Fattening Career - 3D weight gain visual novel (0.10 released for Free!)

I’m curious about this new game of yours, and of course the new version of the current game too >:<
Congratulations for your work


Wouldn’t the skip option work here?

So you don’t bother with dialogue you’ve already seen?


great news for someone his country doesn’t have any cards like paypal or master card to subscribe in someone’s patreon :slightly_smiling_face:


Yea but it still takes a good amount of time to skip, select option, skip, select option, etc.


Update 0.07c is now released for free on itch.
You can get it here: Fattening Career by Bladerune9

Feedback is highly appreciated!


Okay, first time talking about this wonderfull game, before strating thank you Bladreruner9 for this game.

I had played the other versions since the 0.01 version, now right on this version, I have to say that I had enjoyed the new UI changes, the new stages and events that had been added more ecxitement to the story and gameplay as for the interactions that we waited for some characters.

As for my humble opinion of someone who waits for the free realese of the game I should say that is a really good fetish game better than other visual novel like, as far I could tell I had enjoyed the game so far of its development, but the ony issue I had was loading my old saved game from 0.06 but in the end is not a problem as I enjoyed the game and the old and new cutscenes as if it was the first time. So far so well, thanks again Bladeruner9.


Welcome to weight gaming @Indiox.

Old saves are always going to be advised to not be used. They will break the game and bugs will occur by continuing from an old save. Which is why there is a disclaimer to not use them. This will always be the same until stated otherwise on new numbered releases (0.06, 0.07, 0.08 etc.)

In this case saves are more broken then usual due to the update to the new version of renpy. The persistent data doesn’t work well between engine versions and made it so you could not skip old already seen dialogue (at least reliably.)


Glad you are enjoying the game.

Using old saves not only causes bugs and crashes like Krodmandoon said, they also cause a lot of new content to never show up.
Every update I have done has changed the existing content in some way, like adding extra event to existing characters or changing stuff around because of the feedback I receive.

So even if a save seems to work, You’ll miss out on a big chunk of the update

Now this isn’t going to be the case forever, After some more updates I’ll put the game into a beta state.
Beta essentially means that I’m going to leave all the existing content alone(I can still fix dialogue and images). Because the existing content will be set in stone, I can actually makes saves compatible from then on.

Until then I try to make every single update a big one, so that it feels less bad to play from the start again because there is a lot of new stuff to explore. It also has the unintended effect of it taking longer between updates releases so maybe you want to go back and go through Bonnie’s story again for the 4th time :stuck_out_tongue:

I do understand the fact that the classroom content is really repetitive/boring so that is something I’m going to be changing in 0.08


Today is going to be awesome :fire: :fire: :fire:


Amazing overall but I do wish you could select one person (optional) as a partner then it would make each relationship hold more weight also add more Marie content


save bug(?) found: So when you try to load a file it detects as created on a different device (i.e. an edited save to give me money lol) it just straight up doesn’t work. If it’s on purpose to prevent cheating than fair enough but as someone who doesn’t like to worry about resource management in a fetish game its pretty annoying. That being said it seems like a glitch because after it asks you if you trust the file and you click yes just nothing happens, like the popup window disappears but it doesn’t load the save it just leaves you in the load save screen and if you click it again the same thing happens. I’m on windows btw if it matters.


This notification is caused by the engine upgrade that happened in 0.07 as it’s a standard part of renpy now to protect from malicious software with that notification. https://x.com/renpytom/status/1608836448110907392?s=46&t=DmRxjp1geQvEtCCHCkr-Qw

The save not working or loading is not related to the notification that would probably be something else and I believe is unintentional.


You are not the first one to report this, I have actually tried myself to edit save files and also couldn’t get them working.
It turns out that there was a exploit found that could infect your PC with a virus if the malicious actor edited the save in a certain way and you loaded it. Because the game is now currently on latest version of ren’py it has protections that trigger if the savefile has been edited and it won’t load it anymore, all to protect the end-users.

Furthermore, Ren’py now advises people not to share/temper savefiles and the persistent file at all.

Maybe I’ll add a little cheat button somewhere so you can add some money ingame.


This game is fantastic, I’ve enjoyed every update and replay through the entire game because it’s so enjoyable. My only thoughts so far:
I am looking forward to more options in the classroom. I love the Daisy character but there does become a point that her repeated force strip options become very tedious. Which is a shame because again love the character.

I find the later options when characters hit their max size and then giving them too much food only some take down the meal well and most others have trouble. I love the having trouble finishing face looks but would like sometimes a super full belly view during those times showing they are in fact at max capacity.

I find the fullness bars during feeding sessions to be a little confusing. Especially the which is the point they are not able to have sex and just pass out. Maybe change the bar to red or something showing how far you can bring them to reach the desired effect?

I feel like my last playthru I did mostly working and still felt short on cash most of the time. Not sure if there could be added options to earn bonus money that also satisfies fetish stuff or something.

The bunny bites girls, I would like it if there were other opportunities once the convo to purposely fatten them to do bonus things. Like maybe when you releive someone for their shift you can pay to send them home with food, or maybe anyone you pay to over serve if they don’t finish it can be offered to coworker. I think the girl you go drinking with maybe you can opt to pay for beers she can chug trying to win the drinking contest or something to add calories, or when going home a choice to stop for fast food or offer her one of your snacks or she’s buzzed enough she keeps eating so not a feeding session but drunken munchies.

Cayenne needs something else added being she’s into that hedonistic religion stuff. Maybe some belly rubbing or other pampering related activities in between the long long feeding sessions for her.

Luna and her giant boobs. Need some activity with those things. I feel like her bedroom model doesn’t quite match with the newer scenes at work. Maybe more close ups of them or popping out of her tops?

All just some thoughts, game is so good but these ideas pop in my head while playing thought I’d share.


Okay, after replaying the game once agian (really enjoy every second) I have to report I have a kind of bug that crashes the game on one the stages of Bonnie story (When we make the store just for her own) my game crahed for no reason and my saves were deleated, I dont know if someone else has suffered the same bug, but it just happened once so I got to say that maybe could be a failure of my computer or maybe just bad luck with the game, so I just wanted to report it, thanks again Bladerune9 for such a wonderfull game.


I’m happy you like the game.

The classroom is getting a big overhaul in 0.08, my goal is to make it less repetitive by introducing classmates that you have to do group projects with. The classmates will be gaining weight.

I’m guessing you are referring to the Bunny Bites extra food option. There will be another option coming that makes them eat even more, which will feature some good views/angles of their stuffed bellies.

The whole stuffing minigame and the fullness bar is still being worked on. It will be less confusing in the final version.

Every update I try to balance the money situation slightly, like adding some extra income from Bonnie in 0.07. In 0.08 I will add yet another source of income. And in the future you will be able to earn a raise at Bunny Bites.

Your ideas for the Bunny Bites girls, Cayenne and Luna are pretty good, I might use some of those.


Were there also no auto-saves left over after the crash?
I have never witnessed a crash that deleted saves before and I don’t believe any of the game’s code is able to do that. So I’m inclined to believe that something might have happened on your end.


Yeah, as I said maybe it was a problem with my computer becouse I replay the game once again and nothing happened, so maybe my drive was the problem


First off thanks Bladerune9 for all of your work on this great game. Love the 0.07 update with the reworked gym, trista/katrine scenes, hospital scenes, and lyn making a return! I know the update just came out, but wanted to see if you had any plans for extra Maya content in the future. Would love to see her (and every other character) get even bigger!


Welcome to weight gaming @BOA.

Maya will get more content and story just like the other named girls you interact with. Since it’s a WIP game though it’s just a matter of when. Maya’s original planned story was cut in favor of a better story and content. I would imagine this is one reason she has a lack of story, but like the rest of the girls with no story content it will eventually be added in with time.

0.08 will be focused on improving the early game classroom events among other content and things.