Now just what circumstances could have lead to this image?
Can’t wait to order everything chocolate on the menu…and receive none of it.
trying to figure out the choices are a pain in the butt
I think i do technically use this specific sprite once currently? But there will be more chances for it to come up in the future hehe
What’s the difficulty you’re encountering?
In the future there might definitely be content stemming from CHOCOLATE
trying to figure out which choices are the best for her belly to be at max size, this is on v3.7 btw
It’s supposed to be a date. I want to try and make it feel that conversation flows from previous conversation choices.
The biggest belly will result from choices that make the character most comfortable with eating the most.
yeah thats the thing, its quite difficult to determine which choices are the best ones
There isn’t supposed to be 1 best choice. If you’re having a hard time trying to read into the dialogue choices to find some kind of hint as to which is best, then you’re going to keep having a hard time. I don’t want players to just pick the [gluttony] button a few times and get to see the belly get big. I want to try and create an engaging date. Romance. Cuteness.
I’m a writer. I want people to read my writing =P
Imma bump this because I think this game deserves more recognition, honestly.
So: Bump. XD
The public demo has this in spades. Nicely done
I’m glad it comes across =)
Been quiet. been busy judging and catching up on other patron owed stuff while doing writing for MMM here and there. I don’t have anything interesting to report there besides the goal for the next BTS patron build is the 25th. That’s the goal anyway.
As for more interesting developments here is a very not interesting very very early screenshot of a side project:
I’ve been poking away at a couple side projects as a way to learn more about interface design in renpy, and more about python in general. This isn’t the first steps. I’ve done a bit of planning before opening a new project file. This should definitely help me learn things that i could implement in MMM.
I wont elaborate more on the project right now, but i welcome speculation haha
This month has been filled with judging the Gainjam, catching up on writing obligations and other family demands. I should have new content out for BTS patrons around the 25th.
My goal is to get one of the new dialogue options finished out. Which doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s the “Comment of Myre’s belly” option where i have 5 variations planned based on what choices you’ve made before it. Variations might be the wrong word, sine each choice will get you a totally different set of dialogue. So regardless, that should be quite a bit of writing to do/play through!
And fun content too
I finished up the rough draft of the 'compliment Myre’s belly" dialogue options. I definitely want to add more to it, but as always, these monthly updates are usually rough draft content =). The magic in writing comes in the editing process, and you can’t edit words that don’t exist on the page yet. The word count for the update is up to 21,000, up 2000 words from last month. So far. Keeping on track for the 25th, i should have even more written.
for the pre entree options, i have now finished 4/6 of them. I want to get at least one more written before the 25th, but if things go very well, I could finish two more. That’d mean next month i could start work on the main course meal content. Hamburgs and steaks and other stuff. More food. bigger bellies. At least, it’ll be easier to see the currently existing belly sprites!
As a reminded this update will be accessible for 10$ BTS patrons because of their generous support. Juxtaterrestrial is creating Belly focused fetish content | Patreon
Additionally, I linked a screenshot for a different project above. That’s currently a side project to help me learn more about renpy’s systems. When/if I have a playable build, BTS patrons will get the first dibs to try it out. Only reason I’m mentioning it here is because i don’t want to make a new thread yet without something to really show.
Happy Halloween
Download MMM v0.42 now:
This month sees more pre-entree dialogue. Talk about bellies and appetite. Fun stuff! A lot of the words are available based off of choices, so not every path is going to have a ton of new stuff. With the “talk about her belly” option that was fleshed out this month, there is a bunch of options only available based on your earlier choices. There is always two you’ll have access to as well.
This represents 5/6 dialogue choices done for this part of the rough draft. I’ll finish the last one next month and start working on dinner. We’re very close to getting Myre eating some more.
To be clear, this content is still rough, and I will be going back in the future to clean up spelling, grammar, and adding small little side paths to add reactivity.
Super wip gif of things I’m playing with as a teaser