Eat The Dungeon General Discussion

yay Slime girl And Drunken Master for the Top 2!

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Keep in mind, a lot of damage type pairings are a matter of balance, not just thematic gimmicks. Monk’s job is to offer both of these damage types at once, and of the potential classes, is probably the best fit for this. And I think the damage types are meant to pass the “sniff test” for what a character does rather than reflect everything about her. Sneak is the closest thing to DEX in this game, thematically, which is why it’s on the decidedly unstealthy thief, whose cheek-claps would alert guards in another damn hemisphere.


Of the two, I think I might actually go with the slime girl. Seems pretty off the wall, and I am curious as to how that world work with the fattening.

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Another low-quality meme pertaining to the characters


Huuhh colonel, I’m trying to sneak around but i’m D U M M Y T H I C C, the slap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards and i can’t move! But yeah as i said in that post above i do consider the sneak stat more as a DEX / leg attack and in that context it does fit so my previous argument is mute, although having different combinations of stats in a category like fruit would be nice for different combinations of charachers but thats a rather small point considering how many there are already.


This is more the fantasy/dnd version of monks, not the real life version of monks. So they’re kind of adjacent to ninjas in my mind.

Yeah at a certain point we have to be flexible. Faith for the psychic, for instance, doesn’t 100% make sense at first. But Faith is also my stand in for mental fortitude and willpower, and works with that angle. Sneak also represents general dexterousness IMO


Ooohhhh you’re doing this in a DnD kinda way, i dig it! To remedy confusion you could think about adding a tab in game to explain every icon in terms like Faith, Sneak and Magic but also describe them as willpower, dexterity and energy so everyone knows what they’re talking about.

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i may not have the skill to make a thicc slime girl BUT SENPAI CAN


Did this quote thing work? Still new here.

Anyway, I know you already have a strong, “customizable”, and “play your own way”, kind of thing going on. To help with the items, I suggest you make them just as useful by making them a bit more…accessible, or less strategically draining. I did my best to try and adhere character-wise to dungeon elements and food types early to mid game, but by end-game missions, it just became easier to run with the last four I mentioned until the Ghost Prince dungeon.

I don’t really know how you’re going to do that - maybe by permanently attaching them to certain characters to boost one stat or give them some control over another stat to maybe become a bit more rounded(?) in terms of stat damage types? Only one I know of for sure is that one item that changes the food type of an enemy but for the life of me, I can’t remember what it is. The game is fairly fast paced, and sometimes I’m rushing to get to an S-Tier dungeon run. Items aren’t as useful in speedrunning.

I hope I was helpful and wasn’t just spouting.

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I wouldn’t call it just yet, more humanoid characters have been more successful as the game’s gone on and the promise of a beer belly is strong in this community.

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“Beer belly” was my first thought and you’re not gonna convince me that’s not the best option.


The next thing I want to try with them is making them powerful but have slow cooldowns, so they could one-shot things every once in a while. I haven’t gotten around to implementing it

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Here’s wow it went down:

in Power food Park, the girls begins the test of Power.

Redeemed Demon a.k.a Ronda took on a Barbeque Bull in a bullfight and wins witch to let the bull know: Not to bully Around a Demon. Rimshot

Drunken Master a.k.a Dina took on a herd of Beverage Beasts such as a Coca-cola Cobra, Mountain Dew Lion, Dr.Pepper Pyton, Root Beer Bear and much more but in the end she won, a little waterlogged but still won.

Slime Girl a.k.a Selina took on some Gummy Creatures Such as Zoo Animals, Sea Creatures, Birds, Insects And Dinosaurs. In the end Selina Ate all The Gummy Creatures in one Glup! Best way to get out of a Sticky Situation. Rimshot

Cultist a.k.a Cindy took on a Giant Devil Food Cake Demon and with the magic dagger in hand, she cast a Spell to give her power of Kirby and Luffy from One Piece And with one mighty Whirlwind inhale, She Gulped the demon down in one go.

Zealot a.k.a Zenia took on a T-Bone Steak Sphinx and with the Golden Cain in hand, She manages to tame the Meat Best and Rides it as a Mount. :smiley:

Dragon Disciple a.k.a Dora took on a Strawberry Cheese Dragon Cake, With her power to transform into a Dragon, she beat the cake dragon in just one bite!

With the Test of Power done, the girls move on to the test of Speed but that will be for next time. :wink:


The Drunken Master Monk is the newest addition to Eat the Dungeon’s cast. Please look forward to her being in game next week!


and the pattern continues, sadly. though at least this time the design looks decent.



what do you mean there is a pattern?


I love Her! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiley: :heart_eyes: There can be only one! aye-line from Demoman


Definitely is giving Rock Lee “drunken fist” vibes, wonder how much of a hollow leg she has.

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She’s the 6th Erill design that’s won. Dude’s designs keep winning which some people (myself included) feel like take away from other people’s good designs.


yay keep it up Erill, Make more cool Designs! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiley: :star_struck: