HOARD. A Pyramid Scheme

Do you want to buy tickets MMM?

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I’ve been excited to see what you would do for this GJ and you absolutely did not disappoint.

Wonderful little game, I hope you get the chance to come back to this and expand (har har) on it. ^^


I’ve always been a massive fan of your game jam entries since I played your office simulator, and this game was a good as ever, if not better. It took a while for me to understand the gameplay loop, but once I did I got way too addicted to filling out the pyramid. As others have said there’s tons of ways to flesh this out if you ever had the desire, but if not thanks for another great entry!


A lot of fun and simple to do, it really works out with the themes and is good blast ^^


I’ve gotta say, I really love this game a ton! The gameplay is rewarding once one figures it out, and it makes you think, as opposed to simply spamming the same buttons over and over. And being able to make both the dragon and any of her kobalds grow just makes it even better! Great job, and if you do decide to further develop this game, I’d be excited to see what you have in store!

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I said it earlier but I’ll say it again, I am REALLY impressed with how well you pushed this simple concept. Not only symbolically through gameplay, but also, just how, despite “late” game becoming pick a button and hope it’s right, it still is a lot of fun to play. The killer art helps as the kobolds and dragon are adorable and excellent in all the right ways (and also get fatter which is another right way). Overall it all just works.

Also I invented the unintentional way of playing this game which is Pole Scheme - Just keep going down the line of kobolds and see how many tiers you can go down! (Note: do not play this game this way)


Simple game, but it’s a fun little gambler once you get going on it. Superb art as always. The only thing I really was wishing for was more variety in the modifiers, or maybe purchasable items that helped you out. I also just love the concept of a dragon growing their hoard through skeezy business acumen.


I am enjoying this game, but I’m not entirely sure I know what I’m doing. All I’ve been doing is going down the chain of free recruits and eating any that make any dead ends, which I suppose is all I really need to do.


Just how big can the kobolds even get? I think i saw that ar 4 stages: Normal, Pudgey, Fat, Obese…


Sounds like the gist of it. Lemme try to explain the best I can:
Obviously, the goal is to make as much money as you can, for whichever kobald (or the dragon) you’re trying to grow. Each character has their own money pool, and weight gain is based solely off of how much money a character has. I think the kobalds have 4 weight gain levels (at 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000), while the dragon has 5 or 6 (I’m too lazy to check lol, but max size is 6000).
To make a particular character gain, have her recruit a kobald, then with the new kobald, complete the free job, then do as many jobs as possible until you can’t with that recruited kobald. Even if you fail a job, the cost of each job attempt is paid to the boss directly above em.
(Example: Let’s say Kobald A recruits Kobald B, so A is B’s boss. B does a free job, paiyng A no money. But then, let’s say the next job costs B $350. Regardless of victory or failure, A gains $350. B gets the reward money if victory is achieved, and none if failure occurs)
Voring a kobald is always done by the dragon at the top, regardless of where on the map the kobald is located. All of the money is directly transferred to the dragon as well, making her gain the weight. When a kobald is eaten, her spot disappears, and her underlings now report to the boss above her.
(Ex: Let’s say Kobald A is the boss of Kobald B, who is the boss of Kobalds C and D. B runs out of money, and you decide to feed her to the dragon, removing her from the map. Now, A is the direct boss of C and D, and any money C and/or D pays for a new job goes to A, as opposed to the vored B)
As far as the minigame goes, it requires some prediction, but basically you want to score as many hearts as possible with the positive emojis, and as few with the negative emojis. You must end with at least one pink heart to win. The number of hearts for each response pretty much always changes after you pick one, so don’t worry if you spawn in and your choices seem horrible. Sometimes, there are randomized emojis, and you might have to use process-of-elimination (or guess) to figure out what emotion the emoji represents.
Oh, and the color of the kobald represents the difficulty of the job taken to convince her: yellow and blue for ‘easy’, green for ‘medium’, and red and pink for ‘hard’.

Hopefully this helps someone out there


This game is pretty confusing at first, and a little cluttered UI-wise, but once you get going it’s pretty cool. Also, the dragon is hot and gets HUGE without being a pain in the ass to get there, which is honestly the most important part of a weight gain game.


I decided to have a go :slight_smile:


First Round Scores

Jux Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 50.0
Use of Theme: 50.0
Art: 8.7
Writing: 5.5
Music & Sound: 6.3
Mechanics: 8.3
Game Concept 8.5
Use of Fetish 7.7
Judge Preference: 8.3
Wild Cards Attempted: 1.0
Admin Wild Card: 0.0
Patreon Wild Card: 0.0
Community Wild Card: 4.0
Total: 158.3

Alex Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 50.0
Use of Theme: 50.0
Art: 8.5
Writing: 8.0
Music & Sound: 7.5
Mechanics: 8.0
Game Concept 9.0
Use of Fetish 9.0
Judge Preference: 9.0
Wild Cards Attempted: 1.0
Admin Wild Card: 0.0
Patreon Wild Card: 0.0
Community Wild Card: 5.0
Total: 165.0

Roops Score

Category Total
Game Runs: 50.0
Use of Theme: 50.0
Art: 9.0
Writing: 6.0
Music & Sound: 7.0
Mechanics: 7.0
Game Concept 8.0
Use of Fetish 7.0
Judge Preference: 9.0
Wild Cards Attempted: 0.0
Admin Wild Card: 0.0
Patreon Wild Card: 0.0
Community Wild Card: 0.0
Total: 153.0

Final Score: 476.3

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