Super fatty RPG fan game

Nice. Can’t wait to play it

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sorry if this is weird but does somone have the donky kong transition sound

you could try downloading the game itself and taking the file out, but i don’t know if it’ll need a certain unpacker/file viewer. changing file types is easy if necessary

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the beta game i think candyyyyyyyy ah by buggygamemaker

and new candy wall

nw_elf.dll is missing, can’t launch the installer

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Even with the file you’ll see another error I tried to do it with the file and I’ve had no luck launching the game

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does it work now

It’s really close to being fully playable but apparently you’re missing some bgm files?

what is a scene9.ogg

I’m not sure to be honest it could be something wrong on my end but I did see a similar file that had a 3 instead of a 9

maybe try to rename?
og sfrpg also had name issues from missing stuff

it does work if you rename it I just did that and it works now

it says something about a moth does anyone know about this

how about making a png in paint and naming it that lol?

It didnt work I tried to do it

maybe the dimensions aren’t met proper, but there’s no way knowing them considering the file is missing. So, meh.

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my code is gone for some ransom

i am in a lot of pain

oh moth was a ester egg here it is