Heavy Ordnance Version 0.3

This is such a cool idea, great job!


I was able to get up to 55.9% energy. Is that the “current” cap for the stage is is 60% possible and I just missed someone?

Otherwise, great game so far. Still trying to figure out what to do with the Brick, though…


That’s pretty high! Around 50% is the par for this first stage. I think you can get a few extra tenths of a percent due to floating point errors.


If you jump while pushing up against an object, it will tend to roll over as you push on the top part of it. If you line up several crates and do that to one on the end, the entire line of crates will rotate together, turning into a vertical stack. After that, it’s just a matter of patiently pushing the stack into position.

I think the best score I was able to get was 56%. I was wondering if I had missed something; good to know I was on target after all.


Okay, so 56% is the “max” so to speak for that level. Good to know, also glad to hear I’m above par.


This game is 22 hours old and it has tech. This is a good website


Now that I’ve actually finished it sans me being dumb, I gotta say, I love it. Curious as heck to see the 100% energy state now, considering 50%+ is already heckin’ big…


I finally found my reason to fight the value that determines the amount of energy you have (it’s a string value). Unfortunately you have to either be in 1st person to see the changes in real time, or go through a scene transition or get energy for the changes to be visible in 3rd person. Had I thought about it I would of taken screen shots of 100% both with and without the suit. But hey, now that I know and shared it here, others will do the same.


100% in suit, both in first person and 3rd person:

100% out of Suit, both 1st and 3rd person:

Bonus: 50% out of Suit, 1st and 3rd person:


Thinking about this again. It might be nice to add in some upgrades to the weapons you obtain (and maybe even your suit, like a rocket jump or something) that can be bought somewhere around the level menu with the energy you have obtained thus far, giving another incentive to players to collect as much energy as they can.

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same issue here.
Also happened on the “FOOD” shooter for me actually. Couldn’t continue from the first level, only pressing R worked


Thank you for doing the blessed work.


Well, I couldn’t just turn down a challenge like that…


Honestly, pushing the cylinder took me less time than remembering that this game has a run button, which actually becomes important on a no-suit run… but yeah, if anyone wants to see higher suit-less weights without cheats, this is how.


Updated with (hopefully) a fix for the soft-lock at the title screen some people were experiencing.


This looks amazing! Have you considered a finisher where you eat the enemy? Maybe as a special that restores health or something.


As someone with the starting problem but not wanting to repeat the same thing, thank you for the fix. Game is awesome. Got some mild frame drops but my pc is not at its best so it might be from my part. The gameplay is great, loved seeing the varied finishers and you even get some wg as a treat. Wish you the best of luck if you keep pushing this more, its very promising.


Oh my God, this is awesome. There is one scene where the game briefly shows your character from the front after the intro, would it be possible to get a frontal shot from there?


Thanks! I’m sorry you had to suffer through this bug across multiple projects, and that it was so simple & stupid (an overflow exception caused by parsing fractional numbers with a comma) this ENTIRE TIME. This has been a record-length American Moment, and unfortunately the spree will continue. I’m still working on a problem with saving game progress in the new version but at least the demo is playable.

Also pretty unoptimized, tbh! Turns out it’s way harder to do a full 3D FPS than a sprite-based 2.5D one, the polygon ceiling is real.

I think same-size stuff might be prohibitively complex, but once we start Getting Big this could be on the table. Maybe you could suck a slime through a straw?


Since we start talking about gameplay, here are some thoughts:

  1. Is it necessary to have so much of green energy? As I noticed, blue one heals too, not as much as green does, but green drops only from barrels, which you need to break after you deal with enemies. While you’re beating barrels, you’ll most likely be cured by autoheal, plus most likely, you will not need them, because the blue one that fell from the enemies will heal your wounds, and the green one simply becomes useless.
  2. About eating: not sure how this is possible on missions, considering that we only absorb energy, and our helmet is closed. Perhaps if the front side of the helmet is removed if MC wish so, then it can be.
  3. Regarding slime: the idea of absorbing slime sounds fetishistic (and we approve it :smirk: ), but I have an option that the slime did not help, but hindered the player: blocked the view, slowed down movements, filled the energy scale, dissolving with time, through its energy expenditure or other actions.

The only thing i’d say is that I feel that generally the ceilings of the levels and doorways should be raised or the camera shouldnt collide with them so that the camera isnt so often jerking forward