HuCow - FoodCollect

Are you all ready? I did it in half an hour.

please give feedback. Maybe I will add left,right,up,down animations in a later stage.
Feedee - POC_Walking (1)

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To The Gameplay:

You will walk around collecting different foods, gaining weight and producing milk.
Selling that milk and buying different items for later progression.


What do you guys think? I think its time for coding!
Leave a Like or Comment, I am new to making games, maps, animations …
Feedback is appreciated!


This is really nice I like the design if you just can add more details to the place

The only advise I’d make is to make sure all the pixel art matches the same resolution and pixel grid. It’s a real personal pet peeve when games have uneven pixel art designs all over the place. Just make sure the UI and environmental art match resolution and pixel size

After a little bit of coding fun with unity, I managed to doo that!
Feedee - POC_Walking (2)


So, I am doing some coding on unity, here is my latest progress. I am working on the weight gaine and eating aspect of the game. Also is there anyone who could help with sprites? I am not that good but I need my char to be animated! Any Help is appreciated!

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It might be good to look at some RPG Maker sprites, or other 16/8-bit sprites to get an idea of how they look.

by the way, where do I get sounds?

You can find free sounds for a lot of things online Might be a good starting place.

After hours of coding and working with Unity, I managed to do:

  • A TileMapMovement Script
  • Random Item Generation

GameDev definitely is something. Its hard but fun.
Of course I am not nearly finished and also I recognized that for my first project an rpg is too much!
So I scaled down, it will be more of a minigame, where you collect food, get a score and maybe fight some enemies.

Look at that by the way! Feedback is appreciated!


No Words!


you have no words cuz your mouth is filld with milk? or is cuz no word can discribe the hype we are all feeling? XD

nice progress :smiley:

Random words for the post to work: GO!

Well guys I have a problem. The Game is not fun! Walking around collecting food and avoiding slimes just isnt fun.

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you could make a story line and other nps’s that provide quests, you could also bring a lore to the game like some strange objects and some closed places u can think of them in the future updates

What do you think of SlimeGirl? The First Enemy?

Also some AI-Art!