Hello, I have thought I never had shared before a progression of the body some character of game and I belive what is moment for share a progression of a character.
In Meat’s Roses exist more character with a similar progression with diferent bodies and more art.
Next version I will add more art, more characters and add more sizes of current characters.
I thank all support what the game recive, it is very important for the delopvement.
I am sorry I didn’t plan enough the time that consume test the game and it delayed release for almost a day.
is there a way to get rid of the demo message after achieve the value listed. Im 20 of one and been trying to get to the final size of each character but each time i load,i complete a week then it ends, i just want to continue after completing the main objectives for now
Do you reach the final day?, I don’t understand mean you say with “I’m 20 of one”.
this i know that i have weight stages that i still need to hit, but i don’t know how to disable this so i can continue so i can see the last weight stage for now
Okey, I’m sorry for delay in my answer, but I was making a program for modify the date of the save file; with this program you can modify the initial day (0-489), number tears(0-30,000), the program ask you the number of save to generate a file (example: “time8.dat” is number save 8).
Copy and paste generated file in the folder data, (I recommend create a copy of file that replace)
In your case you number save file is 12.
Link of the program for modify the date and tears:
I’m aware that is not optimal solve, but I will change final day the game for the version 0.6.1 and you are playing the version 0.5.1 and I didn’t a save of code of the version 0.5.1 for change.
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alrighty,ill try this out cause im so close but so far at the same time
Im not if im doing it right
Am i missing something? I apologize for taking so much of your time on this
I’m sorry, I forgot add flags for make .exe, but I fixed
Link of the program for modify the date and tears
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Hello, I have been drawing for add more events for the next version of the game and for the moment I have thought 2 events a for Adalheidis and other for Alopex, but I think to add more for the next version. I have thought release other version new for patreon this month.
Preview of the Alopex’s event
What you think you will do with Alopex here?
If you like more a Rose in specif and you want see more events for that Rose for next version, the Rose with most vote add 2 event more for her, for the 2nd more vote add 1 event more for her; you participate in the poll in my patreon for paid members.
Link of the poll for add more events for a Rose
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Hello, I am sorry for not realese a version in end past month I had been stressed with delopvement of the game this last 3 weeks, during this time I gave me time for to think about how continue with game and the delopvement was more bit slow what before, but I feel better now, I have thought in continue better this version 0.6 and release a version 0.6.1 with more add events for some characters playables, but mainly better their interactions with player for give a experience more live.
For the version 0.7, I will focus in delopvement the system of combat what I told since start delopvement of game, I decided for a system RPG for turns, yet I have to think about the interface and some mechanicals.
For the port to android, I will have to study more for see how do and see how affect the gameplay.
Hello everyone, I have been working and thinking about game and how do better gameplay, so that I will be grateful give me you opinion about good and bad that you belive of the game. I want give a better experience of gameplay, but it is some confuse and hard know that I am doing good and I am doing bad.
For the version 0.6.1, I have a event for each for Alopex, Adalheidis and Valperina.
I wait soon give a date release for this version. I thank support in my patreon.
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Hello everyone, soon I release the version 0.6.1 in this month, it will include for this version:
- Alopex max size 13 → 16 (0-15)
- A new event sttufing event Alopex repeatable
- A new event sttufing event Adalheidis repeatable
- A new date event with Valperina repeatable
- Another new clothing set for Alopex
New clothing set max size
For the version 0.7, I have working desing interface for the system combat and a battlesuit for Valperina, I hope when I finalize the version 0.6.1,I will coding the system combat and drawing the battlesuits of other characters.
I realized a poll in my patreon for members, but few have participated, for add more content for the two characters with most votes, but now I postpone for the version 0.7.1, because I want what more members participated in the poll.