Gain of Life: A weight gain life simulator [v0.44.0] - New Free Version!

Right, that’s what I’m saying! She practically lives in the gym! She even goes up to you like “hey, wanna do something together?” Working out together is the obvious thing here! But unless you make her turn you down for lunch or slip her extra food at work, she’s not interested.
Like, she’s in a gym, standing on a treadmill, in workout clothes. There should be zero steps between this and cardio.


Happy easter, guys🥳

Small update: Guess what, there are still issues with kidnapping, though it only affects the configuration (disabling it, in general, doesn’t work). But the event itself seems to work fine now😌

There will be a bug-fix version in a week or so by the latest addressing that. Silver (and higher-tiered subscribers) will gain access to the bug-fix post automatically. So if you subscribe today, you’ll get that bug fix as well.

I’ve got a question. Right now there is only Patreon. I figured that not everyone is happy with Patreon. That’s the reason, why I would like to add a second platform so that everyone can choose whichever one is the most convenient one. Subscribestar, for example, would be an option. Is there anyone interested in this? Does anyone have other platform suggestions?

Which statement represents your opinion best?

  • I prefer Patreon above other platforms
  • Patreon is nice, I don’t know other platforms (and only use Patreon)
  • Patreon is okay, but there are better platforms (which one? Examples?)
  • Patreon does not work for me (suggestions for alternatives?)

0 voters


Maybe would be a good one? I’m a big fan of one-time purchases and maybe putting it so a 30 dollar purchase or higher gets all the current updates. Could be any price you want to set though.


That’s an awesome idea. I think even supports a way to integrate Patreon (e.g., that Patrons automatically unlock the newest version each month and can keep it forever). Not sure how that works and if that works with the current scheme I follow, but either way, it’s worth checking out :partying_face:


i always avoid magic in games like this im into natural weight gain. i know there is always somethin to eat but it never seems to make not bein hungry last long. maybe i just suck at the game lol


just tried out the latest version its quite interesting to be honest

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my god… the rarest human being on Earth


Whaddya mean, rarest human being on earth? It’s still technically weight gain, just muscle weight instead of fat weight. I personally like where BadIdea4 is going.


I discovered a decent bug with the new version, I posted about it on the discord as well

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liking muscle gain is vastly more popular than weight gain, if not mainstream even.

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There’s swathes of games for muscle fetishes (ie; FMG) on other fetish/erotica oriented game sites, just search them and you’ll see things far more suitable for that kind of thing, lol. Some of them are pretty damn elaborate in ways I respect despite taking it to an alien extreme in some cases.


I keep running into this bug ever since Jane commented on me losing weight. Now everytime I choose to sleep, I keep getting a text from Jane saying that she is done with the friendship and that I’ve been blocked. Jane acts totally normal the next day and still goes out hiking, camping, etc despite sending the text every time I sleep. I don’t mind it too much aside from the fact that now when I want to sleep I have to constantly click through all the dialogue.

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Ah, I see, it’s a missing check, thanks for reporting.

Just uploaded a quick fix to Patreon (v0.31.1):

  • Fixed the fast-food issue which caused the player to own the restaurant after visiting it the first time to work
  • Made it easier to find time-dependent easter eggs

The version should work with save files from v0.31.0!


Small reminder: Today’s the first of the month again. If you subscribe today, you’ll get the biggest benefit, because your membership will end by the end of May, no matter when you subscribe in May.

Link to Patreon


This month’s version will take about a week longer due to private reasons. I’m sorry about that.

Hope you guys can understand that things sometimes don’t go the way planned…


its alright things happen will always support your patreon

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Thank you, I appreciate that a lot. Takes out some pressure.

I’ll be able to release the new version by the next weekend.


What exactly is this? everytime i go to sleep this message pops up, yet I can still talk to jane and do stuff with her… She also blocks me from social media?


how tf do you trigger THIS


Well, that’s when you pissed off Jane. It’s not supposed to judge you as a player :wink:

Obviously, that’s a bug that it keeps repeating. I noted it and I’ll look into it :slight_smile: