Skirjasaga - Tale of a Heifer (Chapter 1 PUBLIC Release)

I totally get what you mean about different interpretations, hence why I tried to stress that there are lots of good things to be found in the game, just that it’s not for me. You’re a very talented artist and I’m sure you’ll make a whole lot of people very happy with all the future updates you have planned! Thanks for taking the time to respond and being so open with your thoughts, especially in response to criticism. Best of luck going forward! ^_^

wtf i came here to see fatties not to feel


Theres is a lot I want to say about your game but I can summarize it in one picture: :grin: :+1:


Why is there no healing in the game? The tiny bits you get from doing perfectly in a fight isn’t nearly enough since it’s completely wiped out and then some if you make even the slightest mistake. Enemies should drop healing items, or there should be a place in each area/chapter to rest and heal. Or both, actually, both is better. The combat system is too demanding to not have things like that available.

Edit: My bad, health doesn’t recover from winning in combat, it just regenerates slowly over time. In that case, it’d be better to just make health fully regen after every fight instead of making the player stand around doing nothing until it’s full again.

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The characters regenerate health over time, which is a lore feature as much as it is a gameplay feature. I’ll also add alternative forms of healing for the next version of the game, including healing items and likely also places to rest.

Either combat area of the game doesn’t have tough enough enemies that you should have to wait for full health between every encounter, but if that is your preference you can explore, read lore pages, or go on and complain about the game - and your HP should recover pretty soon!


That’s kind of subjective! Not everybody is as good at rhythm games as you are!

Hey hey, no need to get passive-aggressive! Just hoping to help make easier for people who are more interested in the story and the weight gain content to enjoy the game.

FYI, you can’t click off the game and let it regen. Although the music keeps playing, the game itself freezes so the health doesn’t regen. Likewise for going into the menu to look at your lore pages.


I appreciate when people give their perspective. I’ve adjusted the difficulty down with every patch of the game so far, and I’m adjusting it down further in v0.2.0 - and adding healing items. They didn’t make the cut for the initial version of the game, mostly because beasts dropping healing items felt overly “gamey” or because the characters were cut off from reasonable places to rest. Players who find the combat minigame difficult will also have more opportunities to level up, and acquire gear in advance of new areas.

I’ve tried to strike a balance between engaging and easy for the initial portions of the game, but I’m open to adjustments that could improve a player’s first impression.

Likewise for going into the menu to look at your lore pages.

Opening a lore book exits the menu processing and performs the event processing for flipping through the lore pages - during which time the player recovers HP normally.

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Idk if i have an old version or something, but my game keeps crashing shortly after the tutorial fight, just straight up crashing

I really, really want the option for a standard turn based combat system. I understand what you’re going for with the QTE, but I was never particularly good at those and I’ve gotten worse with age. Real time combat is just not my jam.


Alright, I just played what I believe to be the most recent version of the game’s tutorial and I can already tell this is going to be a gem.

However, there is on caveat with the fun combat system that I feel is imperative to be dealt with. Some computers (like my own) have a limitation to the number of key strokes that can be held down at once. Since I can only hold down two keys before any further key holds are denied, I cannot effectively time the triple circle attacks almost at all. To even attempt them I have to try to roll my fingers across the directional arrows at an extremely precise time instead of all at once, which of course astronomically increases the difficulty.

Other than that, I’m sharp enough to deal with everything thrown at me so far so it’s been a good ride. Excellent writing and dialogue too!



As far as I can tell this isn’t specific to my game(?), and there’s not all that much I can do about it from my side. I’m looking into it, and I’m willing to consider solutions if I find them but it’s hard to promise I’ll be able to fix it. Just save often, and if there’s anything noteworthy about the crash describe it to me so I can problemshoot better.

the option for a standard turn based combat system

This would be a ridiculous amount of work that I’d much rather spend making content for the game. If the combat comes off as difficult mind that you can heal between fights by waiting, or get strong gear upgrades and XP before you progress. Certain tough enemies like the black boar, or the black bear are also completely optional.

Some computers (like my own) have a limitation to the number of key strokes that can be held down at once.

I addressed this once earlier, but from my research the vast majority of modern keyboards don’t have this limitation. This is usually only a problem on very old keyboards - but even then, enemies generally don’t attack in tripples. Right now there’s only one instance of a tripple-attack, which is Atla’s fadeout attack.


Yes, I just had an epic battle with Atla that lasted forever because of my indomitable nature, but the triple attacks were my undoing! Still, I feel like I’ve only scraped the beginning of this game and I’m already hooked enough by all of the love and hard work. I’m going to go ahead and purchase it from the download page to show my support with something more than honeyed words. Love it!

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Can the current spider boss be defeated?

No. You can do enough damage that the dialogue is different, but you will always still “lose”.


Love the current build so far! I usually have a preference for games with more fetish content than story, but what you’ve put together so far is super interesting and sucked me in. It was like playing a fantasy RPG with fetish content available rather than just a fetish game. Had to join the patreon when I was done, can’t wait to see how the game develops over time.

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I guess I accept that, but it does mean that I won’t ever get the chance to enjoy this game, not without sinking way more time than I want to into training the reflexes I’d need to manage the QTE combat mechanic. The first story fight at the camp destroys me.

That fight should be very simple if you understand that the directions are inverted for certain attacks.

That being said, I have had multiple people say they struggle - so I’m nerfing that specific fight in the next update.

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Yeah… my brain just can’t deal with the speed, the narrow window of “press now”, and the need to invert all at once.

If it makes you feel any better, I avoid the entire Souls series and everything like it as well.

Now admittedly still a lot of prospective work, not nearly as much as @Schattenjaeger idea in my opinion. But one that might be okay if it doesn’t compromise your vision. Is adding difficulty modes. My thought had been easy normal hard type gameplay options. Probably just general things like amount of hp or overall time allowed for hitting button inputs.

Again not an insignificant amount of work but might make sense to allow players to select the level of challenge they want from your game. Since I would assume something like easy would be made just to experience the story and hard being for players looking to maybe retain some of the challenge that the parched versions of bosses and fights had (assuming there is a large enough demand for either of those demographics)

Would really appreciate if Easy just removes all the advanced combat mechanics like flanking and multiples. That would still require some code edits, but probably fewer (just an added if statement with a global reference variable.)

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