Third house to steal from is finished. Took a bit longer since It had different hazards from the first two. It’s also the first house that makes use of the window entry method. This house has creaky floorboards, stepping on them makes noise, making too much noise will wake up the people living here. How much noise is generated by the floor boards is determined by how heavy the rogue is.
Also, I added a tape measure for sale at the thieves guild (500G). This is used to measure windows, to see if you would get stuck in them or not. You only need to buy the tape measure once, and as long as you don’t sell it, you can use it as much as you like.
Progress, 4th house almost finished. This will likely be the most difficult house to rob in chapter 1 since it has both floorboards, plates, and a person roaming the house (later chapters will have more than 1 person sometimes). This house is a bit different, it belongs to the food merchant. This means you can break into his storage cellar and either steal the food for use later (adds a bunch of food items the vendor sells) or just have the rogue decide to engorge herself on the food in the cellar (increases her max HP, increases weight, and gives XP). If you do this though, the food vendor for this chapter will now start selling food at a 50% markup price for the rest of the chapter, so don’t do this until you’re done with the chapter or aren’t hurting for cash (if you look through the windows, you’ll be told which house belongs to the local food merchant).
This house is also the introduction of the plate hazards. When you are at weight level 4 (very fat) or higher, walking on spaces adjacent to stacks of plates during break ins will knock them over and you will be caught by the guards immediately. Those under weight level 4 can walk past without issue. I’m currently drawing some general art for this, here’s the line
art (will likely clean it up a bit more):
I’m making it so that the party members will put on weight in different places/ways, instead of them being uniform. The Warrior will have weight go to her breasts and have a layered belly, the Mage will have the weight mostly go to her more rounded belly, and the rouge will be more bottom heavy.
I also started work on the first weight gain sprite that wasn’t based off a template. The mage’s chubby size is done. Don’t get too excited though, since she’s wearing baggy clothing already it’s a pretty small difference at this point.
I’ve noticed that I may be favoring the rogue more than others in terms of content, so I’ll be focusing a lot more on the mage and fighter for a while. Although, I do want to finish up the stealth minigame for this chapter first before I work on other things.
EDIT: I made her main “asset” a bit bigger after posting the original image. It’s updated now.
Since I am making the characters put on weight in different locations, I wanted to reflect this in the sprites as well. First up was the rogue’s blob sprite before I went very far into the normal sprites. I said that I wanted to be more bottom heavy than the others, so I worked on the template to reflect that by reducing the size of the breasts and belly and move it to her other assets.
All the Blob sprites are done, here they are:
The fighter had her belly get a bit wider, along with more pronounced love handles and larger breasts.
The mage had her legs and butt reduced from the original template, but the belly became much rounder.
I’m probably going hold much of the art assets closer to my chest from this point forward, don’t want to show everything off before you can play it. You’ll likely see these or a version of these early on anyway due them being used in a traditional bad ending (lose boss fight, cutscene plays, game over screen, return to main menu).
Oh wow, this is seriously shaping up to be incredible. The amount of thought and planning going into the mechanics and interactions for each character is really impressive. I’m especially impressed with the artwork; between the cutscenes and the sprite work this is really amazing. I don’t think I’ve seen an rpg maker weight gain game give different characters unique blob sprites to relfect their fat distribution. Though I was confused by how they would get anything done at this size, so it makes sense that these huge sizes are for bad ends (even if it would be very fun for them to end up this big by the end of the game if you play your cards right).
Other then bad endings, the other way to see these sprites is if you really do just feed them that much. You’re right that they wouldn’t be able to get much done, since it’s a penalty of sorts for going too far. That doesn’t mean your screwed if it happens though, since they will still be able to contribute with a choice few jobs, and the remaining party members get an large XP boost to compensate for the loss of a party member (which gets larger if two party members are out). The mage has some context justification why it’s harder for them to be stuck like this during the game, but if all three get like this, then it really is a game ending. It’s not going to be too punishing on this front, just don’t be super liberal with eating during events and combat and it shouldn’t happen under normal circumstances. Plus, you get different events and dialogue you wouldn’t see otherwise with all party members present.
I really didn’t expect they would be able to get to that size just through normal gameplay, let alone have actual mechanics in place to support that as an option.
I understand it’s probably not encouraged to get the girls that big, but from a preference perspective it’s really nice to see that you are letting people reach these sizes if that’s what the player wants. An awful lot of these games lock the biggest sizes behind endings or bad ends, so it’s fun to actually be able to access those sizes just through gameplay. Interested to see what jobs they’ll be able to do at such a big size.
Definitely excited to see more of this, will certainly be following the development of the project!
I added a journal to the rooms in the inns you stay in that will detail the extra stats/variables not covered by the normal menu, as well as perks. So if you want to know what the numeric value (and the cap) of the fighter’s laziness, the mage’s stress eating habits, or the rouge’s gluttony you can at any time.
It will also list all of the perks that the character has, giving a description of what each does in case you forgot.
I’m also probably going to add a section to the stats text boxes that will tell you which weight level they are at specifically.
Mage now has her chubby normal sprites finished. I fixed a handful of bugs I found, most came from leftovers from how I used to handle a few events.
I’m also going to add an optional hard mode that makes the game more punishing in regards to resources. The combat would remain unchanged, it’s more about bleeding you dry of money and making weight gain more difficult to avoid. First idea I had for it was making you have to pay for your nights at the inns you stay at, and as the chapters go on, the inns become more expensive (exception of chapter 8, where there is no inn). This isn’t if you decide to rest for the day, rather its basically just a tax on you after every day. If you can’t pay for the night, it will add just add to your debt and subtract more money from you the next night instead. Just makes money more tight than if you left the mode off. Weight gain will also be harder to stave off under certain circumstances, but I want that mechanic to be a bit of a mystery for now. No real new content will be available for this mode, just something optional for those that think the main game ends up being too easy.
Made one step forward and another back with the weight gain sprites, I made a new sprite set for the mage’s fat size, but I deleted the first pudgy sprite I made for her since the difference was small. It also made it so that future sprites wouldn’t have lined with the weight level’s name (the Very fat sprite would only have had a pot belly, for example).
Got a bit distracted by a game I was playing for a bit, Dragon Age Origins. I realized one of the areas might have inspired some of the aspects of the local stories in my game for chapter 1&2 (won’t be as dark though). Not intentionally, and the details of the individual stories are pretty different so I won’t be changing anything. That’s why I’ve been a bit quiet for the last few days, sorry.
Its totally cool for you to be a bit quiet. Anyways, it looks like you are making some serious progress. I’m super excited to see what you come out with and wish you luck on your endeavors!
Half of the sprites for the mage are now done, starting work on the earth element’s spell learning room and wrapping up the stealth minigame for the chapter.
While I haven’t talked about the eldritch aspects of the game beyond the original pitch, I’ve been trying to keep it a bit closer to my chest then other elements of the game and story. I made this portrait for one of the cults you’ll meet in the game. Design was mostly inspired by the cultists in my favorite boomer shooter, “Blood”, as well as the cultists and “Something Truly Evil” from “World of Horror”.
I’m afraid it’s still in development, I’m making progress on the first chapter of eight, and I’ll upload it when its finished. Can’t give a percentage of how far along I am yet, but it shouldn’t be too long now.
Since it’s taken so much longer than I anticipated originally though, I’m considering releasing what I have once the stealth minigame is finished (though you will also be able to look around the rest of the map that’s currently finished and have a look around). I hope to have the full chapter out by the end of the year, and to have the stealth minigame build out in a couple weeks or so.
To give a heads up on what I want before I do release the full version of chapter 1, for both anyone following along as well as my self (need my goals committed to writing, might as well do it here). I won’t list things that are already completed, like the weight gain system itself for example.
Game’s intro scene: 0% done
Weight gain sprites up to stage 4: 33% done
Stealth minigame: 75% done
Chapter Main quest: 15% done
Chapter side quests: 20% done
Adventure Field: 40% done
Town: 80% done
Spells up to tier 2: 15% done
Jobs for chapter: 90% done
not even 1 day ago:
Well that’s embarrassing, but I guess I can give a percentage.
Made some progress on the story and setting outline. Mainly the finer details of chapter 4, the primary religions, the primary cult, and the one minor cult/religion that only has a small appearance for a single chapter (they’ll be detailed proportionally on how relevant they are to the story). I also have the setup for a side quest in chapter 4 that depending on your choices will unlock a future side quest in chapter 7, gives you a bonus to chapter 7 and possibly 8’s boss fight, and/or impacts aspects of the true endings.
Of the things I mentioned above, I added a bit more of what I suppose can be considered to be cosmic horror (probably won’t be that scary, but I’ll give it some effort come chapter 8), to further distinguish my main antagonist being that of an Eldritch old god instead of a vaguely evil gluttony goddess. Not to disparage the gluttony goddess antagonists, but I’m going for a bit of a different vibe for my crack at making a game.
been following along with development for a few months, and i’m soooo excited and glad to hear that it’s at least moderately close along, and those immobiliity sprites are crazy good!
they remind me of the super duper overweight ending of [f] feeder fantasy
ii don’t want to hype it up too much or anything, but this has a pretty great chance of becoming my favorite weight gain game when it comes out