Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

You can recreate your savefile by following these steps:

1)Go to the bewildered games website

2)Access the Developer Tools, in most browsers this is the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I. You can also find it in the menus if you look for options like “Tools” or “Web Developer”

3)You need to find where “Local Storage” is in the Developer Tools. In Chrome, its in the “Application” tab. In Firefox, its in the “Storage” tab.

4)Expand “Local Storage” and click on the bewildered games URL. You’ll be in the right place if you see a screen that looks like this:

5) You will see a list composed of “Keys” and “Values”. The keys are the names of individual variables. They are fairly self-explanatory. Change the values to the numbers you would like to have.