Gain of Life: A weight gain life simulator [v0.46.0]

You will not see the current weight you have. But there will be a scale in the game (not pretty sure if you will be able to buy it in the supermarket or you will have to visit a friend’s house to weigh yourself). The weight the scale will display includes water weight (e.g. you will weigh more after a big meal. Food will take its time until it is used up and converted to fat. I think it is 9 hours for fries).

To be honest the code for the scale is already finished. Just thinking of where to put it

could make it an event, after a certain amount of weight is gained you can then go to the store to purchase it, either way if even half the stuff listed is in the game its gonna end up being one of the best ones on this forum

The problem is a scale is in reality a pretty worthless item but in the game, it might be one of the most powerful ones, so it should be valuable in a realistic way like a scale can be found at a friend’s house.

Great to hear you like the idea. Hopefully, the game will end up in a good way.

Definitely interested here, looking forward to a demo/alpha build!

I will try to release a very light demo, with just a few gameplay elements implemented and like 4 weight stages. This will probably take until September.

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Based on the name I thought it would be based on Conway’s game of life: Conway's Game of Life - Wikipedia .

Now that would have been interesting.

Oh I see. I edited the title to make it way more clear.

Thank you for telling me, I did not think about that.

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Now this looks really interesting and sounds very promising. Will definitely keep an eye on any updates, whether that be in game images or an eventual demo/alpha build.

Did she gain weight? This is the speed I keep during the game. I won’t be posting too much about the main character to keep some secrets :wink:


Looks like it will be fantastic! Good luck with it.

whats the size limit becuase with everything planned it really looks like the size limits is high

Sound like a good idea and I do like that game starts at college and you can drop out.

I am not a fan of super-large or unrealistic sizes. Basically there will not be a weight limit, but the character won’t be showing any changes at some point. The character has weight stages, where the look of the character changes, the last stage is planned to be high.


fair enough good luck with the game

I’m looking forward to this!


The art in the game is made with 3D assets, kind of tools, which you can buy for a decent price online. I can only spend a certain amount of my pay check every month to buy them. Some images I plan to do will not be ready in September, so I am asking this question:

How should the Pre-Release (Beta) should look like?

  • With all images required for the current version of game, but a later released Pre-Version
  • Without all images required for the current version of game (maybe some black screens), but an earlier Pre-Version

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I usually don’t do that because I feel bad when asking for money but it would be the best for the game if I could do a deal with somebody (like a small sponsor payment against a custom feature (for everyone) for the game, which I will implement in the Pre-Version)

→ PM me

I reckon you’d be best off releasing thus early version so people can get a feel for the game and build interest, then opening a a patreon so people can throw you some money to support development. Especially if as your using DAZ which I known can be pricy on assets.


You are probably right, that’s the best idea. Thank you for that advice :slight_smile:

Will this also be playable on macbook? I sure hope so because i use macbook