Gain of Life: A weight gain life simulator [v0.47.0]

You are probably right, that’s the best idea. Thank you for that advice :slight_smile:

Will this also be playable on macbook? I sure hope so because i use macbook

Most probably yes. I do not know a technician reason why not, but I have not tested it on Mac since I do not own one.

You should check out the public beta and then please let me know if it worked for you.

ok ive also got a windows now so if it doesnt work i can play it on this laptop which is way laggier sigh

What jobs should you be able to get in the game?


  • Fast Food Employee
  • Fitness Coach
  • Office
  • Waitress
  • Politician
  • Assistant
  • Bus Driver
  • Teacher / Professor
  • Researcher
  • Supermarket Employee
  • Artist
  • Porn Star
  • Programmer
  • Cleaner / Caretaker
  • Stock / Forex Trader
  • Game Designer
  • Theme Park Employee
  • Other (comment suggestion)

0 voters

Maybe you could add “fast food worker” and/or “yoga instructor”?


I’ll second fast food worker.


Fastfood Employee and Fitness Coach are awesome ideas! Didn’t think about those.


9000 additional calories = 1kg of fat is very realistic. 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound ( 0.45 kilogram) of fat, it’s estimated that you need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound. So, in general, if you cut about 500 to 1,000 calories a day from your typical diet, you’d lose about 1 to 2 pounds a week - site. It’s not so easy to lose weight in real life.

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YO man that sounds lit, i dont really have any new suggestions, becuase even now it sounds like really ambitous project, but i just wanted to give you some words of encouragement. I would probably be willing to donate to same patreon of sorts and i bet tons of other people would too, you should definitly think about it!!

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That’s true, but it is a lot more easy to work out in a game than in real life (motivation in real life might be not a lot but InGame you do not need motivation, because you just work out.

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Uh maybe slight assistance on possible weight gain could maybe be this website:
Sadly it doesn’t go beyond 2 pounds per week but if you want realistic (without having to push for 9000 calories) it is accurate.
Edit: Just remember to click the “info on weight gain”, it doesn’t show it immediately.

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Is there a link yet or anything? I’m really excited…

That is a very useful little thing. Definitely keeping that one in mind.

Right now there is no link, since I am on holidays. I will continue working on it on Monday. A pre-version will probably be available at the end of September.


okie dokie I can weight… (see what I did there)

that was very punny of you.

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This is a small spoiler of the beginning of the game. Note that the lines over the ------ will not be shown in the end version - they are here to make debugging for me easier.
I implemented a function so drinks can contain alcohol. Depending on the amount of alcohol you had in the last hours some actions might change. Also you go to hospital if you drink too much alcohol…

You do not see your live weight - you see the last weight your character remembers (when she stepped on the scale last time). The scale can be bought in the local store. If your character eats a lot the maximum amount of food the character can eat will increase.


I created a patreon for the game. I will in the next days publish my current work there (I will announce that here again as well), even though there is hardly content to play and plenty of errors (because it is not a playable version).

It will contain the seven days before college starts and the first day of college. Maybe also the first job. You can only eat until you run out of money :wink:

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I use Ren’py and Daz studio for my own game, so I’ll be interested to see how this compares, looks-wise.

The clothes getting tighter angle is intruiging. I’d have loved to do more of that sort of thing, but I found Daz wasn’t great at that without a hell of a lot of fiddly modifications. Hopefully you’ll have more success with that than I did!

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