Since there seems to be a small mix up in what the OP is asking, they are asking if it is feasible for them to pay others to produce their game idea, not getting some one to pay for theirs.
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Yes!! exactly I asked it it would be possible to PAY someone with the skills I lack to make the idea. not be paid But pay for it to be made
Best play to start would be a board game/tabletop rpg. No programming required, but you can work out you systems without any programming knowledge (unless you’re looking to make a more action oriented game).
I planing for more text based management games. the first is basically Dungeon master game.
main player is a slime dungeon master with pure mass being the sign of a slime’s power thus weight gain. of course adventures will attack for loot. and the player can send some special monsters on expedition for wealth or monster to adsorb for more mass
For TiTs too bad the MC can’t get fat