Fullness as a game mechanic

What games have you played that have implemented fullness in a fun way? What makes some iterations of a fullness mechanic more fun than others? Is there an implementation of fullness that you haven’t seen yet and would like to see?

One particular idea I had of a fullness mechanic was basically a limiter on how many food buffs you could apply to your character at once. Lets say a character had a level one stomach, so they couldn’t eat all that much. They eat some fruit to boost their defense but can’t eat anymore. The time limit of the defense boost simulates digestion. Seems like really basic stuff, right?

But this could be developed further. Each individual food item would take up a different amount of space and digest at a different rate. There could be an ailment making the character feeling bloated, taking up valuable space they need for a food buff. Or they could swallow a drug that lasts for a very long time and takes up little space. Your character could overstuff yourself for an additional buff at the cost of lowered health. Maybe a spell could be cast that would make you digest slower so the buffs would last longer. There would be negative side effects to some powerful food buffs, such as lowering your speed in exchange for much more attack. If weight gain is a factor, individual food items would contribute to your character’s weight differently. Filling up on only rice is a whole lot different than filling up on only cake, right? How long the buff lasts for and its digestion could also be split, if incredibly hungry characters are your thing. For example level 1 digestion would digest the food for as long as the buff lasts, but something like a level 10 digestion would free up space fairly quickly but the buff doesn’t get any shorter.

By creating this kind of diversity there would be a lot more strategy than simply filling up your character until they are full. Combine this with cooking as a potential mechanic and you could basically make a diet simulator. The only downside to this system is the it only really works in a real-time based game, so Visual Novels are a no go.

Lots of games have handled fullness differently. Some it’s simply a reverse health bar. Others it’s a meter used for special moves that gradually decays. What are your guys’ thoughts on the matter?


I feel that a hunger meter in a fat fetish game is probably almost always be a sort of limiter. ether to make food buffs/healing less abusable or to balance vore. It could also be used to limit leveling if you tie leveling to eating (like in this topic). if a game have a sort of day limit (like in Pikmin) it could lead to an interesting choices between fattening/leveling and healing/buffing.

you could also make it so that being x% full heals or replenishes mana. it would work really well if the game also have a vore move. do you have stay hungry so you can vore more or get full so you can heal?

one other thing it could do is make it so that traveling places with little food lowers your fat level.

Fullness is used quite extensively in my game. Almost everything that is eaten directly affects the fullness of the character, and her fullness in turn affects various actions in the game. For example, being less hungry afterwards, or being less inclined to go for a run because she’s eaten too much.

And, as the game developes further and she’s able to eat more, fullness will have more of an effect.

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Interesting, I’m not sure if I’ve seen fullness influence specific outcomes of events in a visual novel.

what about Hunger and Fullness? like should Fullness be how hungry a character is or should it just be how empty the stomach is? aka hunger is the need to eat fullness is the mass in the stomach

The way I interpret it is that a hunger mechanic implies negative consequences for letting the character’s stomach be empty. Minecraft, Don’t Starve, and all other sorts of survival games have hunger mechanics. Fullness as a mechanic implies negative consequences for going over capacity, or as a stat that needs to be increased for benefits. The terms are rather similar, but the objective of how it’s used is different. Both can be implemented at the same time, but generally the game revolves around one of them. For obvious reasons, fullness is the one we mainly focus on.

I don’t think so. Hunger isn’t necessarily tied to the amount of food in the stomach - not in reality and by far not in a game. It’s completely orthogonal to fullness IMHO.
Hunger is a feeling - and it can be learned. In a fetish game I would like it to be a basic attribute that can be increased and of course is better the higher it is. It enables a character to continue eating if she’s already full and thereby helps increasing the capacity faster.
And may have other effects. Of course it may be possible to “sate” it for some time, but with very high hunger this should be increasingly difficult.

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I think at that point it comes down to semantics and what the game’s objective is. I guess capacity would be a more accurate word than fullness when it comes to limiting how much the character can eat mechanically, as hunger, like you said, is a feeling along with fullness. The character can feel hungry, even if they’re at their physical limit. The character can feel full, even if they have room for more. But I think we’re getting off topic. My point was discussing what and how much the character ate influenced how a game functioned and whether or not it’s a concern for the player.

What hunger and fullness should do 100% depends on the game’s actual mechanics and genre, yeah. Really any way they handle it is fine, as long as it’s not one of those dumb games where they push all the actual fun content into bad ends.

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I think with fullness in general you should get boni the fuller you are so to speak, though with a limiter, maybe a malus in place, in case you over do it. Which requires the player to balance their intake a bit, while also rewarding them at the same time. The general specific really depend on the actual game, it’s genre and it’s general execution of game elements though.

I like the idea, though it may get in the way if certain other mechanics are implemented. If vore is a mechanic, then the player has to deal with weaker buffs until they eat an enemy, which may make things redundant. If converting or using food in the stomach is used for special moves the character effectively nerfs themselves when ever they use a special move.

The way I see it, fullness and hunger are directly related to each other. As you get fuller, you get correspondingly less hungry. Of course, greed also plays a part. A greedy person will eat more even though they’re not hungry.

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Depends on how technical and realistic you want to get.

For instance, I based my game off calories divided by 500 and rounded up to give a fullness number. I also have a maximum number that if it is passed or met, she is over-stuffed. I took the Harris-Benedict body equation and implemented it into my game, so I took a very realistic approach, and having a maximum fullness for the girl is required.

On the other hand, you could do something like having points per food item that add to the fullness counter/meter and that would force the players to be strategic in choosing which items to eat (or feed, depending on the game).

Overall, I believe having one adds a level of detail that enhances games, especially if you are trying to achieve a more strategic or realistic game-play. But, keep in mind that whether you add a counter/meter for fullness or any other mechanic you need to have a balance act with it. Balancing out the mechanics is tough, but rewarding if done correctly.

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I’m aiming for at least a semblance of realism, but also want things to move fast enough to be fun and not feel too grindy.

My game is very much work in progress. I’m still tweaking all the variables, but every time the MC takes the girl for food, the game checks how hungry/full she is, what greed level she’s currently at, how happy she is in general, how happy she is with her current size and how badly she wants to lose weight. It then plays these variables off against each other to work out how much she eats at any particular point, or what her response is to a given situation.

As the game progresses, greed will have a greater effect. And her increased size will mean that she can also eat more at one sitting.

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That is nearly exactly what I have going on, too! Hahahaha! In my game every girl starts out with a max level of 10 and every time she goes out to eat it increases by .2, allowing for a bigger appetite, but every time she works out or goes for a walk it decreases by .1, but her overall health is increased and her activity level goes up with walks and working out. This is how I balanced the counter so that she isn’t easily brought up to super-greedy and hungry levels. I combined the greed and hunger level counter to represent the same thing. Above 12 she is “showing signs of gluttony”; at 16 she is “a true glutton, wanting more to eat”, and at 20 she is insatiable.

I haven’t implemented happiness as a factor too heavily. There are points where she will break into a dialogue of doubt and restraint, and depending on what the player says in response to her insecurities will alter her greed and gluttony and self-esteem.

I am glad that you have a balancing aspect to your game, and it is important to keep it balanced. It all depends on how you play to the “grind”. I am still working on that, too. The best option to avoid the feeling of grinding but also have a realistic approach to WG is to allow for unlockable options and plenty of them. The more a player can do with her the less of a grind it is. :slight_smile:

I wish you well, friend! If I can help or if you want advice I am willing to help. I am a geek with numbers! I’m also an engineer, so yeah, I kinda have to be, right? Hahahaha!

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Your method sounds a lot more mathematical than mine! Not that there’s anything wrong with that :slight_smile: My maths isn’t fantastic, but hopefully I’m getting the numbers more or less right. If not, I’ll just keep tweaking until I’m happy.

As for the grind, I’m trying to get around this by having plenty of different things to do. With different responses/ outcomes depending on how she’s ‘feeling’ at the time. And with lots of events, both random and scripted to keep up interest. I’ve had mostly good feedback, so I guess I’m getting there. Still a long way to go though!

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@anon82925365 Sorry, just realised that I forgot to wish you luck with your game too! Seeing as though it sounds as though we have similar background mechanics (albeit mine are a bit less mathematical!), I’d be very interested in playing the demo of your game when it’s ready :slight_smile:

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I think fullness is a useful mechanism in a WG game, as it provides two important things. Firstly it limits the pace of any gain, and makes the player work harder to achieve their goal. It can introduce a puzzle in that the player has to get a feel for how much they can eat before they become ill. It encourages the player to seek out the most energy dense foods; encouraging them to find out more about the game world. As a limitation to growth it generates an implied goal to try and find a way around it to progress faster.

If you use being over hungry to introduce a penalty then you drive the player to find (and horde) food, especially if you’ve areas where food isn’t readily available. It can also be used as a soft gate - the PC needs to cross a desert, but has to acquire the necessary stores to sustain them in the trek.

If food is healing, then fullness gives a reason to not pig out before combat - so you’ve space to consume any healing items you have should you need them. It can make any vore-enemy attack more balanced. An enemy that can force feed and do physical damage becomes more dangerous.

Internally, in the latest Yaffaif, I track two variables: one is a straight forward stomach contents one that is fullness, the other is an energy reserve that represents the bodies ability to store energy for immediate use (rather than laying it down as fat). These two values are combined to create a hunger meter; you can be sated because you are stuffed, or because (though your gut might be empty) you have sufficient energy reserves. Although this is a little maths heavy it seems to behave reasonably realistically; exercise and you deplete your energy reserves and get hungrier faster. Since it’s roughly based on actual science I’ve added fiddle factors in there so I can tune the behaviour and accelerate things if needed.

I haven’t heard of these implementations before! I like the idea of separating the capacity and appetite of the character, it adds a level of depth that even non-combative games can benefit from. It’s based on realism and, depending on the options the player has, broadens the player’s strategy when it comes to interacting with NPCs they can’t directly control or even the PC. As long as there’s many tools at the player’s disposal to manipulate the system in a fun way, the potential for the mechanic is sky high.

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Haha, the closest thing to combat in my game is the female character’s battle against the MC fattening her up :wink:

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