Prelude to Enormity (PRE-ALPHA V6.8, Update 9.8 7/25/24)

After the second event being some berries, it just gets stuck on this page. If it matters; I picked dragon as race and hourglass body type.

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Quick incremental update with some content but mostly bug fixes.
PRE-ALPHA Update Two!





BTW, these stats are where the game is at after a month (with code)! Still got a long way to go of course.

Some are probably frustrated with the lack of content when it comes to the Gender TF/physical attributes affecting scenes. Poll to vote on to dictate what content’s next Sunday.
Please vote.

  • Gender TF scenes
  • Personality/Race scenes
  • Height/Weight scenes

0 voters


Honestly I really can’t decide since I’m looking forward to everything this game has to offer so far.


Found these two bugs in the 4.1 version

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Already fixed em in the upcoming update.

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Got a very good response in terms of player feedback, but I feel like the donation perks are shit.
I was thinking.

Would you pay to get unstable WIP builds or should I not have that? Obviously everybody still gets the free weekly updates.

Would you pay for WIP builds?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Most notable addition is the metric measurements, but there is still some content like new masturbation scenes and routes.




Hotfix update. Also, I have added a second person (an editor) to the project.



I think if you wanna try going down this road, is to follow the example of Worshippers of the Gain, in which you literally sell the game on There are a lot of games I see on here that I would be more than willing to pay a single time to just straight up purchase the game in early access/development. A single time buy in is much less ‘risky’ than pledging donations indefinitely for a game that may or may not ever actually make it to full release. This is both easier on those of us who dont have as much disposable income to throw around every month, but still want to show support and get dev builds.

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Boring wall of text about monetization shop talk…
Well, could maybe do that when development finishes… It’s not fair to charge for something unfinished. Seen that so occur many times where devs ditch town, so I agree with you.

It’s a tip jar. Will work on finishing this whether or not there’s money. Need to figure out something (maybe a mailing list?) for the subscription platforms, but basically, even if you cancel your membership, you always get perks.

A one time donation is still possible through Itch right now. “A $1 dono gets you all the perks listed in the “About” section in-game. You will be put on an Itch mailing list if you donate.”

Well, won’t do the WIP builds now but will do a supporter-exclusive feature at some point like debug. If that debug idea is not fair, the audience can decide that in a future poll.

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‘Sir, a second update has hit the server’


Just a future of the game update people might find interesting.

It’s hard to tell raw word count excluding code but probably 500k by final release. There will be a few main endings depending on how many growth stages you hit and some “post-game” content after each route’s conclusion.

I’ve already written a couple weight stages, so no clue say how many growth stages will be in total. A few dozen? When you hit 1,000-2k pounds I plan to ramp things up and go really off the walls (planet-sized routes).


Didn’t get the bugs this time, mostly focused on new content and 3 new weight stages. Hotfix next week by Tuesday/Wednesday.




Big question time. Would you like to see NPCs integrated at some point? Would include romance/companion systems.

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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Quick bugfix update. No new content.




When on the ship, I found the formula that makes you grow and it temporarily switched my path to giantess. But got me wondering if you can end up mixing the two paths together, like, choosing one just puts more priority toward those kinds of events and stuff? Or might that be too complicated? Being able to get taller while fatter would be cool and give you more time before being immobile most likely. Though, to be fair; I don’t ever like reaching immobile stages in these things and tend to stop a bit before. lol

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Whoops. Always more bugs :confused: Fixing that Sunday.

You’re not the first person to ask for this path, because not everyone is into the fat stuff. It falls under the expansion umbrella, so yes it will happen. This “Hyper” mode will be added later in Pre-Alpha; plan is you dump ‘points’ into individual attributes but it would involve a different set of code and will take a lot of work. Awful at code so learning as I go along. Only thing that will not happen is muscle content because I can’t write it at all.

I had noticed when I was on the ship the formula switched my path to the immobile path unlike Moo_Cow. But when I did take the formula, there was no back button either when I was able to view my character. Also maybe you don’t have to write muscle content, you could just say the character is still a lot stronger than normal. :person_shrugging:
Well, once they get to bigger sizes that is

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Pretty bad news, gang. Twine just shat the bed and will have to recreate the game basically… Certain passages are broken and impossible to edit now all because I tried to bulk edit a typo…

The good news is I saved a proofing copy of all the raw code and text right before it fucked up on me. This will obviously delay the update by a few days or a week again. Going to try to fix this soon as possible.