P*kem*n Lard: A fatty centric P*kem*n region (EXTENDED DEX ENTRY CONTEST LIVE!)

ok thanks for the info


Where is the dream machine located?

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Funny thing about that. I just redownloaded the demo linked at the top and the dream machine is not fully functioning in that version at the moment. It’s just missing a single script uwu. The next version should have it fully working however when that eventually comes out :tm:


Creator of the doc here. I accidentally deleted it while clearing up space unfortunately. Someone thankfully made a copy of the sheet so here


Hey everyone! The Dev team and I have been working hard to bring you all a delightful new update, including a massive amount of new content, the full implementation of an entire pokedex, along with two new types (Fungus and Food) and a bunch of other stuff too that you can see in the starting post. There are a lot of new environments to explore, pokemon to collect, characters to meet, and gyms to challenge in this update, and berries! a lot of berries. So many berries. Hope you all enjoy playing!

Download The New Update HERE



Hi! I’ve downloaded the update and tried playing this game for the first time, however launching it gives me this error message:

What can I do to fix that?

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It launches just fine on my end, no idea what’s up over there. All I can say is to try reinstalling, and make sure to launch the game.exe file, not anything else

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Same thing happens to me and i already deleted it and reinstalled maybe it’s missing some files?.. The extraction for me always stops 3% earlier but it might just be a visual glitch

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it happends to me when i fight to the woman in the new building in the tird gym, the one trainer in the greenhouse

also i think we gonna need another difficult reduction update, the muk is overpowerd, even the wild ones can take out members of your team with 2 or 3 hits, and the ones from trainers are almos mini boses, besides that alot of trainers have way to hight level pokemons, the tird gym has wild pokemons stronger than my ace, by 7 levels some times


also still in the weather building the weather level takes you to a softlock cause youre teleported to a blue space that you cant move or do anything

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just lost 20 minutes of progress because I tried to touch a machine in the professors building and it gave me a missing script error with a crash. Goblet start pokemon is pretty fun though


If I had to wager a guess, I would ask if you properly unzipped the compressed folder? It might be that you didn’t unpackage the folder and thus tried to run the exe while it is compressed, giving you an error because it is unable to properly read the files.

Heyo, we had someone on the discord try and play a dev build on joiplay like a month or so ago? Anyways, I’m pretty sure they had the same sort of issue and it came from 1) not having the right version of Joiplay installed, they had the app store version and not the updated free patreon version and 2) they had to download some script plugin for joiplay from the free patreon as well

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for the sake of constructive criticism please for the love of god nerf Grimer, please make Sap Sipper a hidden ability because due to the Umbalances nature of this game there’s literally no way to kill it easily or deal super effective damage. as far as i know there’s no electric types available early, so having to chip away at it while it uses aqua ring will make playing through next updates a genuine headache since you encounter it so often.


With other people, sap sipper is devastating when most of the early pokemon are grass. You can use fungus type moves to beat grimers easily, but I would usually just run away because they are tanky as hell anyways

The game has a few crashes notably whenever you are in science like buildings. The research floor after the first gym is a big one and the lab in your hometown is one.

Lastly, all the trainers having pokemon that are higher stage of evolution is nice in the sense you get to show off all the sprites, but it killed the wonder of “oh, I cant wait to see what my pokemon evolves into” same with the shiny sprites. They seem like its just being waved in front of our face that everyone and their mother has a shiny except for the trainer


you need to install the rpg maker plugin for joiplay, i just downloaded it and apparently i can play the game without any issue


Thanks apparently i had an old pluggin


I’ll make a fix for the map errors and upload it ASAP. As for grimer and muk, I understand the criticism, but I also want the difficulty to still be there. It is very possible to deal with them early game, although they are quite strong in the game for sure. Try using fungus types or pokemon that resist their attacks and can hit back for neutral damage.

As for the shinies and evolved mons for trainers… I’m not actually sure what to do. I’ll make a poll about it, I suppose.

  • Trainers can use whatever pokemon they want early game.
  • Trainers shouldn’t use fully evolved pokemon only early game, shinies are fine.
  • Trainers shouldn’t use shiny pokemon only early game, fully evolved are fine.
  • Trainers shouldn’t use fully evolved pokemon or shinies early game.
0 voters

Thanks for the criticism!


What happened here exactly? I’m not having any issues with the weather floor of the building.

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i get the need for dificulty and i agree but early on fighting someone with a evolved pokemon just dont make sens unless you playing a pokemon that has dark souls tendences of just saying fuck you and deal with it to the player it can be done but the player would have to be FORCED to down time of LVLing or finding a mon to deal with there current challenge and also lvling them up if they find it too weak that and just in the spirit of pokemon games when have players ever had to fight a evolved mon so early on?
then again i grow up with the older gen so i would say take away the trainers with evolved mons so early on but also take away the EXP share and give it to the player later down the line have that so early on helps the player deal with this challenges but in the hands of a good and veteran pokemon player EXP share can be abused to the point that once the player hits mid game all fight might end up being cake walks.

EDIT: am i the only one who just got ear raped by this guys natural sound XD


Exp share in this game works like older gens, just one of the held items that helps catch up your pokemonr ather than leveling everything together.

Also, new version fixes the machine crash.