
im going to try get the full 2.5 update out by the 9th of september

Again, the choose class option isn’t obvious. If I did not know to press tab, I would not have even seen the option. Fix your layout

what the, im not too sure what is going on with your layout

maybe try zooming out

Mine started the way theirs does too. I had to zoom out a bunch.

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frick, wait are you on mobile?

Looks like he’s playing on Firefox. I can tell right now that you’ve put the resolution way to high. It just shows a black screen for me unless I zoom out, so I can’t even tell if the game is finished loading or not. Generally, people playing on web browsers have a much smaller real estate to work with, especially on laptops and tablets where the OS sometimes zooms in 150-200%, without an obvious way to zoom it back out. So either optimizing a fullscreen mode or keeping it small (below 1200x900, 900x600 or even 600x450 in some cases) would make sure all the players can see then entire playable space. Alternatively, I’d recommend a scroll bar on the side to move the game area around. Until then players will have to zoom out manually to play the game (On Windows, it’s Ctrl plus the minus (-) key)

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No. I am playing on a computer, and using Chrome. I will say this has happened before, and my only explanation is that if you’ve got a big beefy monitor, it might be using your default resolution settings, whereas I’m on a laptop.

il fix it as soon as i can


i was unsure as to how the resolution worked but i edited the html file and it should now be 900x900.

id recommend weight gain be rebalanced a bit, the eating competition makes you gain over two tons.

With no penalty either.
I’d add something that prevents from you overeating too much at once. You know, build up your stomach capacity etc.

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Honestly it’s probably not your biggest concern so don’t worry about it if you didn’t fix it. I gotta try testing again cause I remember getting very confused/stuck and unsure what to do, I thought maybe the game just wasn’t developed that far, but the other replies seem to suggest I’m wrong and that there is stuff you can do that I couldn’t access.

Hopped into combat with a slime, aaaaand…

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oh that just happens, it doesn’t really effect the game play that much. that will most likely be fixed in the future

the far right warrior path is one i will 100% pick
I want to be a really loud viking

Is there currently a way to become one of the max tier classes (such as lythomancer or shadow walker), or are they not available in the current update?

Got a glitch that doesn’t allow me to buy weapons? Also, the debug menu and stuff opened up on its own when I was fighting slimes and there was some error with all the combat options.

Appologies for going missing and abbandonning the game, i am now here to resume my work. though i am begining to question some aspects, especially combat since

  1. it’s a freaking pain to do
  2. it’s janky
  3. im not sure how fun it is
  • Keep The Combat System The Same
  • Overhaul The System
  • Screw A System, Make It More Theatrical

0 voters


ok im ending it here, no more system, only situations