Really like the new update with the intro and little homes scenes.
Thanks for the feedback, it makes it a lot easier to diagnose and solve issues.
I’ll apply the correct preferences for sophia, I was testing some oop changes to the characters and this must have messed up some overlap between them.
I use the protein powder for testing and must have forgotten to change it back before release, I’ll change that asap.
As for the tetris minigame I’m not sure about how to fix that one but I’ll look into it.
The mc gains a proportional amount of weight in the body part based on the type of food consumed (or at least that is intended) but this seems to be a common piece of feedback so my code’s logic may be flawed I’ll look into that and hopefully it won’t be too hard to fix.
Getting into the weeds here, but it looks like this is because you have two “mc_growth_proportions” tables defined in mc.rpy, the latter of which is what gets used right now and only has some food options set (not matched to locations). Since this table doesn’t have all the food options either, the math which calculates the distribution ends up skewing heavily towards whichever matching food the player did happen to consume.
There seems to be an issue with the stuffing sprites beyond the first stage. Stages 2-5 don’t show a physical change regardless of capacity.
Sometimes they don’t display until you increase their capacity by 1 or 2 stages.
noted, I’ll make sure everything is in there
I believe I made the capacity increase too low, so capacity increases are not coinciding with the weight gain. I can adjust the numbers quite easily, so that will also be in 0.21. I plan on releasing the update tomorrow hopefully
This update was really good but sometimes the game abruptly crashes when I pass time at home, which can be a little bit annoying xd
First time playing it, not bad but a few things to note and suggestions:
The work Mini-game is a tad broken after the first day the chat box covers it making seeing the bottom row impossible.
Time seems to move too fast when eating certain items ( mostly Debug items but some other food stuff in enough quantity can waste a full day if not careful), recommend reducing that so players who want to do more things with the other characters each day or go to work.
Add the mc sprite to the screen during the intro and certain events as to make it look like their interacting with the other roomates right there
Overall a good start that has a lot of room for improvement and QoL for the readers
Do you plan to somehow changing how you earn money, or at least giving us option to “refuse” playing minigame with option to get fixed amount of money?
Also - eating from fridge is very bugged, i click multiple times on random items and there is tiny chance that i’ll eat something, there is also no message/notification after you eat something, so perhaps that may be related to fridge bug?
I love the game so far but small nitpicks, I think Rebecca size 2 to 3 is too drastic. Next stage could be an in between. I also think if you have the time the stuffed sprites should change poses a bit, at least maybe the arms. I did this quick draw over as an example, you can use it as reference if you want.
Also this might be a controversial take but I think the money mechanic should just be scrapped. Or, make it so that you get money boosts for making the girls fatter or rewarding you for getting their preferences right. Since its part of the story that they’re trying to get fat, you can write that in as a mechanic. This cuts the middle man out and just gives you a positive feedback loop of fattening, making money, buying food, and so on. Another idea could be making eating contests the way you make money, that way making money is “fun” (if you get what I mean) for the player and not a killjoy.
V0.21 Bug Fixes and QOL
-Fixed player not gaining from some foods
-Added in debug weight gain for each body part
-Fixed protein powder giving too many calories (left over from debugging)
-Fixed Sophia’s preferences
-Made Weight gain and Capacity increase much faster
-Added at debug option to add money into the Office for those who don’t want to interact with the minigame
-Made the minigame not have overlapping UI elements (I can’t recreate the bug but I have adjusted the code so hopefully it doesn’t happen anymore)
Stuff I’m still trying to fix
-Adding in voice lines for MC consumption, right now there are a few of them missing for different variables not being met
-Balancing weight gain and capacity increases
Thanks for the feedback guys, it makes it a lot easier for me to fix stuff when I know what’s wrong
Nice render! I will be working on expressions and different poses soon. I’ve never made a VN before so I made the sprites without thinking about reposing them. I want to make the characters have multiple facial expressions as well as poses, but this will definitely be something I look into for future updates. Unfortunately the way sprites are called right now would be incompatible with this so I’d have to adjust that too for more variable expressions/poses.
As for the money stuff yeah, it’s definitely a hold over from the last version. I put in a new option to just get money for now but in the future I want to make a wholly unique gameplay system that implements weight gain into monetary gain. Not sure exactly sure how yet but gameplay intertwining with story should make it more interesting for sure so hopefully I can come up with something cool. Maybe something like a food eating competition of some kind. If you guys have any suggestions I’ll be happy to try and see if they work.
this update is pretty good, i see that most of the bugs i’ve encountered have already been fixed for this version.
i wonder if any/all of the characters will be able to feed you with future updates. i.e. when the university has been fleshed out.
Display bug: at least some of the end-of-day stats have too many decimal places. Example:
Weight Gained: 2.2535714285714286
I played it last night and I really enjoy it.
Alright so, I had decently high-expectations when I saw this was updated, since I was so excited about the first update, but frustrated by the bugs. So, what do I think?
- It’s way less of a buggy mess! There seem to be way less “Why did that not work” moments or crashes/freezes, and trying to back or load or anything doesn’t take you 9 years backwards like it did before.
- A lot of the new writing is really fun and enjoyable. I like the 3 girls a lot and wanna see more of them. I even like the MC so far too, her design is honestly super cute.
- However, following that gets me into my biggest grievances with this update. For starters, the reworked opening cutscene kinda blows. I get convenience, I get anime camp/cheese. But I’ve never been one to love things as blatant as “At Fat university, we give you an A+ if you get fat.” Yknow?
- Additionally, the MC System def needs some changes. I like what’s there so far for weight gain. It’s so cool how dynamically you can change your figure to have different parts be more of a focus. That being said, I do wish it was a bit clearer on first playthrough (I found my character having a ton of belly and confused why). It seems like it’s trying to correlate to the ncp’s key features, but there’s an argument that both Hazel and Reb have big boobs AND big bellies, so it kinda feels arbitrary arguing that one is top heavy or not, compared to how blatantly bottom-heavy Soph is. Also, minor but huge thing here. If the playable character is going to have a physical design we can see and choices that affect them (like weight gain) we NEED to either have the choice to name them ourselves or have a standard name and personality for them. It feels like a cheesy isekai parody to run around as “Mc”.
Anyways, really really like the game. Just wanted to give my honest thoughts on the update, because some things are really exciting, but others felt like stagnating or moving in the wrong direction.
This update was really neat, with both the player character sprites and new scenes and stages for all three girls.
I do have to say I did not like the introduction and setting at all though. Both because it’s kind of lazy as a setting, being obviously only there for fetish stuff and being hugely unrealistic not only in why, but also how with every character being surprised and then accepting for something like this.
It would be one thing if the world was some alternate universe where being fat was both a good thing and desirable socially, but that does not match with anything else present in this game.
Other than that, the majority of my earlier issues are still present. To reiterate (almost word for word)
- Time per Food is a bit too high, to the point that it’s both heavily unrealistic (1 shake taking several hours to drink), as well as making it impossible to see certain overstuffed sprites, since the day will end beforehand.
- Character dialogue and descriptions for stage 1 say they gained weight, even though it’s stage 1, where all characters start at and where no weight has been gained yet.
- Stuffing events do not affect fullness or calories at all. The sprites finally reflect the stated fullness, but fullness/calories in general only increase if the player feeds them, but that conflicts with the scenario and the descriptions, in which the characters are stated to eat independently. That dissonance is a bit …
- In general the events seem to be exclusively for flavour so far, with no impact on gameplay. That’s not an issue by itself, though it does not match the contents. You’d expect an event where a character exercises to either reduce their weight or increase their needed calories for that day, as an example. There does appear to be some choices in certain events, though those do not seem to have any impact so far? Events and dialogue afterwards is still the same. I assume this will be added later.
- In a similar vein, character food preferences do not seem to change at all, as even if an events states that a character likes burgers, it’s still registered as a neutral/disapproved food.
I agree with your opinion on the new setting. It felt ham-fisted for the incentive to gain for everyone to just boil down to “because we told you to.” That’s not to say gaining weight to improve their experience at the university is a bad idea, just that each girl needs a unique motive to gain. For example, Rebecca could be trying to gain weight to meet a specific weight class for an intercollegiate martial arts tournament, but after the tournament she wants to keep indulging.
Of course, I recognize that this is only the version 0.2 and the game’s story is still a rough draft. For all we know, Version 1.0 could take place on a space station and every character is a cyborg.
i noticed that the game wasn’t showing stuffed sprites/dialogue for the final weight stage, and went digging through the code for that. i saw the game is doing a overwrought algorithm to figure out what a girls capacity should be based on her weight, and then comparing how much she’s eaten to that. and, since the final weight stage doesn’t have a max capacity increase, this means the girl is never considered full. It would be simpler and more robust if it just compared how much she’s eaten to her actual capacity
with that bug report out of the way, the game is looking amazing so far. the dialogue and sprites are super hot