I’m extremely flattered that my name is attached to this game, though I don’t know how much I actually contributed directly. It is a lot of fun grinding up to fatter levels, and I like the sort of hybrid ‘Visual Novel’/RPG thing this has going, with the puzzle-like prey and interactions. I did encounter bugs here and there but it’s all stuff that could get polished out and have mostly already been mentioned.
Great work and I’m so happy you decided to bring this to life and share!
Interesting. I have NO IDEA why they’re capping at tier 2, but that’s a priority fix for sure. I don’t think they did in ver 0.1… Hmm. One step forward, 2 steps back.
And yeah, the maintenance dude did say he misplaced the key iirc, so you get either his back-up copy if you do his quest, Grace’s copy if you beat her first, or… you find where he left it, to begin with. Most ‘puzzles’ will be formatted like that, with multiple ways to get an item
Hmm. What do you mean, ‘anything else’? Does the game softlock?
Looking at it from my end, if you talk to Charity with Rachel, it flips on several switches, 2 of which are vaguely redundant, but all of which are there to ensure that Grace ultimately argues with her mother. That’s kind of the ‘peak’ of what’s released thus far.
I’m still in the hotel starting area. Can’t figure out how to leave the building. I decided to farm for a bit, and I got Rachel up to “Plumper.” The menu still says she’s Weight level 8, even though I know she’s a level 9. On top of that, once she got to level 8 and hit “Plumper” level, she stopped digesting. No calories gained while eating, no fullness going down… nothing. MC is still fine; this is only happening to Rachel.
The building you’re in is thus far the only area, actually. You’ll be able to leave it next content update, I promise. And the Class/Digestion bug is something I keep meaning to look at; I assure you, THAT will also be ironed out, ideally, for the aforementioned update. Sorry about that!