Galactic Bulge; A Space Themed Rhythm Game Build V0.3 (The Ivysaur Update)

Hello everybody. Snakes here, with some Great News!

Galactic Bulge has launched the Ivysaur Update are currently working on the Swamp Update. Why is the Ivysaur Update? Because it’s the first one AFTER the starter. Geddit?

In addition to the Playable Prologue, we have Playable Days for Hiroko, Luna, Harumi, Hibiki AND Dr. Yui, with Kaiko, Megumi and Nanashi to follow.

Projects like these rely on community interactivity, so please, we’re begging you. Play the game, hope on the discord, and tell us what you thing. We also pick up a lot of ideas from the community and allow anybody to contribute to the canon if they’re wanting to work with us. And if you wanna go a step further, we have slots for “Backer Characters” who can join the roster of guest characters.

Below are the relevant links. Get the game direct or join our discord and get the game from the Development Posts and join in the discussion. Also, if you can spare a dollar and help us afford more art and writing, check out our patreon for cool rewards, access to exclusive voting channels, early wip content, and fancy fatty fanart!


Now this is epic! I can’t wait to see more! Good luck!

Aww hell yeah! Thanks dude!

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You’ve got a lot of talent on your team! This should be good



Looking forwards to this one! I know you said the released build is terrible, but where is it, if I’d still like to try it? If it’s not available I of course get it… but curiosity will kill this cat any day!


Looking forward to see more of this.

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Shape-shifting bunny men? … I really hope that’s not what the villains are. That sounds awesome.


Yeah we’re so happy to have our team together. Plus a few more people who are “maybes”. So fingers crossed


Villains? Or Lovers? Play the game

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Are you on the Discord? Shoot the staff an @ and we’ll show you where it is on the server. it should be easy enough to find on your own though. it’s just in the server ^^

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Oh, Alright, thank you!

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Just gonna drop some of the WG chars we’re working on. Do you guys prefer if the girl starts chunky or starts fit and loses her edge?

Too bad? Y’all get both!


Glad to see you’re giving us the luxury of choice because it’s difficult to choose between the two, both of these pictures look great!

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beefy chonk is also good, I’d expect any sort of space faring fleet would keep up a heavy fitness regiment even if everyone keeps getting fat lol


Funny you should say. As it turns out, exercising is really hard in Zero G


obviously if you dont use resistance bands!

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Bloody amazing news! We finally got Hiroko’s full sprites!

Tell us what you think!