QueenSized V2.0.2now public! Emerald dragoness Expansion in the works!

I Downloaded the game but it doesn’t show the Players art
Could someone help

Ok that’s weird, Where did you download the game Through Itch, Patreon or discord? and how did you start the game after downloading, If you Downloaded through Itch or Patreon the game folder should Include the Game and a folder with all the pictures.


those are the files you should see. If you start the game when in the folder with picture folder it should have them in game.

I Downloaded it on itch and I Play it on Joyplay

Sorry to say none of our Dev’s are familiar with Joyplay so there is a good chance that it just won’t work for that, sry If we figure something out I’ll get back to you.

i suggest to start playing it in joyplay and then try to use it on browser since it’s html, although me playing with joyplay has never gotten me no images as of now.

Seems slightly distasteful that the bug fixes went to the patreon version, instead of the publie release. It is what it is tho.

thats how patron works? you pay to get access to updates earlier, not to mention supporting the dev. how dare the supporters get something back! besides, those patron exclusives could come to live whenever the dev decides its really in a good state for release.


our weekly update schedule is still a little messed up, we try to catch any bugs on Thursday and upload a bug update on late Thursday or Friday but because it was our first patreon release stuff a little out of whack, sorry for the inconvenience.


In 18b it seams there is a bug that when you eat you don’t gain fullness and by extension weight.


Have you thought about using AI or images for the game, also nice text game im really enjoying the improving from patch to patch.

What’s new in v1.10.18 as opposed to v1.10.17?

What is a procrastination event?

I don’t know why, but I can’t buy food from Khantarus. Why I try to, there is no continue option after buying the food, resulting in a softlock and me having to go rewind.

When choosing the character shape, the game always assumes you chose apple type body.

Are others not written or is it another bug?

we do use AI Images for the game, do you need help are they not working for you??

Just fun little side events that can happen when you procrastinate.

Oh, I though it was only text, seems like is not working for me or ¿I need some kind of program to watch the pictures maybe?

Which AI art engine do you use? In the ones I’ve used, I could never get a consistent-looking picture


For me the images work when you download the game and play locally.

However if your playing it directly on itch.io the images fail to load, im assuming this is a html linking issue causing the page to use a bad link to load the images.