Fatties Eating Fatties! A Vore-focused, WG RPG -- update 2/1/24, Ver!!! (insert vore joke lol)

I’m in love with this game! Can’t wait for the rest of it to come! It’s got a fun story with likeable characters and even some nice comedy in there! Of course, it’s sexy as heck too! Keep up the great work!

I’ve kinda recruited rachel and then talked to Grace. Now I’m not entirely sure what to do next.

Bug Report

I did some testing with certain skills and they don’t work:
Pred heal, feed pizza, enquicken, Miss-show off, Gravity ( one of the fat demons’ moves)

using the milking machine in battle does nothing

I finished the escaped cow quest and started a new save and talked to the engorged grace causing the cow to appear

you can skip the first Bertha encounter; there’s one tile at the bottom that doesn’t trigger the fight

The generic recruitable npcs are always full

I have no idea what I did exactly but the normal attack turned into a multihit attack

I did some more testing with the bus stops and each menu option has a set place to send you if you exit with x [Downtown takes you to Downtown(Uptown), East takes you to Expa HQ, and West lets you skip the sleeping fatty and go to the beach early.] exiting the bust stop normally just softlocks the game

You can skip talking to Sheila and have two Sheilas on screen, one Npc and one party member, in front of the Ham.

This is subject to change:

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I dont know if this would be much to ask but is there a list of what recruirts theyre are and which phases they are in?

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Not at all!
In phase 1, you can get rumia/Rachel, Nanette/bella, Jamie/Phoebe, and the generic teacher.

In phase 2, you can get Jeff (Phoebe exclusive), charity, ming, Priya, Sheila, Agent skein OR Penny (the latter is exclusive to the expa faction alignment), and the scientist and fat teacher (I think) generics. You can also recruit generic Cultists and GAIN agents depending on your faction.

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Also, I just want to apologize for the wait for the next update! I’ve been working on it when I can, but life has not been making it easy.

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How do I recruit the irritated mom boss with the big ass? Grace the mom of Charity I think.

In phase 1, you have the option to re-fight her. Doing that will net you an item.
In phase 2, she’ll be in the penthouse after you pay it off. You can ask her to join you; if you have the item, she’ll join you, otherwise, you need to be a certain level for her to join you.

Alternatively, she’ll insist on joining the party if you have Phoebe.

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I defeated her once in phase 1, I don’t know how to fight her again. My party is Me, Rumia and the teacher.

Assuming you’re referring to when she jumps you in the lobby, you can find her in the room just north of that, en route to the fairy.

I already did that, so I should be fine for the next act Thanks for the info.

Sorry if it’s against the rules to ask this but can we expect you to post anything on Patreon this month? I would like to know before subscribing this month. Otherwise keep up the good work and take as much time as you need. Love the game!


I take back what I said about tanks being useless; they are just niche, and that is for several reasons. 1. Most enemies have multitarget attacks, like the wide attacks, that just break through any form of aggro drawing . 2. stats are incredibly bloated, most characters have high enough stats to take the attack. 3. only 2 out of 3 aggro drawing skills work as intended; Miss-show and #1- jerk works, but twerk does something else; it raises MDF(Magic Defense?) and lowers Def(Defense). However like I said earlier I believe they are niche and not useless.

Hey, just wanted to ask which level you have to be to get the max sizes for Nanette and Charity? Just so I’m not grinding for little to no reason.

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At 0.6 level 50 Charity and 48 Nanette


I played this a while back but wanted to leave some feedback, absolutely loved the update all the way up the current stopping point, but I do have one bit of feedback and it’s to do with the generic characters.

I really just like the idea of recruiting the generic NPC’s. I know it saves some time on writing since they don’t talk, as probably my favorite party member is just the generic cultist (I dunno I just really like them and the way the look especially at higher sizes). However the combat limitations(if I’m remembering them correctly) really does put a damper on them. The cultist always staying at max fullness so feeding them required work arounds. The limit on how much they can equip compared to normal characters. I dunno I feel like if the player wants to have a generic NPC on their team because they like the way the look, the lack of writing should be the only real “punishment” so to say. Apart from that though loved absolutely everything else, this was the only pain point I really had in my playthough once I saw I could recruit the cultist.


Could you tell me how to recruit all the characters here?

i have an issue… for some reason after a few hours of gameplay and reaching a specific level… the character models just disappear, its just the main character walking around the map. Idk if anyone else is facing this bug but I just wanted to address this issue :slight_smile:

I think you might be the first.
I suspect that you must have found someplace where I turned off followers, and forgot to turn them back on… Do you know where you were when this happened?

I had the issue with followers disappearing after coming to the beach in phase 2. If you exit right away, then they appear after rest iirc, but they can reappear if you visit upper part of the beach with runaway cowgirl.

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