Skirjasaga - Tale of a Heifer (Chapter 1 PUBLIC Release)

I’m incredibly touched to have received another piece of amazing fanart :sob:! This time I can give proper credit to the incredibly talented Sakura_rose12 and the generous Sister Carmilla for the commission :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:!

Alternate sleeve version:

The link to the picture on the artist’s twitter:


End of Chapter 1 Update for Supporters

I've released the latest update on Patreon. The latest update wraps up the story for Chapter 1, and introduces a significant combat overhaul that improves visibility and framerate, and introduces powers that are unique to each character!

I decided to not make the forest dungeon update public, because I felt like a lot of these changes would make for a much better entry into the game for newer players. Because of that, I’m going to make this update public for everyone in just a few weeks!

Also, please expect to potentially run into bugs until I get reports and can address potential issues in a patch. :pray:


Quick question, is the update also available for supporters who did so outside of Patreon?

I sent you a link in private message

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Thank you so much, I really apricate it!

I love it so far, can’t wait for chapter 2 to come out.

I hope Sylvi can get fat again.


Chapter 1 Public Release

After being available to paid supporters for a long while, I'm releasing ALL current content and game improvements to everyone! I've been holding off on a new public build for a while, because I wanted to make sure I included a host of changes to address issues that people have had with the game in the past.

New Content
The game is significantly longer now and concludes the whole story of Chapter 1.

Gameplay Improvements
The game now runs at a higher framerate, has a customizeable difficulty, skippeable prologue, and has an overhauled core gameplay loop that includes player abilities and a follower system!

More Fats!
Need I say more?

I hope you give the game a try, and I would be very grateful if you let me know how this experience compared to the initial launch of the game. :pray:

Access the download link at


I am getting a Error when fight the Purple plant boss.

I’ll look into and try to fix this, but I can’t replicate the bug on my end. Do you mind sending me your savefile where this happens?

Hey, so I’m getting an error in the prologue about an audio file not loading? I can upload the save for you too if need be, although for some reason it won’t let me upload the save in this reply. I also just checked the audio files and I have FridayAfternoon.rpgmvo, so i don’t get why it isn’t loading :face_exhaling:

I had sadly not noticed this error before uploading, but I think I have already uploaded a fixed version! That being said you can manually fix the problem by copy + pasting the “FridayAfternoon.rpgmvo” file and calling the COPY “Friday_Afternoon_Loop.rpgmvo” that should fix the issue.

So far I’m really enjoying the reworked combat! I appreciate how if I miss a target I’ll still do some damage. It’s much more satisfying now to push forward even after a miss.

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I tried doing the manual fix but it still didn’t work. Is it possibly because the error says it needs a .ogg file instead of .rpgmvo? I have also had issues in the past with other games because of the hard drive file system I store my games on, with that system being FAT32. Maybe that has to do something with it?

Oh hmm. That’s unexpected but I’ll look into it. In the meanwhile I’ll just DM you the .ogg file as a temporary fix. I don’t think it should affect anyone who downloaded the game after I fixed it though. :thinking:

Alright, sounds good to me. Thanks for the help so far, appreciate it :slightly_smiling_face: (54.4 KB)

okay One save file zipped nicely.

Excuse me but I need help for the riddle in the spider cave, can someone explain to me how to solve it?

tienes que seguir el movimiento que te dice los carteles si te piden que vayas a la derecha tiene que ir a la derecha para activar lo si te piden a la izquierda lo mismo si te pide para abajo lo mismo


The stone plaques at the bottom of the dungeon are the key to the puzzle. You have to press each plate in the right order, AND while facing in the right direction.


Ok, gracias por responder.