Left 4 Pop

Yes, that’s a bug I’m aware of and working on, should be fixed soon

Any chance for a endless mode/COD Zombies-esque mode?

I can see where all the hype around this game is coming from: this game has some very good JUICE when it comes to the inflation and popping. It’s quite satisfying to burst fools- I just have some critiques.

  1. The option for a minimap to see how surrounded you are would be very helpful, since I’ve been jumped by completely silent enemies more than once. That, or some more defined footstep noises so you can at least hear your attackers before you see them.

  2. A lot of people had said already that using items is incredibly clumsy so I’ll just give my two cents- I don’t quite get using the e-key to reload the shotgun if you actually run out of ammo. I don’t quite understand the logic.

  3. This is definitely the most subjective but I see the current art and models as still very programmer/alpha stage. The walk cycles are very stiff and there isn’t much camera movement to simulate your own walk cycle. The inflation shape is fine and the animations for the inflation itself are well-done, I just think there’s room for improvement here.

Otherwise, this is an extremely strong start. Godspeed, people!

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it would be cool if there was an option to take a different secondary, like a melee instead of being forced into pistol, then sawed off instead

plus, it would also be cool if the thumper could launch you upward

just 100%ed the game after about 3 nights or so of getting on. i gotta say, love this game, and the concept in general, and i am hoping there is more planned for it. right now, i gotta say the new buffed sniper is my favorite weapon, as while the thumper is really good, self damage is hard to manage on the 2 maps with how close quarters they are.

while i still think the gas grenades are better than the normal ones, the updated throw distance from version 1 definitely makes normal ones easier to use. i think those could benefit from an increased blast radius. it would also be really cool to see some sort of different ending if you drink the final drink with the carbon pop charm while 100 health.

overall great work! again, i hope we see more from this game, as i think you have something amazing here, and if you dont have a patron, definitely set one up!

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Update v0.3 is out with a brand new Level Editor! Try and build you own map with the use of over 140+ objects! Check out the Level Editor Manual folder for instructions


Another great game. I really enjoyed it. Kink content aside, it’s a genuinely fun gameplay loop that had me clearing all the content in one go. I think it’s a really fun risk-reward mechanic to have popping enemies tied to charging the soda machine, but requiring you to expend time and ammo on an already defeated enemy. That and consuming the soda pop being a risk in and of itself. I think it’s handled in the best way possible where it gives you “score” or EXP. It doesn’t help you in the immediate run, but rather gives you progress for future runs. That said, the weapon upgrades get a little ridiculous. And everything aside from the shotgun ends up taking the appeal out of the game at max level. It’d be nice to have a way to revert upgrades on weapons. Maybe there already is and I’m just being dumb. The game really feels designed around the shotgun, with the other weapons as an afterthought. (But the thumper is funny at least). But you can still get a solid hour of fun out of the shotgun, so that’s not too big of a downside. I also have to note that it’s nice to have the visual clarity with different icons for the different types of grenades (as well as a different icon between the health and the soda, but that has a less significant effect, as they were already pretty easy to identify at a glance. Even ignoring the fact that the soda will generally be next to the machine unless a player decides to pick it up and then swap it out somewhere else). My only suggestion on how that could be improved is maybe a different color between health and grenades. It’s already good enough where you can tell, but it’d help to even further decrease the amount of thought needed on items. Sometimes picking up items is a bit finicky, but not enough to have cost me more than one or two hits of damage occasionally. So it’s not tilting. Another thing is the round fail animation and technically the victory animation, but this problem doesn’t really apply when you win. It’s really neat to see the first time, but as far as I’m aware, you can’t skip it. This isn’t too big of a deal, and if it were skippable I’d want it to be out of the way such as by pressing the Esc key, because it’d be a shame to accidentally skip it while rushing through. But after the second time onwards, I was really hooked into the game. And even though it was hot, I found myself thinking more than anything “Agh, I really want to get back into the game”. Which I would say is a pretty good problem to have all things considered. Having a game that’s so engaging that waiting for a few seconds to try it again feels noticeable. There’s plenty of games where by comparison I’m dreading pressing continue. This game had me overly eager to do so. I think the only two comments I have left are small ones. The grenades take a really long time to detonate and have a small range and duration of effect. Making them really weak compared to the smoke grenades. I also half expected there to be a funny achievement called something like “on my own terms” for losing a round with one of the fizzy drinks. When I won a round that explained why there wasn’t. I once again want to reiterate that this was an amazing game and it’s amazing how efficient you can be with such limited assets. There’s just enough variety where the only time I really register “sameyness” is during the loss animation. And even there, that’s the only time you get to see the animation from that angle with the camera following it. As opposed to the typical static camera from the player’s POV. I think this is my first time commenting on one of your projects. I hope it was helpful and didn’t come across as harsh (because I really loved this game). Each new project is better than the previous one. Good luck on this and whatever you decide to work on next.


I finally got around to this and it indeed is a fun loop, I noticed one particular bug that peaked my interest as a mechanic:

if you are on an elevated surface and inflate an infected to the point they float, you get caught on top of them and can “roll” them by standing near their edge. this would be a VERY fun mechanic on some vertical levels or alternate game mode like the clearly referenced L4D with going from save zone to safe zone, maybe even just to access fun areas to alternate the gameplay loop and giving alternate infected a more interesting mode of operation, such as having ranged infected sit on platforms you need to inflate a common infected to get up to (also gives an excuse to add a jump button)


New update is out with many new things and fixes, but most of all the ability to upload your own custom models into the level editor!



-pills overheal with perk

-soda machine on navmesh no collider

-pickup icon jitter

-darts colliding with fog in custom levels

-infected AI car detection

-black skin changing to white skin after damage taken

-small UI adjustments


-infected logic optimization

-improved nipple model

-made smoke grenade drop less frequently

-smoke now continuously deals damage

-nerfed AR and Thumper speed

-the way custom levels load, making errors less likely to occur


-custom models for level editor

-custom resolution

-custom skybox for level editor

-sniper rifle penetration upgrade

-new boss

-new special infected

-damage indicator

-hazmat enemies explode into a toxic cloud

-explosions now have a visible radius making them easier to utilize

-small ammo drops from enemies

-drinking gold Carbon-pop makes you 4x as big than normal game over

-free cam after game over

-3 new maps

-new console spawn commands

-explosive barrels in custom editor


yoooo, sniper rifle doesn’t work at all, glad to see this project getting work done still tho
i’ll update this comment with any other bugs I find

Console spawning doesn’t work for Boss1, boss2, or inf6

Yeah, sniper is 100% broken, doesn’t work at all.
Also the rooftop map probably needs some adjusting, it’s too easy to get ganked by the gas enemies and get stuck, even on easy mode.

just won a round with the sniper exclusively, I have no idea what you two are talking about

My guess with the sniper is that it might be tied to how upgraded the weapons were prior to updating.
Really the only reason I think that is because I had most weapons mostly fully upgraded and when I put a point in after the update, the stat would change wildly, as if the game had only just caught up on the math.

My sniper was my #1 weapon and was fully upgraded, it was the only weapon I’d ever use.
With the new piercing stat for it, I haven’t put any points in yet, I almost feel like if I was to put a point into that, it’d fix the gun.

I know someone on Itch had the same glitch, but they described it as being “inaccurate” and that it only worked when you’re really close, but I didn’t check to see if that was the case for me, I just ran around the map shooting wildly, trying not to get hit, seeing if anything would take damage, but it was a no, so after a couple tries, I swapped to the assault rifle which worked, but I didn’t like it because I prefer the dart travel speed of the sniper.

yeah, I immediately upgraded the piercing stat to max when I opened the game, probably why I had 0 issues

How does one use the console to spawn in enemies?

amazing update to a beautiful game. i hope you have more planned for this!! i’d love to see anything added into this to make the rounds feel more random, like maybe a path that was blocked one round being open the next??? whatever you feel like you can do that would fit!

I know this is just a nitpick or preference of mine, but, do you think it could be possible to add a revamp keys options? I’m too used to change weapons or items with C or Q.

I made an account just to get help on this because I cant fix this. I changed my resolution using the custom one to my laptops resolution and it broke the game completely, I cant unchange it. Reinstalling the game does nothing. I cant even get to the options menu to try and fix it. Is there anyway to fix it or am I fucked?

go in the Registy Editor, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MadLad224, and delete that folder (will delete your save but fix any issues)