so I tried making a new save but there’s no tutorial to start off the game meaning it can’t start
Thank you for the replies. I believe I have fixed the softlock on the world map screen, please let me know if it keeps happening.
Yeah I should have known better than to just copy it without thinking about it critically. I should have taken the time to learn javascript properly instead of just winging it like I’ve been, haha.
This might have been related to the softlock bug I fixed, let me know if its still happening.
Is the whole resolution thing gonna get sorted? PC wise the resolution is tiny and since this is HTML there’s no client-side fix without it just getting reset every refresh.
Eh I think that’s how most people learn how to code. At least that’s what I did in the beginning. And I don’t think most people ever really get a formal rundown for a language, they just do bigger and bigger projects until they pick it up well enough. So I think you’re doing just fine.
It’s definitely patchable client-side.
Open the developer console and paste the following in it and hit enter. This will need to be done after each page load, as it will get reset after a refresh. Maybe you could make a Tampermonkey script or something to automate it:
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++)
function main() {
game_time += get_frame_time();
// Get scaling factor
var scalingFactor = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
// Get target width and height
var targetWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
var targetHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
// Calculate the target scaling ratio for each dimension. 1080:600 reduces to 9:5.
var targetWidthRatio = targetWidth / 9;
var targetHeightRatio = targetHeight / 5;
// Calculate final ratio, incorporating the scaling factor and rounding up to the nearest whole number.
var targetRatio = Math.min(targetWidthRatio, targetHeightRatio);
targetRatio *= scalingFactor;
targetRatio = Math.ceil(targetRatio);
// Set the canvas size, multiplying it by the scaling factor.
CANVAS_WIDTH = canvas.width = (9 * targetRatio);
CANVAS_HEIGHT = canvas.height = (5 * targetRatio);
frame_scale = 1;
context.clearRect(0, 0, CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT);
if (current_bgm != -1) {
if (bgm_array[current_bgm].sound.currentTime > bgm_array[current_bgm].loop_end)
bgm_array[current_bgm].sound.currentTime = bgm_array[current_bgm].loop_begin;
if (next_gamestate != current_gamestate) {
console.log("Gamestate change");
current_gamestate = next_gamestate;
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerText = `
html {
/* make the html tag take up the entire page */
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
body {
/* Remove padding */
margin: 0;
/* Make the body tag take up the entire page (within the html tag)*/
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
/* Center child tags vertically and horizontally */
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
display: flex;
canvas {
/* Limit the max size, so the canvas will shrink if it is too big to fit on the page. */
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
setInterval(main, FRAME_TIME);
So what’s next on the Eat The Dungeon to do list?
So it turns out I’m a dumbass because all i had to do was just press the go button
so I’m sorry making it sound like a bug you needed to fix
Actually managed to get that working in TamperMonkey, nice work. I noticed in a different thread you managed to get a functional .exe version of the game through electron which somehow saves progress, I tried to replicate it myself but it’s beyond me, are you able to produce an up to date version with the resolution fix?
oh i didn’t notice that
I maintain an old roadmap here on my patreon:
Though this isn’t the exact order I plan to do things in anymore. Next will be the poll for the 19th female adventurer since that’s actually blocking a lot of the remaining work. I’ve kind of soured on the idea of hard/endless mode so I might replace that with something else.
nice now I can mostly expect what’s to come
So how exactly can one fix the small screen on desktop? im a bit code dumb i am in inspection mode but im not sure what exactly i need to do to change the canvas size? Other than zooming in of course.
Edit: found out how to do it temporary, but not permanently
I think this update brings some nice changes, the new title screen is great for example, here’s some my thoughts or possible changes regarding it.
- I’m finding that there is considerably more lag in this update compared to previous versions.
- This is just my personal preference, but the font size for the numbers feels off. As though it just slightly bigger than what feels right.
- I don’t yet know if this is a consistent issue, but when entering the game for first time after this update, the game crashed, and I was forced to reload.
- My personal opinion, the favourite favourite food bonus now being ×4 does feel overkill to me. I think it should still be ×2.
- With the more recently introduced set of levels, the item that’s supposed to be obtained from clearing them is lost upon reloading the game. Admittedly, this bug is not new to this version, it persists from the previous one.
Edit, another thing I noticed: When a select a character to attack, I am unable to deselect the character and attack with a different one if I so wish. Not too big of a deal since I can attack nothing with the character (by selecting to attack an empty enemy spot), lose nothing by doing so, and then select the intended character. Nothing huge, but an annoyance.
so the next to do is here as fallows:
- 19th Female Adventurer
- Levels 91-96
- Gallery
- Text and NPCs for levels 73-84