Gain of Life: A weight gain life simulator [v0.44.0] - New Free Version!

Does your characters “looks” change when you gain weight? Or when you change clothes?

Yes they are. If you start gaining weight the clothes will get tighter on the character and at some point they rip (at this point you will not see anything nude, but you will be forced to buy a new, overpriced set of clothes).
If you notice that your clothes are getting tight I’d recommend buying a new set of clothes as soon as possible.

During gameplay there are other characters gaining weight eventually too, depending on your actions. But they do not change their clothes. They just get bigger visually, but keep their clothes.

You can download a free version of the game, here are the links:
v0.2.1 - Windows - November 2nd 2020
v0.2.1 - Mac - November 2nd 2020

Additionally there is a version to all those who decided to support the development on Patreon. Notice that Patreon charges on the 1st of month, meaning if you buy today, you will be charged again tomorrow. At the beginning of each month a new Patreon-version releases including a new weight gain stage and some other things extending gameplay. In December there will be another version, specifically including eventy for christmas.

What is the weight limit in 0.4?

There is no “limit” of weight. At some point of the game the look of the character will stop changing, also clothes will not get tight anymore. The last stage of the character is reached in v0.4 with 82.5kg (~181lbs), in v0.5 (will be released in ~2-7 days) it is 90.0kg (~198lbs). In the game you can choose the number-system (metric or imperial).


Alright, here is the description of the last large module, which will be added in v0.5:

College Projects!

You can now choose to stay for a college project after lunch every day. There you can choose out of 3 projects which one you’d like to do. Depending on what you choose you will get a timeframe to complete it. Projects with larger timeframe will require more work to finish, but they also give more valuable and larger rewards later.
When you have an active project (timeframes are between 10 and 30 days of game time) you can choose how long you’d like to stay at college for the project. Staying longer will give you more Energy-points. These points are required to do actions in your project, every task needs 1-5 Energy-points to be completed. After completing a task the project progress will increase.
If you complete a project (reaching 100% of progress) before the time’s up you will participate in a competition and if you win, you will get a reward. When you reach 100% your project is done, but you can continue doing tasks, which will result in a higher chance of winning the competition (if you reach 200% you will win the contest with a 100% chance).

If you finish a project (at least 100% progress) it will be removed from the available-project list, which means you will not be able to do it again (it would not sense to complete the same project twice). Completed projects will have an impact on your life after college (maybe in v0.6 or v0.7, but we are coming closer to the goal).

So I have found some very interesting ideas, which will have different impacts. For example, a solar-powered robot will increase your technical knowledge, opening more possibilities for you. Weight gain pills - well I will not spoil what you will be able to do with them, nor I think I need to.

Hint: Patreon handles payments in periods, which means if you pay in December you will have access to Patreon until December 31st. Today is December 1st, if you join today you will get access the whole of December, means you will get access to v0.5 as soon as it releases, same for the Christmas special version, which I will release around December 20th (I will not be able to do the Christmas version when the lockdown in my country ends, I can tell tomorrow if I will be able to create the special version).


There will be a sequence with more than 10 stages for Jane, like the girl at the restaurant these stages will have slight difference but you will notice the changes over time.

You will be able to work on projects at the college with Jane and there might be some donuts.

November was a great month and I found loads of time for the game, so the December version will be even larger than the November was. I am thrilled to announce that the version will be released tomorrow for all Silver- and Gold-Patrons.


New Version: v0.5

The largest update this game ever had.

So what’s new in relation to v0.4?

  • New UI designs (trust me, you will love them)
  • Estates-update: upgrade and clean your house (you can do this at RealEstates. Houses give you a bonus, which is not explained in the game yet. But upgrading your house will increase this bonus. The default house’s bonus is that it will take longer until you have to clean it again)
  • College Projects: You can do projects at college, develop some amazing scientific things (weight gain pills, solar-powered robots, … (A lot of different things from different topics, including 6 medicines/pills which will have an impact on the consumer’s weight)
  • Work together with Jane on those projects
  • A whole new sequence for Jane including more than 10 stages, each one barely noticable, but between the first and the last stage there is a large difference (PS: Jane gains weight when you share donuts with her)
  • A completely new look of the character: stuffed (when eating too much)
  • A new weight gain stage, including new outfit sets for the character

This version can be downloaded with the Silver- and the Gold-Tier on Patreon.

Free Version

I am not quite sure when or if I will release the next free version.


What do the version numbers mean?

v0.5.1: The first digit changes when there is a completely new release. The 0 means that the game is still in development. A 1 would mean that this game is already officially released. A 2 would be “Life Simulator 2”, if there is ever going to be one.

v0.5.1: The second digit changes when there is new content added to the game. A larger number means that this game includes more things. Every month and at special events (christmas, halloween, …) a new version with new content will be released.

v0.5.1: The third digit changes when there is a new version but nothing has been added. This includes bug fixes and resolving errors.

v0.2.1 - Windows - December 3rd 2020
v0.2.1 - MacOS - December 3rd 2020
v0.5.0 - Windows (Patrons only) - December 3rd 2020
v0.5.0 - MacOS (Patrons only) - December 3rd 2020

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I definitely think you should release new free versions Or something similar in effect. As things are due to my financial situation, I can’t afford a patreon, and as such I can only recommend the game based on my experiences with the free version. And as things are, I wouldn’t recommend it.

First of all, that first week feels deceptively superfluous. You are given a bunch of money, but there’s so little to do. All that can really happen is working out at the gym like a maniac, buying food and items, and eating/weighing yourself. Which is a bit boring and trying to figure out the mechanics behind the weight gain/loss is frustrating. It’s also super easy to waste money on things you won’t need immediately, like Medicine, because there’s next to no info on the things you can interact with.

And with things like jobs and the Estates closed off, and with nothing much to do, it’s super easy and tempting to skip that first week wholesale. And I did in one of my two attempts to play it. Except that came to bite me in the ass hard because, as it turns out, all that working out I did in my first run was vital to keeping me from making the balance of things so much harder by the Health mechanic. Which makes things a bit problematic on two fronts:

The Money and the Thirst. To go in reverse order, you can’t restore your thirst at the gym in the free version - it only restores hunger/overfedness, which is near always at max especially if you use the gym. Which means I have to spend money at the store on water. Which is a problem because of how much money I burn through. Buying the Bus Pass and Gym Membership for the year eats so much of the money, and I wasted money buying clothes during the first playthrough, dismissed it as useless, and then lost 300 dollars when I went up a size out of nowhere after one of the job sessions.

And gosh dang, I am near always broke with no hope of advancement. It doesn’t not help things that I can’t get a job during that ‘null week’ and thus can’t build up some cash before the college stuff limits my work hours. I am also getting no notifications or feedback on how I am doing on my job, or if my job won’t advance me despite saying it will, and no other jobs have opened up after… I guess a couple of weeks?

Time is also super hard to tell in this game because it all flows the same. seriously, there’s little to no feedback on what time of day it is because the time of day it is is always the same at certain locations. Additionally, I don’t work on military time/24hr time, and I don’t know if there’s an options for the A.M./P.M. time even available.

And that leads into my number one biggest complaint for the game - the utter lack of feedback. In any respect. I don’t get any feedback on if my character’s weight is about to hit too big of a threshold for clothes. I don’t have any feedback for what time it is and I still don’t know how Job hours work even after 2 playthroughs. I had nearly missed the party in my first playthough because the only notification that it was time to go to the party was when I saw the option in my house, and the other playthrough I missed it because I was out and about trying to boost my health via exercise.

When I go to study at the college, I find it a monumental waste of time because I can’t seem to figure out if effective studying is randomized or if it’s tied to certain values for my health, thirstyness, fedness, fullness, energy levels, or if it’s some arcane combination. If I wasn’t so sure that it was important for advancing my job or getting a new one - and honestly I don’t know if that’s a correct assumption - I wouldn’t bother with it. I’m also wondering if those extra-curriculars I’m having to skip because I need that part time job just to keep myself fed and watered are important/entertaining or not. there’s no feedback at all on that.

Additionally, that first outing with Jane that essentially has a trap option in where you go out to eat - something that has not mattered since then - not doing anything at all was kinda a low blow to take.

So as far as what I know of it is concerned, WG Life is a game that I cannot recommend… in the 0.2.1 update version. And I have only this thread to tell me that there’s more versions with more improvements. Ones I didn’t bother with because I can’t afford a patreon and even if I could I’m not convinced to throw money in on the gameplay’s merits alone. I wouldn’t have even bothered with a review here at all…

Had I not looked at your code. And was blown away by how damn professional it was. It even taught me a couple new things about how Ren’py works! Which was cool! It’s clear that you’ve put an immense amount of time into this project, and so so much of your heart and soul into it too. And the robustness of it, though I’m a little unpracticed (to understate it) clearly shows you’re not only in it for the long haul but in it to make the game as efficient and future prepared as possible.

And it makes me want to give this game another chance. One I can’t honestly give for the 0.2.1 version. And while I still couldn’t give you any suggestions for how to improve things since I can’t get the most up to date version, having a slightly more up to date version would make me more comfortable in recommending this game.

That said… I do have an alternate suggestion. You could make a Demo. One that takes a carefully balanced week for the MC and let it demonstrate and explain the mechanics. Not just through text, but through effects as well. Or maybe there could be an option for text explanations, but it’s toggleable by a choice at the beginning. And instead of having to keep track of updates to the full game, you can reuse your code for it and fit it into the demo. That way people know what they’re getting mechanically, what’s new, what’s not, and you don’t have to have the entire, possibly bloated fullbuilds of past versions lying around. Nor do you have to tip your hand and reveal all of your content for the full game, if that is a concern.

Honestly, I don’t think I would have ranted so much if I didn’t see so much potential in it. Even inflamed, passion is passion, and I think you’re on the right track somewhere. I wish you good luck.


I found a bug. At some point, Jane just became…well, look at the picture.


You’re right, there is not much to do in the first week. That’s the reason why there is a ‘Skip’ button to jump over to the college. Yes, I will consider unlocking the Office-Job from the very beginning, so you can start working in the first week already. The first week is still in v0.5 a placeholder to insert a tutorial for the start.

Yes, I understand that, the algorithm calculating your weight is probably the most complex in the whole game. It considers calories and how much you’ve recently eaten (water weight) to calculate how much you weigh when stepping on the scale.

I think that was fixed in v0.3, I just checked it definitely has been fixed before v0.5.

That’s true, you should think about if you really need both and if yes for a whole year. I wanted it to be like that. For example, if you do not buy a scale or a fridge you will definitely have enough money for the membership. It’s the way of spending if I did not want to give the choice if you want to have a fridge, gym membership,… I would have added it by default and substracted it from the start money.

That’s a great idea to add, I think many would appreciate them. I added it to my to-do list.

Another thing I added to my to-do list. I work on military (24h) time, this is why I did not think about that.

Currently it is randomized, but I like the idea of making it bound to some values and a little bit of randomization. I’ll change that as well.

To be honest, they are just placeholders in v0.2. In v0.5 I completly removed them because the projects on the afternoon have been added.

All of these are pre-versions. The essential game story is not complete yet. That opens up a big lack of things, specially with characters. Don’t worry, Jane’s story will continue, it already does in the college projects.

The problem is v0.2.1 is the version, which was done 2 months after I started. It only includes two months of work, of one person, considering that game studios work years on games with whole teams, each one specialized on what they do. I’m sorry, you feel that way, but keep up here, I hope that will change in the future, since the game is improving version by version.

Thank you so much, I appreciate :smiley: I put a huge amount of time just into coding so if I might want to extend or edit something existing I can easily do that without having to re-structure everything.

So I think the largest lack in the game is that there is too little explanation in order to understand what is happening in the game and what your opportunities are.
When developing the game and then testing it I do not think about if people might understand it, it seems logical to me (because I have created it, of course, it is logical to me). In v0.5 there are more tutorial texts already, but I think there could still be more explanations:
I will try to add, like many games have a tutorial, where the game tells you what you have to choose, explaining why you should do it. This is absolutely something I have already heard from others.
This would also make clear, as you mentioned when you have to buy new clothes, your character slightly changes (clothes get tight) when she gained weight. After this change, it is time to buy new clothes.

Regarding the next versions v0.3 and v0.4, nothing has happened to extend the tutorials. They only added new content to the game. Making them free will mean a lot of work for me, because there will be bugs and fixing them in older versions, maybe they have already been fixed in a later version, does not really make sense. My plan is to create a better tutorial for the January-Version, which I will then try to add to an earlier version as well in order to be able to relase a well-explained version in the mid of January. Releasing a free v0.3 - I am not quite sure how much time there will be to fix bugs, means I will only release it if I am absolutely sure there will still be enough time for v0.6.

I really appreciate feedbacks like yours, because they are what makes the game better. The creator’s view is always the one seeing everything clear, of course, because I planned and implemented all those things, I would be a really bad developer if I wouldn’t understand my own creations.

I see, the images have been rendered twice as big as they should. I have already uploaded a fix for this and some other issues. Thank you for reporting, it is hardly possible to test everything out, especially with those many possibilities and paths the game has.

I just uploaded the versions and edited the Patreon-posts. You can download the new fixes there (v0.5.2)

You said in an earlier post that it’s not really understandable how all of this functions. My problem with that is the clicker mechanic rather than the internal workings of the game. If you want to do everything at home - e.g. get fat, you have to click a billion times. And that’s not how food works in my experience. As someone who enjoys stuffing, there’s literally no scenario where you’re a 60 kilo woman who can eat 50 donuts per day. And there’s no situation where you can eat 20 donuts, then rest for 1 hour and eat 20 more. If you wanna fix something, overhaul the clicker situation. Make food less, but more impactful.


That was clear from the very beginning of the project that there will be issues with the numbers, please do not forget, it’s still not the final version, all of those are just pre-versions, slowly reaching for the final version.

Version by version I adjust some numbers in the game getting step by step closer to realism. You are right, some food types are not very filling, a donut in the game currently weighs 50g, which is super unrealistic. Since the size of the stomach by default is 1000g (1kg), you can eat 20 donuts as a whole.

In v0.6 there is already something planned to address the clicker-issue: You will have options to buy X1, X5, X10, X25, and X50, and at eating/drinking X1, X2, X3, X5, X10, so you can make bulk actions.


hey,bro ,I am Chinese,I really like your game.However I really want to play it,I can t pay for it in China.It s very regretly.


Alright, lets make a poll. I could release a free version for December, but this will mean that I will have to spend time on fixing bugs. This time could be spent on developing the game. Fixing bugs usually takes me ~3 days per version, that’s the time I would need to add a new house for v0.6, for example.

Please consider that and decide if it is really necessary. Note, that saying no to the free version does not mean saying no to future free versions, just this particular one. I do this poll because I got so much bad feedback because for cancelling the free version, I do not want anyone to be sad/angry because of this game, it should be a joy for everyone.

  • Free Version for December
  • Skip this free version and spend time on new features for v0.6

0 voters


Free Version [v0.3]

Since the poll resulted in a “Yes” to the Free Version for November, here it is (btw this is the closest poll result this thread has ever had):

What’s new in relation to v0.2?

  • meet Benjamin Greenford in his house.
    He can be met after Trevor’s party. Will be changed in November version. This is just so you can reach this point of game easily
  • magical things happen in Benjamin Greenford’s house.
  • added a bank, so you can go and make debts (to get money). The bank charges 9.41% of interest per year, which is the average according to )
  • some small improvements/changes

In relation to v0.3 the newest version, v0.5 includes two more weight-gain stages for the main character. Click the link below in order to get v0.5 (you have to be a Silver- or Gold patron)

v0.3.0 - Windows - December 7th 2020
v0.3.0 - Mac - December 7th 2020
v0.5.1 - Windows (Patrons only) - December 7th 2020
v0.5.1 - MacOS (Patrons only) - December 7th 2020

Please report any bugs/errors you experience while playing the game to me viá PM or as a post here, in this thread. This helps me to improve the game and within that the experience of playing it.


so I’m confused on how the game work right, do I work and stay overstuffed to gain weight?

There are multiple ways to gain weight in the game:

  • Eating: Eating calorie-rich food will have a bigger impact than calorie-poor food. Also some types of food need longer until they are converted to fat, some just very little time (everyone knows that if you eat e.g. noodles you won’t be hungry for a longer time than when eating e.g. donuts). Donuts are a great example: They have a lot of calories, are not very filling and after (I think) 2 hours your stomach is empty again.
  • Magic: In the game magic might have an impact on your game. For example if you visit Benjamin Greenford in his house for studying you will get hungrier faster than usually.

Hope that helped :smiley:

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Just a quick question to understand where this project is headed: my understanding is that the objective is to go for realism. It was stated that there is no weight gain limit, however the main character barely seems to visually gain any weight at all (over 200 pounds and only a bit thicker). Is that a design choice or simply because of the early stage of developement? And if it’s the latter how big will the MC be allowed to get?

The game looks really good, but I have to say that realism is not really my thing; when it comes to the WG fetish, dealing with the consequences of obesity is a big turn off (specially health related issues) thst’s why I love 3D LOL

In any case good job and ty

Numberical there is no weight limit. You could reach 20000lbs as well, but the visual weight gain is built out of stages. Each stage requires a set of quite around 20 images (for poses and outifts, each combination requires one image). Since it is physically impossible to create an endless amount of images without creating them during the runtime of the game there will always be a visual limit of the gain. Every month I release a new version for Patreon, which includes a new set of images for another stage. Currently the Patreon-version includes 2 more stages than the free version. Summarizing the visual limit improves by time.

The idea is to make the game realistic in points like money, education, food, … Means: Food includes carefully researched numbers of calories, weight, how long they take until they are converted into fat, … I try to create all of these factors as realistic as possible. But in points like in Benjamin’s library you will get hungry faster. So basically the game includes and will include (more) magic, which is unrealistic in all points. To explain it a little simler: I try to stay realistic in as many points as possible but I do not try to do it in all points. If there is something, which seems to be more fun, for example when you reach an unhealthy stage of weight gain. Maybe I will include a medicine or something, which you will have to take in order to stay healthy (so it has this “realism effect” again), but this point is way too far away to say more, except that you are not going to die (I do not want to include a “game over” point).

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