Also: on the vore route, how do I get rid of the quest “Snacks for the Princess”? I had no option to deliver anything to Sporella, my first interaction immediately initiated a fight.
I’ll have to add a fail state for the Sporella quest if you’re on the vore route. I thought the quest wouldn’t appear if you were, but it’s possible to pick it up then start eating ppl.
Will look into, thanks
I actually picked it up after starting the vore route, so maybe that’s something else to check?
So im kinda lost on the clockwork puzzle? What exactly am i supposed to do on that???
In the dragon temple? There’s hints in another room. But light the fires
Does anyone know where you find the pie mix? I know it’s somewhere in the garden, but I’ve checked everywhere and have yet to find it
behind the waterfall
Where? I checked them all and didn’t find one. All there was in the main garden were the computers and machines. Unless it’s not the candy garden
Southern room in the Seal of Wind. Where the baloon transformation happened
Yeah but im not sure what the hints mean hhhhh im stuck on it
Light the western torch and the south torch. Or all of them to brute force the puzzle
So either something in the middle or no?
Can you only get one blueberry pie?
Yes use it wisely after getting it
I have returned for more feedback and shenanigans! Also your title still says v0.5.3 instead of v0.5.8 the game is on.
Ahem, anyway, spoilers abound.
Also I forgot to mention: I didn’t see a crack in the wall in the fire cavern.
♫Long long poooooost!♫ ... ♫Again!♫
Quest/dialogue scene where you learn Puffy Kiss: Extra space on line 2 not needed.
Viridian Dragons castle, stone tablet in the west wing still changes when you interact with it. It shouldn’t be allowed “turn to player” for the event, since that’s what would cause it.
Path to mushroom village, pile of leaves turns to patch of plants on interaction.
Lord of Flesh kitchen, “no one” missing a space.
Lord of Flesh, post-battle. “Exercise” misspelled.
Goes from “Ok Miss Lord of Flesh” dialoge box to this “ok, Karia’rashi” dialogue. Missing Karia’s response that would contenxtually trigger Mari calling her by another name.
Feast for a Dragon. Noting I haven’t even left the room yet. Talking to Karia’rashi, selecting “Make an offering”, you get this, right?
Now if I move my cursor, keyboard or mouse, to select “Leave”, all good. If I hit the ESCAPE key, the event for giving her the endless cream eclair plays instead (an item I don’t have, and a non-visible option in this menu selection). Hitting Escape key needs to always opt for the Leave option instead of selecting this hidden option for the eclair.
Caverns, belly-slammed the crack. Still requires to step in and hit Action button to walk in, instead of acting on touch when walking in (event under player, reacts on touch I think is the setting?)
Another shroom that is still.
Status screens: Light vs Dark? Is that intentional? Also missing Mari’s race info currently.
Ze slimes! Zey do not move anymore! Not even ze idleness!
Still shroom.
Red fat 2 stage, is check meant to be “cheeks”?
Red fat 2 stage, dialogue 2. “Chest’s” is missing an apostrophe. Or could be written as “chest has”, but of course that’s author’s choice.
Talking to Isabella, her image moves when you respond with “looking for source of strange hunger”. Doesn’t stay stuck, as it moves back when you talk to her again. But super weird.
Chub Town crystal is changing graphics when you interact:
Viridian Dragon Castle. Northern hallway. Screen shakes but no sound effects before both encounters. Also rogue period spotted.
Also it said she learned punch, but the game battle menu has changed to Uppercut.
Dragon jail. Lill’ianna moving too. Also “plenty” has an extra L in the word.
2nd floor, west wing. I can walk on the globe. lulz
Post freeing Luci, 2nd dialogue box and on moves her image too.
Talking to Gigi pre-crystal broken. Image moved on 2nd dialogue box.
Blimp trap scene. The word “to” is missing in “want to spend”
At’lass, dialogue box 3 moves her image.
After Jill calls Gigi “fuckin’ big and round”, Gigi’s image moves.
Word “then” spelled as “than”
“Apologize” misspelled.
Forgot to grab it, but right before this dialogue, Seal of Wind was spelled “Winds”
Anyway, “students” has an unnecessary apostrophe. The word “based” is spelled “bases”.
2nd floor southern exit to the balcony, no indent in the wall. Action button needed to use. Unless this is intentionally a secret?
Also, going back inside, like the Forest Town tavern, missing black space behind the door
(gods forgive me for this joke) Your* (RUN AWAY)
Fluffy fluff
Very hot.
I love that Red is just as fat as I left her in the blimp trap scene.
Me thinking the Gigi deflation will be like normal.
Battle ensues.
I-- (am greatly amused LOL)
Love the expanded house in the forest home!
And that is it for now! I am up to needing to Seal of Wind and then Candy Factory next.
Thank you again Kata
I’ve made most of these fixes! The door to outside the dragon temple is supposed to be a secret! And some of the mushroom guys don’t bounce, maybe they dont have as much energy as the other ones x)
Oh and somehow the character info like race/alignment data got reset so I gotta look into that.
Thanks for your help! At this point your basically our QA guy
Okay, since neither Glacie nor myself can find when I commented on the Isabella feeding bug for Fat stage 3 / immobile, here you go. This is specific to the feeding mechanic, not Isabella’s floating image.
Bug report ahoy!
This is Fat stage 2, prompt to go to stage 3:
Prompt accepted:
The very next dialogue shown. No feeding animation like stages 1 and 2, no visible growth on Mari.
Next line of dialogue, still no visual change
3rd line and onward, no changes:
Mari’s ellipses dialogue (aka the 3 dots, or “…”) is when her image changes.
I still get the Fat and immobile statuses applied, as intended, so it’s just skipping the growth to immobile visual for stage 3, and Mari’s image doesn’t even change until her next line of dialogue.
Hope this helps, Glacie!
0.5.9 Bug fix patch is up!
I know I will sound stupid, but I need help with the Tile Puzzel.
I’m pretty sure I know the awnser, but nothing happens…