Making the World a Fatter Place - MWFP - V0.5 on Patreon - V0.2 FREE

The renders are nice, however, the game itself (gameplay and storywise), is still in a very early stage of development. Keep up the nice work you are doing.

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I will take a look into doing that soon)

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Best of luck with your progress

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I get a 404 Not Found error when trying to click on the Mac download link in the first post. Does the link need to be updated?

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Yeah I deleted that to have more space on my drive… I updated the link to the page where you can also download the first version)

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Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know that V0.4 released on my Patreon yesterday.

Here is a summary of what this version adds to the game:

  • A new side-character with 3 stages
  • The first event of the bar (teaser event)
  • The first event of the gym (teaser event)
  • A few new renders (some old ones had clothes clipping etc.)

I will also publish V0.2 for free in the coming days on itch once my internet is better again (currently changing internet providers and am stuck with 1Mb/s download - don´t even want to know the upload speed…)

But that´s all for now,



Yay. 0.2 inbound soon-ish. Best of luck on the ISP issues. Hopefully those Kb speeds are soon fixed. If the harem game is any indication, This is really going to be good.

man you know, ill be honest. There are a lot of developers with patreons, and each game seems to have their own… but why don’t you have this game on the same patreon as your Live/ sultans harem?



Well the reason is pretty simple: With the Sultans Harem I work with a partner and share all earnings - while with this game I do everything by myself and it would be impossible to separate/distinguish these earnings on one single Patreon account.



just wanted to announce that I released V0.5 last night.

This it what it added to the game:

  • a new stage for Ghia
  • 3 new stages for the gym girls (as voted for in the Patreon poll)
  • a new event for Kimiko
  • some qol-changes and other improvements

I will also publish V0.4 on itch once I figure out how to upload bigger file sizes there…
And this week there will also be the Andoid release at some point.

Anyways I hope you enjoy,



Yay. 0.2 is really good.

For Itch, you can put Mega or Mediafire links up instead of the actual file if it’s limiting you

I really like this, the characters are fun and the models and writing have been consistently improving as you’ve continued along which is good to see.

I think the main area for improvement is adding variety - you have a core loop to the game, working to afford dates with Ghia & checking in on other girls. But each aspect of that loop is fairly static and even the dates with Ghia only involve changing models (outside of the main story beats). Two ways to improve this would to add variants to both the dates and work, particularly as characters go up in weight stages.

For the dates there could be increasing amounts of food eaten and humiliation variants at the clothing store and club as Ghia’s weight increases. At least some of this could be done with minimal new renders and little to no new models which would hopefully limit the workload associated with it (eg Ghia eating more might need more plates put on the table but could be primarily handled via text)

For work variants having the cast come in to the store while you’re working there some of the time & ordering food would be a good way to both show off the models and their changing behavior. The gym girls could stop by initially getting protein shakes/bars but as they devolve this could shift to more and more junk food and as the character list grows the level of variety would too. Since work is a common event in the game it would be good to have fetish aspects intersect with it more often - though this would mean a suite of new renders.

I’m happy this is getting consistent updates and hope to see it continue to grow.