Genma's Magic Academy Adventure (Chapter 1) new dungeon/quest log update live!

Spoilers in this text block and I forgot how to add that in. If someone could inform me that’d be very appreciated so I can edit it in.

I do find the element system to be a bit weird to grasp but my general gist when I originally started playing is what’s opposite the rainbow. And then green is good against itself. Generally I found this effective but it also had gaps. I feel like the naming convention of the original acronym could probably be optimized overall after the lecture though given what’s actually explained. I get that it’s a catch all shortcut but at the same time, if the initial shortcut is to describe damage effectiveness, I feel like giving it the ROY GIB V example might help a little more. At least that’s my perspective.

I’d also say game design wise I’d argue maybe give a bigger push for people to attend that lecture to begin with. I’m not going to say force it to happen and likewise force the player into a ton of text they might not care about because that is unoptimal game design and will likely be skipped over later anyway. Having said that, maybe suggest refreshing on the lecture before

taking the test against Main since that is, in my opinion, where Impact and such becomes way more important since it disables his seismic counter. I would say something like that or doing bits of the explanation over time as a sort of ‘make chapter 1 the tutorial’ deal.

My only other thing is in making the magic more memorable as far as why it’s effective in the way it is. From the way it’s referenced, these magics are more based in the spectrum of light rather than solely elemental, which I do think is interesting. Honestly, as a big lore nerd, I’d be fascinated to explore that angle. But they are also undeniably linked to how they manifest their affiliated elements. Red being fire, orange earth, yellow electric, green wind, and then I forget which is which between blue and indigo being water and ice. And then ultraviolet being exempt from the spectrum to some degree because it’s the ‘dark’ type that exists outside the conventional light spectrum.

Honestly so this doesn’t turn into a giant wall of text, I’m just gonna wait for a reply or ask you DM me. I’ve liked your games so far and I do find them fascinating in terms of world building. With Grid Angel 1 and 2 being a continuous story about NPCs and an enemy AI gaining sentience and wanting to be free of the confines of their world. But the point stands. This whole rant has been from a place of love and wanting to help improve the game.

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Awesome write-up!

I think you make a good point about notifying players about the damage/impact lecture. Currently working on implementing a quest journal system so I think marking the attendance of the lecture as a ‘beginner quest’ might be helpful.

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New dungeon/quest log update is live for both versions of the game!

I have edited the top of the main post with a short summary and link to the newest dev log for more info!

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