
So I suppose I should actually pop in here and say hi. I’m Kyra, also known as SillySnowFox or GenkoKitsu. I’m the one who’s (supposedly) working on the flash game Consume. It has a heavy vore content but once I get the bugs worked out you’ll be able to just stuff yourself with food (ice cream, pizza, chocolate, etc) until you can’t move, or even beyond :wink:

About me, I have a fondness for growth in all areas. Vore is actually one of my minor areas of interest, I’m more interested in what happens afterwards (to the pred, not the prey) I started Consume because I’d noticed most pred-focused vore games were unfinished and abandoned. I am trying to make bulking up a big part of the game. I’m a furry, if you couldn’t tell, and usually run around as a chubby vixen.

Consume has it’s own forum, there’s a link to it elsewhere. Feedback is always welcome. As are cookies, cookies are very welcome. :3

Welcome! Welcome to the Weight Gaming forum. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest fetish centers. I thought so much of the Weight Gaming forum that I elected to establish my administration here, in the Fetishmaster sub forum so thoughtfully provided by our benefactor, Kilif. I’ve been proud to call the Weight Gaming forum my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown - welcome to City 17 the Weight Gaming forum. It’s safer here.

Safer then hanging out in Consume anyway :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Wish I’d seen this sooner!

This? You mean me?

Yes, though only now I realize that this started a few days ago.

Hehe, it’s ok. I’m used to getting overlooked.