Spirit of Hunger - OUT NOW!

Ayy thank you! I’m glad you’re liking the game (despite all the bugs lmao)

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This is fun! You do a really good job with these games and making everything feel so interactive. I loved all of the little flashbacks throughout the story and just generally seeing what influences I can have everywhere.

I just haven’t been able to get ending 2 though even though I put in a bunch of attempts, so curious if anyone else has.

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Thank you! I do try my best to make my environments feel interconnected and dynamic, I find it really fun (:

As for the ending 2 though, I went back and tested things a little more - technically, it was doable! That said, you had to do things in a meticulously precise order to make it happen.

It is supposed to be a particularly hard ending to get, but not this hard. I updated the game so that it’s still difficult, but not unfair.

Okay I’m genuinely at a loss I have no idea how to make progress

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i did chapter one but it didnt do anything after it said end of chapter one

That checks out, there’s currently just the first chapter out - you can get little extra scenes/endings, but only if you’ve done enough around the apartment.

Sorry, I made a mistake. Here is the previous post:

I have to say, this is some amazing work, the writing’s great and the puzzles are interesting. I haven’t quite finished it yet, but its ideas are original and well-executed. I have a few ideas and complaints, however.

When I first began, I quickly became confused at what objects do, and after a while, it can be easy to forget. Maybe in your inventory you could examine things; provide an opportunity for more descriptions/world building, as well as an idea of what it could be used for.
Something else that began happening is that when I was stuck, I began going from screen to screen, just opening the inventory on each and seeing if I got an option for anything, so you could improve the intuition a bit.
Lastly, during the control segments, perhaps it could be made more clear what each thing does? I ended up having to fully trial and error the situation to figure them out, and I still don’t fully know what they each do. I’ll take anything, but maybe some professional sounding name for each of them would be good? Maybe something like “Gorge Inhibitor”, or “Social Diode Cable”? Really I’m just throwing things at the wall, though.

Also, you left some code in one of the past scenes with the knife and “sewing box” towards the end of the passage.

That’s all I have to say, and you don’t have to listen. You’re doing a really good job so far.


Ah, thank you! I’m glad to hear you like what I’ve made (:

Tell you what, at one point in development I was actually planning on having links for each of the objects: to examine them closer, or simply refresh the user on their looks/functionality. The only reason I scrapped that is it initially made for an infinite loop from an item’s description to the inventory (I’m not good with this coding stuff).

That said, I adjusted that code along the way (better yet, I learnt how to actually use it), I think that shouldn’t be a problem anymore - just have to find time to write these entries, and I guess also make their links look visually distinct from the ones that appear next to them.

I’ll see if I can come up with some more hints for the object interactions, that’s always a tricky thing. The control thy self section is indeed meant to be fully trialed and errored! Though I see your point, I’ll also see if I can come up with some better names for the controls, while also not spoiling their functionality from the start.

Thank you for the review and suggestions! Btw, I have now fixed that little code thingy as well.

Can you lock yourself out of getting ending 2 if you’ve progressed too much? Got 3 but I can’t for the life of me figure out what else I have to do. Only thing I can think of is it’s related to the terrace.

You can indeed lock yourself out of that ending! And the terrace can help you out, but will not lead you to it.

What you have to do is to try to, from the start, be as destructive and unhelpful as possible around the apartment, while also getting Eleanor very, very full.

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Love the premise, but man I’m struggling. I’ve played through 3 times doing things differently each time and I always end up with ending 3. Certainly looking forward to any guide that comes out!

Edit: Spoke too soon, found ending 2. How many endings are there at this current state?

Love the game and spent hours on it to get ending 3, but i cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the bag to open back up or how to activate the bread basket puzzle

I found a number of things that do not seem to work as intended. I copied the text so it might be possible to search for them.

Eleanor crouches, the motion pulling her skirt taut across her backside. “Waste not…” She brushes a biscuit against her apron’s hem - less cleaning than redistributing crumbs.

Three methodical bites. Four. By the fifth, she’s sitting against the wooden cabinet, legs splayed around the biscuit debris. Her stomach presses a gentle curve against the apron’s crosshatched fabric.

[[->Past sewing box dull knife cutscene 2

There seems to be something missing or incomplete.

The writing desk gleams with recent polish. Neat stacks of unopened letters stand aligned beside a regiment of freshly filled ink pots. A hand mirror hangs from a brass hook on the desk’s edge, its surface spotless.

The half-finished letter lies centered on the blotter, flanked by a row of well-worn pens. A paperweight bird stands nearby.

[[ After she leave the desk the mirror appears there even if you have it in inventory

Dublicate item appears here and can be picked up infinitly.

The hand mirror is silver, its surface very polished. The frame is elaborately decorated, with swirling patterns and delicate floral motifs - far too ornate for everyday use, you reckon.

Of course, there is still no reflection of your form - but there’s not one for the bathroom either. Instead, whichever the side it points towards, it keeps showing you the same exact view of this bedroom.

Well… not really. Seen through the mirror’s reflection, the angle seems to be slightly shifted to the left.

[[ The bathroom mirror can use the handmirror. But that sents oneself back to the bedroom.

Here is the “Back” path wrongly linked.

The quill hesitates over the ancient dishes, its nib quivering as if recognizing something familiar. Then, with a sharp flick, it begins to write.

As the ink settles, the paper detaches from it and drifts between you and the sideboard. It appears they have attempted a rough translation of the text - better yet, the repeating word - on the perimeter of each of the plates.

  1. BREAD

  2. APPLE


The quill hovers briefly and proudly taps down twice onto the paper.

[[ next section leaves in error

A description that can only be left in error


[[ The Bread Basket after the loafs of bread appear

A description that is just missing.

There a 3 endings based on the first post.

Once the bag is closed I don’t believe it can be opened back up. Hint: think about making sure you interact with the correct things with the bag. Not all should be interacted with.

For the bread basket, have you found the pen and quill yet?

Thank you so much! The text did help, was much easier to find the passages this way. All of those errors should now be fixed.


Yep, you cannot open it back up… I should probably add a way to convince it to do so, in retrospective that does seem a little unfair.

Ah right on, must have glanced past that lol

is the “pinned on bed” the final highest weight stage before any endings? Does eleanor get bigger in ending 2 than in 3?

Still working on getting ending 2

That is indeed the last stage, but I will say if you’re seeing that description, you are not yet heading towards the second ending, you have to be a little more destructive around the house.

As a warning, it is possible to have already done too many helpful things around the house, and not being able to reach that!