t be any other changes, but if you go looking through the files you’ll see additional background images for scenes that aren’t part of version 0.1.0’s story.



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Hi, sorry to say I can reproduce the problem in the updated demo too. If I freshly unpack it wit 7zip, start the game, choose New Game, and at the first time Config is available enter the Config screen and then back out without changing anything at all then it will freeze as before. Exiting the program and restarting it allows it to go further.

Going in and out of the Config screen changes the file WG_Game_sf.sav and it more than doubles in size (still only a few hundred bytes), picking up some information about plugins. The file seems to be URL encoded JSON data. I’m not sure if this will help, but (after running through a url decoder and then a JSON pretty print) it changes from:

  "system": {
    "autosave": false
  "cg_view": {},
  "replay_view": {},
  "cg_id": {},
  "replay_id": {},
  "_tb_cg_noimage": "noimage.png",
  "_tb_replay_noimage": "noimage.png"

To this:

  "system": {
    "autosave": false
  "cg_view": {},
  "replay_view": {},
  "cg_id": {},
  "replay_id": {},
  "_tb_cg_noimage": "noimage.png",
  "_tb_replay_noimage": "noimage.png",
  "record": {
    "trail_othersplugintheme_kopanda_09_2config_config_page": 1,
    "trail_othersplugintheme_kopanda_09_2config_load_bgm_img": 1,
    "trail_othersplugintheme_kopanda_09_2config_load_se_img": 1,
    "trail_othersplugintheme_kopanda_09_2config_load_ch_img": 1,
    "trail_othersplugintheme_kopanda_09_2config_load_auto_img": 1,
    "trail_othersplugintheme_kopanda_09_2config_load_skip_img": 1

Maybe that will make more sense to you as to what those extra lines mean? I’m wondering it a simple bodge would be to include the larger version of this file in the .zip instead of the smaller one?

I also noted that exiting the game, deleting this file, and restarting it caused the “fresh install” freeze behaviour to occur once more.

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At this point I’m just going to cut it from the game.

I’ve given it one last attempt. If this fixes it, then yay. If not, I’m going to go in and edit that scene a bit and cut out the broken part(s).

Would you mind checking to see if the error is still occurring?

I tested the demo again. Unzipped a new file each time. I tested both options of could use a little meat and you’re in great shape as it is did not cause a freeze for me this time. I went in and did nothing with settings and then went in and changed to Fullscreen same result it worked fine. I muted and just turned down the volume and SFX and no issue again it worked fine.

Only issue I had between each test was tyrano telling me I had a modified save file and refused to start up between each unzip and boot up of the game. I simply just deleted the save files in the folder that were created from the settings adjustment each time from the previous unzip, and it was fine.

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Yes, it’s fixed! Sorry, was asleep when you posted that.


For those who haven’t seen it, here’s the trailer for Version 0.5.0 scheduled to release August 6th.


Looks promising i cant wait to set up my pc in my new home and going to play it :heart_eyes:

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I know you had mentioned getting the new Mac. Will 0.5.0 be available to play on Mac as well?

Unfortunately no. I purchased a Mac computer to export it to Mac but TyranoBuilder does not support 64x bit Mac at this time, so I’ve been unable to export it.

TyranoBuilder recently was acquired by a different developer so I’m hoping that they eventually update it to work with newer Mac computers. But for the time being D.I.E.T. is still Windows only.

Version 0.5.0 is out now!

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“The Freeze” is present in 0.5.0. as it just happened to me at the usual spot.

Actually, it’s worse now it’s not a one-time thing like it was in the past. As I just had it happen twice.

I had not saved at all before getting to the first convo with Kayla both times it happened. I chose to save before talked to her this time (number three) and this time I passed the area that freezes.

Ahhh crud. I’m jumping on now to work on it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I’ve got a few minor things to correct but idk how this one has popped back up. It’s just that first spot correct?

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Yes, it always happens with me when the 2nd choice comes up the line about could use a little more meat on your bones or the alternative if you didn’t say you don’t need to go to the gym. It always freezes when the 2nd set of choices comes up and, in this case, twice in a row. I’m not sure if the save did anything to stop that from happening but it was the only thing, I did different before it stopped.

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Well I’m dumb hahaha. I think I realized the issue. I created a stealth patch last month (for version 0.4.1 but never officially titled it that) to fix the issue. I then began my work this month by editing version 0.4.0 instead of the fixed version 0.4.1.

Easy fix. I’m going to knock out a few of the other spelling goofs and then update it with the patch. This time I’m going to throw version 0.4.0 into a dark box, never to be seen again :smiley:

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